View Full Version : Does This Happen to You?

Jim Koepke
11-06-2018, 1:42 PM
Many times in my life it seems shortly after fulfilling my lust for a new tool or other item, the thing then goes on discount.

My most recent experience with this was my search for a pad saw for a specific project. My plan of acquisition on something like this is to plan well ahead in the acquisition department. There have been too many laments here and elsewhere of folks planning on doing a project and the timeline included quick turn around on a tool order. Then something is back ordered and the tool is unavailable and the whole timeline is ruined.

Back up to the point of all this my recent purchase of a pad saw was done after a little "shopping around"on pricing. For what was going on at the time a very nice complete saw was found and purchased at a reasonable price.

Now it seems the market for pad saws has become flooded and the bottom has dropped out. It is enough to tempt me into purchasing another with an ebony handle.

Look close at the ones listed. The blade holding screws should have the same threads. Some look like there is thread damage. There should also be a small piece of metal held in the handle to go between the screws and the blade when holding it in place.

My search term> "pad saw" -carbide -fabric -drywall -flower -miter -oscillating -hacksaw <

There is no affiliation between myself and any current listing of pad saws on ebay. My brother is a regular ebay seller. His current listings may number as high as 1000 auctions and/or 'Buy It Now' listings.


William Fretwell
11-06-2018, 3:47 PM
I bought my pad saw 38 years ago for about $7 brand new. Used it twice, bout right for a $7 tool.
As for antique tools, never had a good experience. Dealers want a fortune. My wooden plane off eBay is worm holed wood and very rusty steel, the pictures did not do it justice. For half the money I could buy a new blade and make one that works!
Modern tools are a different story on eBay, several Hilti electric concrete drills in like new condition for 25% of new.

If antique hand tools were sold for a realistic value (I’m not a museum): say 25% of listed prices I might buy more, until then I am happy to support today’s good tool makers keeping the genre alive.

Alexander Zagubny
11-06-2018, 5:20 PM
That definitely happened to me. Last time when I made an order from axminster (UK) and next day boom! They had a discount due to England playing semi-final in FIFA cup. Didn't see that coming :)
So I had to make another order with more tools :D

I'm usually stop monitoring tools I'm interested in once I order one. At ebay it's too easy to find similar tools cheaper or in better condition. And browsing for tools doesn't make any progress in my current projects, so I try to buy early and forget about it until delivery (which usually takes more than two weeks). It also makes me free of doubts about so much options.

I like browsing tools but don't want to end up with a lot of beautiful old tools that I won't use and don't want to suffer from endlessly choosing right offer. So I have to discipline myself and clean up saved searches eventually.

lowell holmes
11-06-2018, 8:30 PM

Are these the saws you are talking about. If they are, I am puzzled.

Jim Koepke
11-06-2018, 9:48 PM

Are these the saws you are talking about. If they are, I am puzzled.

Similar, mine looks like this:


A little different than a plastic handle with a blade molded in.

What is the puzzle? The pricing seems to be over a wide range.
