View Full Version : Help flattening veneer with lettering

Tony Trivigno
11-20-2018, 3:00 PM
Hi all, i need some advice on flattening veneer that has lettering on one side. I know basically how to do it if it was plain veneer, but never tried doing it with writing. I restore ouija boards. The old wooden ones prior to the late 30’s. I have done many over the years but never had one like this. It has major water damage. The veneer on both sides became wavy and separated/cracked etc. some of the black ink used back then has run a bit onto the clean wood sections. Both front and back veneer are now free from the core piece of pine they used. Im guessing the veneer is also pine. Here is where i need the help. What is my best way to soften the veneer before pressure without damaging the ink letters more? Can i wet from the side without lettering? And also is there a way to remove or lighten the areas where the ink ran? Some spots i can see the black ink has soaked through the veneer completely. I wasnt sure if anyone had a trick for lightening/removing. Thanks for any help

Mike King
11-21-2018, 11:50 AM
I have no real idea but since no one has replied, I'd suggest taking a very small area and testing for water fastness. If it is water fast, then your traditional glycerin/water spray kraft paper sandwich pressure method should work.


Doug Garson
11-21-2018, 12:07 PM
Pictures would help. Maybe try some heat from a heat gun would soften the veneer.

Tony Trivigno
11-21-2018, 12:55 PM
I wanted to post pictures but have no idea how

Tony Trivigno
11-21-2018, 12:57 PM
Mike, thanks for the reply. I did try and it seems to be ok. But im not sure over time if it will stay that way. The water test was done for about an hour with no problems. But im worried over the course of 24 hours etc if something could happen. Let me figure out how to add pics

johnny means
11-21-2018, 6:32 PM
Ink that ran can be blotted up with alcohol. I typically use a Q-tip and work very daintily.
I wouldn't bother flattening the veneer. I would just glue and press it.

Tom Bender
11-22-2018, 6:47 AM
To post a picture click on the third icon from the right.