View Full Version : Time to replace the bearings

Jason Solodow
11-28-2005, 2:52 AM
Hey everyone-
I haven't posted in awhile, LOML recently moved into a new place (apartment) and I haven't had much shop time lately. Between car problems and alot of travel with work my shop time has been nil. Anyway, finally had a bit of time to get out to the lathe and put a piece of wood on it and started turning it and noticed a rather decent amount of wobble in the piece. Turned it down a little and no matter what couldn't get rid of the wobble, so I unmounted the piece and put a small mark on the chuck and wouldn't you know that there is some vibration in the spindle. So, I'm hoping I can fix it with just a new bearing and a new belt. Anyway, I've got a Jet 1236, my question is, is how the bloody H do you get that bearing out of the headstock???

Any help would be appreciated...