View Full Version : Thermal imaging camera

Kurt Swanson
10-19-2018, 10:24 AM
I'm considering purchasing a thermal imaging camera for my iphone. I've been installing a few cabinets for clients of mine and finding the studs is sometimes difficult. Also concerned about hitting electrical, plumbing or gas lines. I'm currently looking at Flir, Seek or Walabot. Anybody have any luck with these devices?

Floyd Mah
10-19-2018, 10:32 AM
Try a $15 Harbor Freight metal detector. It's probably as accurate, resolution-wise as a thermal imaging camera, but requires a bit more work as you manually have to wave the device over the wall. I guess it might come down to time vs. money. Might still be a good, cheap adjunct to a scanner.

Charles Lent
10-19-2018, 12:49 PM
Thermal imaging won't be very accurate and it won't show pipes or wires unless they are a significantly different temperature than the wall and change the temperature of the wall surface.
Most, if not all of the wall sensors on the market are designed to see variations in wall density, not temperature differences. I have a sensor that I use for finding studs, but it isn't much good for sensing anything else. I'm seriously considering getting the Franklin 710 Pro Sensor ($51) https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS814US814&ei=rwrKW_LlEYa2zwKbv5WgCg&q=franklin+710+stud+finder&oq=franklin+7&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.35i39j0l9.6392.6392..9012...0.0.. .....0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71.1A7iP_Wxz7o because a friend of mine has one, and his demonstrations of it for me have been very impressive.


Lee Schierer
10-19-2018, 2:31 PM
I recently had to find studs behind a bathroom wall that was cement board with tile over it. Knowing that metal fasteners are used to hang drywall or cement board, I used my little wizard metal detector and some rare earth magnets to locate the studs. First I scanned the wall with the metal detector and when I located a screw I was able to get a magnet to hang on the wall where the screw was. Then I searched directly above that screw and located a second one. With two screws located one above the other I was able to determine where the stud was. The little wizard sells for about $25.

Jared Sankovich
10-19-2018, 3:29 PM
Thermal isn't going to do what you want. You need a temp differential.

I have the seek compact pro (2x sensitivity and 4x resolution of the flir pro) and studs in a interior wall are not happening.

Now exterior walls with a 30 degree temperature differential sure from the outside..sure

Or headers and missing insulation inside

Brad Shipton
10-19-2018, 6:46 PM
A general contractor we work with tried the Walabot. It did not turn out to be all that accurate for their needs. Flir works great for figuring out your wall performance, but it is not going to work for this. I would stick with old school methods.

John Goodin
10-19-2018, 9:23 PM
I own and use a thermal imaging camera for work and agreed completely with Jared.

Ed Aumiller
10-19-2018, 10:38 PM
Lee... Great idea... definitely going to use that method...especially the magnet part of it.... THANKS