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View Full Version : My families wood working patent, 1875

Bill Dufour
11-04-2018, 9:26 PM
My Great grand father and his brothers invented a machine to cut fence picket heads with a giant shaper head. They sold the rights for enough money my great Grand father bouht ten acres of new orange grove in California and retired. No one told him it was too cold in winter to grow oranges there.
We understand the real improvemnet was a piece of scrap wood screwed to the fence so the good wood does not splinter. This was probably a common thing to do but they got it patented! I do the same thing today on my shaper and my tablesaw cutoff miter gage.
Bill D.


And I guess this company made them to sell?

Ron Citerone
11-05-2018, 8:16 AM
That's very interesting. I would frame that drawing and hang it in my shop as a conversation starter.

Roger Feeley
11-05-2018, 9:50 AM
That's very interesting. I would frame that drawing and hang it in my shop as a conversation starter.

I would totally make art out of this. There are companies that specialize in etching patent drawings into metal.

Jim Barkelew
11-05-2018, 11:44 AM
There are several patents in or family's past I made 8x10 glossy b/w photos of the drawings and framed them. Great family gifts.