View Full Version : My 1st project from the new shop

Ken Shoemaker
11-25-2005, 8:43 AM
I humbly submit this project for critiques and comments. I took a picture I saw of a small mantle clock as inspiration. SWMBO asked for a wall clock in our new family room I recently finished.

I have no experience in wood working. During the project I experienced two kickbacks on the table saw, planed wood to thin, screwed up at least as much wood as it took to build it, but all in all, I had a great time.

Thank you in advance for your frank comments. I live by the "Don't ask the question if your not ready for the answer".


scott spencer
11-25-2005, 8:47 AM
Looks really nice Ken! Great work. A clock like that is not an easy first project. You're not alone in messing up perfectly good innocent wood! :o I made a wall clock for my brother last summer and made some major boo-boos! :eek:

Taste is subjective so take mine with a grain of salt...I like the design of your clock alot, especially the arched bottom but would prefer a contrasting clock face similar to the one in the pic on the right.

Jim Hager
11-25-2005, 8:52 AM
I already typed this once but I don't for the life of me know where it went.

The way you learn is to mess up. Keep messin up and you will learn that it is significantly cheaper to do it right the first time.:rolleyes: If you are tight enough you will learn to do it without so many mistakes.:confused:

As to the clock. Looks great, like someone who knew what they were doing built it. You need to fix that light switch right there next to it.:D

Brian Hale
11-25-2005, 8:52 AM
During the project I experienced two kickbacks on the table saw, planed wood to thin, screwed up at least as much wood as it took to build it, but all in all, I had a great time.

Sounds like a normal day in the shop for me! :rolleyes:

Thats a VERY sharp looking clock!! I like how you used 4 dowels on the clock face instead of a bunch of numbers, creates a much cleaner look. What finish did you put on it?

Brian :)

It's a shame you couldn't get the pendulum to hang straight :p

Russ Massery
11-25-2005, 8:54 AM
Ken, Very nice, I think the most important I read out of your post is you said you had a great time making these. But please be careful with that kickback:rolleyes:


Ken Fitzgerald
11-25-2005, 8:55 AM
Ken....excellent first project! Excellent! We all learn through experience and mistakes. Some of our best lessons are learned that way. Stay the course you did well!

Bernie Weishapl
11-25-2005, 9:54 AM
Ken, excellent job on the clock. What finish did you use? I am like you. I always double my wood order so when I make a mistake I will have enough to finish the project. Keep it up.

Ken Shoemaker
11-25-2005, 11:23 AM
Thanks to all for looking.... and the inspiring words.

Sat fety is the most important thing I learned.

Russ, While "kickbacks" are certainly a "charachter builder" I have absolutly no desire to repeat that.

Scott, I counld't agree more. A contrasting face would have lent more more interest to the piece. However, on this one, for lack of knowlege, I let my monochromatic LOML inject to much input. (Can't wait to tell her .. nenernerner).

Brian and Bernie, I used Sam Maloof's Ploy/Oil (2 coats) then Arm-R-Seal (4 coats). By the way, the pendelum IS hanging plumb. Did I mention that wall was my first one???? :eek::D :D :D :D

Thanks again, you guys are the best mentors I novice could ask for..

Frank Pellow
11-25-2005, 11:31 AM
And a very well done project it is!

John Buzzurro
11-25-2005, 11:32 AM
Ken - Excellent first project. My first project looked nowhere near that good. I agree with the other posters about using a contrasting wood for the face.

My only comment is - be careful on the tablesaw.

Brian Hale
11-25-2005, 11:45 AM
.......... By the way, the pendelum IS hanging plumb. Did I mention that wall was my first one???? :eek::D :D :D :D

ROFLMAO :D :D :cool:

Brian :)

scott spencer
11-25-2005, 11:49 AM
...snip... Scott, I counld't agree more...However, on this one, for lack of knowlege, I let my monochromatic LOML inject to much input. (Can't wait to tell her .. nenernerner). :eek: :eek: Oh great! Get me added to "another" list! ;)

lou sansone
11-25-2005, 2:23 PM
great looking clocks... they are a lot of fun to build. If you really get into them, do a google search on "english bracket clocks" I think that they are just the greatest looking things. Unfortunatly the works that really should go in the true bracket clock it unaffordable and pretty much unattainable.

best wishes

Dan Forman
11-25-2005, 4:29 PM
Very nice work, esp for a first project. Since you asked for critique, my only little niggle is that from a design standpoint, I think it would have been more effective to have preserved the offset spacing of the lower upright pieces, (similar to your model) so as not to obscure the pendulem so much during it's travel.


Vaughn McMillan
11-25-2005, 4:43 PM
Real nice clock Ken, especially for a first project. My first several projects were nowhere near as nice. Like some of the other folks here, my scrap pile is sometimes bigger than my finished project, too. At least you still ended up with what you were trying to build, instead of the proverbial "entertainment center that became a nightstand" I often speak about.

Add my vote to the contrasting clock face suggestion. (And LOYL can add me to her list...just give her Lee DeRaud's address. ;) )

- Vaughn

Jason Tuinstra
11-25-2005, 5:29 PM
Ken, glad to hear you had fun with all the "issues" you had during the building process. The clocks turned out great.