View Full Version : First little box question(s)

Rick Smith
11-25-2005, 3:50 PM
I tried to make a little box for my wife to carry her aspirins in in her purse... and have a question. Do you finish the inside and the shoulder? I don't know if the friction polish will affect the aspirins, and/or will it make the lid stick?(Sorry about the pictures... Santa has a new camera on his list...)

John Miliunas
11-25-2005, 4:02 PM
Rick, cute little box!:) Sorry I'm no help to you with the details you're asking for but, I can't help but wonder how long it would be before wear, humidity changes and just getting knocked around in a purse would render the friction fit useless?:confused: I'm thinking you might want to check these out: http://www.leevalley.com/wood/page.aspx?c=2&p=32874&cat=1,330,43243

Seems like it woud be perfect for your particular application, although you may have to turn a new box to fit. Then, after she shows it to her friends, setup production!!!:D :) :cool:

Blake McCully
11-25-2005, 4:43 PM
I've only made a few boxes, mostly just to see if I could. The one thing that I'd been told numerous times is that never use friction polish on the inside of boxes because the smill will almost never go away.:confused: The concept of the little box for a few aspirins is pretty cool although I'd have to echo what John says about getting bumped around in a purse for a while.

Leave the inside unfinished, ask your wife to use it for a month or two and see what happens.

Rick Smith
11-25-2005, 5:26 PM
for the link, John. I'll try those. It was mainly just a little "knock around" box, anyway. I'll take Blake's advice an see how it holds up after a month or two...

John Hart
11-26-2005, 9:54 AM
For a knock around box, my first thought was, Why not thread it? I saw an article a couple of weeks ago on threading boxes. It looked very easy, inexpensive and fun. Just a thought in my pointed head :)

Gary DeWitt
11-26-2005, 11:05 AM
As far as finish goes, shellac (the main ingredient in friction polish) has been used for a long time to coat pills so they go down easier. FDA approved food safe. You can use shellac alone as a friction finish, and after a short time it won't smell noticeably.
As far as the threaded rings, havn't used 'em but they look like a good idea. One thing I tried and didn't like is a pill box kit, consisting of the box in "brass" with a spot in the top to glue in a piece of turned wood. The catch didn't hold up to being tossed around inside a purse, even though gently carried.
Not worth my time.
If any kit manufacturers are following this forum, please, please consider making sturdier, more upscale kits. I'd pay double for a machined or at least better quality pillbox. Same for perfume holders, etc.