View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
11-19-2018, 9:56 AM
19 Nov 2018

The LOML and I have been helping our youngest son with various aspects of his life and today, he's trying to get into the U.S. Army so we'll see how this goes.
I have a lot of wood cut up in the shop for cutting boards. I'm going to sell some and I'm going to give some away. It's nice to be making stuff in the shop again. This week, I'm planning on trying my hand at smoking a turkey in my electric smoker. Never done this, so wish me luck. :)

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of Thanksgiving Weeks to you all!!

Jim Becker
11-19-2018, 10:50 AM
Dennis, it's great that you're back to "shop season" and enjoying your time out there. You do great work and I know it's important to you!

This past week I spent a lot of time designing and prototyping some CNC produced small box designs for a variety of applications. It's all part of coming up with some "stuff" that I can produce to sell in-between commissions and other work. I'm cautiously optimistic that I have things "nailed" and will know for sure later today when the barrel hinges I'm using arrive from Lee Valley. It's definitely a lot of "hurry up and wait" type activity, but at least I can continue with some shop cleanup/organization while things are cutting as well as, well...visit SMC and other sites from the CNC computer while I'm hanging out with my heavy, yellow "employee". :) I anticipate more of the same this week while looking forward to some great food at a friend's house on the holiday.

Bill Carey
11-19-2018, 11:52 AM
Weird - my son is coming today to get help with various aspects of his life, and I'm smoking a turkey for the first time in my propane smoker. Great minds think alike. Regarding the turkey, good luck to us both.
I spent the weekend working on Grandpa's slippers.

Rod Sheridan
11-19-2018, 11:59 AM
After weeks of no shop time I finally had a few hours to start work on a breakfront spice cabinet for the kitchen.

It will be about 60" high and 30" wide, made from some salvaged red oak boards from a friend................Regards, Rod.

Charles Taylor
11-19-2018, 1:09 PM
Around the middle of last week, I put the lower cabinet of my so-called coffee station together.
There are doors to be made and an upper hutch as well, not to mention more finishing. I set this aside, however, to make the top of a desk that a buddy is making as a Christmas gift for his son. Once I get it out of the clamps and smoothed, he'll take the walnut glue-up from me and attach it to a welded steel frame.

Jay Larson
11-19-2018, 2:14 PM
Friday we(my fiancée and I) went to the ladies night at the local Harley shop. Looked at some boots and a helmet for her. But there were none in her size that she liked. I also took a look, and look only, at a bike with a price tag over $42,000. Yow.

Saturday I spent a little time in the shop before heading over to an early Thanksgiving meal.

Yesterday, I was able to spend most of the day out there. Put together a drawer for my project and milled up some QS oak for the next version. I am having a difficult time pulling the trigger and gluing up the current version. I have everything all set, but just keep thinking I am missing something and don't want to take that step. Maybe tonight...

Mike Ontko
11-19-2018, 6:15 PM
I haven't posted to this weekly thread for a while--an indicator that I haven't been accomplishing much over the past 3-4 months, I guess :/

But I finally made it over the hump of building the side rails and then installing the bed hardware from Rockler on my year-old barnwood bed project (pic below), so I'm almost in the home stretch.

The new house has a cramped 600 sq ft garage, compared to the 2-car extended 850 sq ft of my previous location. I was surprised I actually had enough room to assemble the bed.