View Full Version : Shop Accidents #2 (Reasons)

Shelley Bolster
11-29-2005, 3:42 PM
Darn.....thought I could put 2 polls under one thread but obviously I can't.

The above poll will hopefully lend an insight to why accidents actually occure.

tod evans
11-29-2005, 3:48 PM
and just where is the i was in a hurry button? guess i`ll use the "duh" button.

Mark Singer
11-29-2005, 3:55 PM
Yeah...we were in a hurry:)

Cecil Arnold
11-29-2005, 3:55 PM
Shelley, I spent about 15 years in the safety business and found that most accidents are caused by one of two things, complacency (I've done this a million times) and tired/in a hurry (its been a long day but I'm just going to do this one operation or I need to do one more thing to get through). Having looked at you survey I noticed you left out the second big cause

Matt Meiser
11-29-2005, 4:40 PM
Just posted my story, so I won't repeat it here.

Scott Parks
11-29-2005, 4:45 PM
Just posted on the other poll.. But, what about 'not knowing what you are doing' lack of instruction/training? (I checked inexperience) But properly trained, you may be inexperienced the first time doing something....

Shelley Bolster
11-29-2005, 5:08 PM
I tried right after I posted the poll to go back and add 'In a Hurry".....which by the way was the leading cause coupled with Being Tired, for my own accident. However, it seems I can not modify or edit a Poll........if i can, please will someone tell me? When I wrote it up I was in fact........In A Hurry!;) :o :o

George Summers
11-29-2005, 5:47 PM
I think that 'inattentiveness' and 'could have been prevented-human error' fall together for the one I had.


Jim Young
11-29-2005, 6:10 PM
Luckily I've had very few accidents, none serious. Each time it was something that I have done many times, just lost concentration. Worked in a Chemical company in Germany many years back as a youth and quickly learned the importance of safety, Germans have always been fanatic about safety.

Kent Cori
11-30-2005, 9:53 AM
One of my roles is the safety of about 1000 people at my firm. We deal with design and construction of large civil projects such as roads, bridges, manufacturing plants and even decomissioning of nuclear materials storage facilities. Safety is our number one concern both on the construction site and in the office. We have a very comprehensive health, safety and environment program as you can imagine.

We've found that there are four primary triggers for safety violations. They are:

1. Complacency (I've done this hundreds of times before.)
2. Fatigue
3. Rushing or hurring
4. Frustration

All of our incidents have resulted from one or more of these triggers. I suspect the same is true in our own woodworking shops.

Dennis Peacock
11-30-2005, 7:32 PM
My 2 leading causes are:

1. Working while tired.
2. trying to cut wood that is twisted in an attempt to cut the "twist" out of the wood. Won't EVER do that again.:o

Tony Falotico
11-30-2005, 7:59 PM
My 'incident' (TS Kickback into the stomach), which resulted in minor injury (Bad bruise with scar I still have), was the day before a show, in a hurry, OVER-tired, a cut I should NEVER have attempted, I knew better, but I tried it anyway.

Thank God it ended simply in a painful wake-up call and not a serious injury!

Frank Pellow
11-30-2005, 8:22 PM
I'm really fortunate in that I have never had an incident. :)

But, that means that I can't vote in this poll. That prbably should have been listed as one of the voting choices.

I believe that, if I do have an incident some day, it will be due to innatentiveness becuase I do tend to "day dream" sometimes. :(

Shelley Bolster
12-01-2005, 9:43 AM
Frank, if you check out the first thread "Shop Accidents", you will notice that I did indeed have a I have never had an injury (-20 hours week) choice. This poll, which I mistakenly thought I could include on the same page, was set up for those who have had accident. What can I say, I guess I just suck at setting up a poll. :o (first time eh? ;) ), I had hoped this one would paint a clear picture of WHY accidents occur in the workshop as well as give others an opportunity to share their experiences which hopefully will prevent others from repeating the same mistakes. And Yes.........like I stated before, I did try to add "in a hurry" but could not modify it.

When I get the use of my right hand back enough to write, I am thinking about making up a few little signs for around my shop using the the list that Kent gave. (thanks Kent :) )

1. Complacency (I've done this hundreds of times before.):cool:

2. Fatigue:o

3. Rushing or hurrying:rolleyes:

4. Frustration:mad:

Frank Pellow
12-01-2005, 10:24 AM
Frank, if you check out the first thread "Shop Accidents", you will notice that I did indeed have a I have never had an injury (-20 hours week) choice.

Sorry Shelly, I never saw that poll. I was away for a day and a half and I guess it appeared then. I did wonder a bit what the #2 refered to, but I was obviously too lazy to find out. I have now voted in the other poll (but I had to vote the "no injury semi-pro" option because I am definately woodworking more than 20 hours a week -but for no remuneration).

What can I say, I guess I just suck at setting up a poll. :o (first time eh? ;) )

No you don't. The polls are fine -it was me who was confused.