View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
09-09-2018, 11:57 PM
10 Sep 2018

The good news is that I get off of oncall duty in just over 9 hours from now. Even better news is that I spent some time in the shop this weekend to make some cutting boards out of a lot of scrap material I had laying around in the shop. Mind as well make stuff out of scrap to make some extra money when I can, right? Been raining a good bit here and I'm really liking the cooler temps that this weather brings. More news to come out of my shop later this week. So for now, it's off to bed before I get a call and have to get up.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Bill Adamsen
09-10-2018, 9:08 AM
Saturday built doors for a kitchen and as I disassembled the tenoning setup decided to build a convenient place to hang the table clamps. Embarrassingly primitive but gets the job done.

Shifted to making a trailer bunk for my winter frostbite sailing dinghy. Cut strips of oak for laminating and blocks of WRC for core material. Used the vacuum bag and produced a nifty curved and super strong trailer bunk. Looking for a non-absorbent foam to glue on top.


Jim Becker
09-10-2018, 9:48 AM
'Glad you're coming off on-call, Dennis...I know that can be stressful. :) And nice you got some shop time, too!

I had a small order of photo panels to complete and deliver this past week and continued some design work on a collaborative effort with another maker. I also did some CNC design work to help automate my tack trunk projects and some other things. Got started on a marker post that matches my recent mailbox project to carry the first responder-friendly number sign that will be more visible than the numbers on the mailbox post at night.

Rod Sheridan
09-11-2018, 8:12 AM
I installed the concrete downspout gargoyle on the shed...............Rod.

Aaron Rosenthal
09-11-2018, 10:02 AM
Finished up putting on the gutter guards on the north side of the house, and spent time finishing of my new standing book rest. I’ll have pictures of it up next week, since I delivered it to the institution just before religious “black out” two days.
Found out we had a new grandson, #16

Jim Becker
09-11-2018, 10:07 AM
I installed the concrete downspout gargoyle on the shed...............Rod.

And for this...we need photos! :) :D

Rod Sheridan
09-11-2018, 10:19 AM
And for this...we need photos! :) :D

OK, in Vancouver on work, will get you a photo on the weekend..............Rod.

Jay Larson
09-11-2018, 2:42 PM
Finally getting back to some of the online stuff...

I was on vacation for two weeks for some off-roading in California, Utah, and Colorado. Truly a bucket-list type of vacation. Did the Rubicon Trail in California, Sand Hollow and Moab trails in Utah, and a couple more in Ouray, Colorado.

This last week found me replacing the sump pump (thankfully after I got home), hosting a family get together, and cutting down a supposedly healthy pine tree. The tree snapped about a foot off the ground in a wind. Still trying to figure that out.

Malcolm Schweizer
09-11-2018, 4:13 PM
Busy week. I finally got the Lie-Nielsen twin screw vise ALMOST on the bench that I've been using for a year or more now. :-) It was a challenge. I drilled a hole a wee bit off and had to fill it with epoxy and start over. If you buy this vise, you need a VERY GOOD drill press if you are going to make your own chop. Your press needs to have enough throw to go all the way through, as well as to change bits with it locked in place. That was my problem- my drill press didn't have enough throw (cheapie small tabletop press) and I had to move the workpiece to drill the hole, then drill it in two steps. If I could have drilled the first recess- change bits- drill second recess- change bits- drill through hole all without moving the piece, this would not have been a problem.

I also lofted and made the template for the rudder stock for my boat build, and secured a workspace to build the boat. Yeah- I know- that probably should have been step 1. I am running on faith here. Found a nice shop with plenty of room for a good rate, and so I won't be borrowing but actually paying a small rent for my own space. Yay.

Sharpened some stuff, polished some bronze for the boat, and fixed a washer/dryer unit. Living up to my wife's old saying- If you're not handsome, be handy.

Rod Sheridan
09-16-2018, 4:34 PM

As requested sir.....................Regards, Rod.

P.S. Friday in Calgary I needed the snow scraper for the rental car.

Got back to Toronto about 21:00, it was 27C..................What an autumn

Mike Kees
09-16-2018, 7:40 PM
I had my phase converter installed at the shop. Found one used and everything works great. Also got the jointer that I bought in July wired in so now I can begin using it as soon as I get my knives back from being sharpened. Excitement, kinda like Christmas...

Corey Pelton
09-16-2018, 9:00 PM
Hi everyone!

just finished up the WWG gaming table for a friend. Learned a ton on this project and had a lot of fun building it. Lots of hand tools and squaring up mortises and corners.

Final dimensions are 54” x 54” square and a 48” square playing area. Made a top for it as well, though he said he’ll never use it, hah.


Paul Girouard
09-16-2018, 11:44 PM
Did duty at the local builders Home Show tour at one of our houses.
Our first year to enter, we won Best in Show and 8 other awards!
I was the Superintendent/ lead carpenter on the project.