View Full Version : Uwila Platter

Dick Parr
11-25-2005, 2:57 AM
Last summer at the BBQ Big Mike brought along some blanks for making platters and gave each of us one. I have never heard of this name of wood or could I find any information on the web, Uwila.

The platter finished out at 11" x 1" and is buffed with the beall buffing system. This wood is very heavy and dense, but I love the color and grain.

Thanks again Mike.;)

Dick Parr
11-25-2005, 2:59 AM
Here is its.:o

Chris Barton
11-25-2005, 7:11 AM
Nice looking platter Dick and I too like the color!

John Miliunas
11-25-2005, 7:35 AM
Wow, that species is a new one on me, as well! BUT, looks very cool! I like it and you did a nice job with it, Dick!:) :cool:

John Shuk
11-25-2005, 8:42 AM
Maybe its short for Uwila likea turning this stuff!

John Hart
11-25-2005, 10:17 AM
Very nice looking platter Dick! I'll see if I can find any info on the wood....Very interesting grain. I still have yet to do a platter :(

Andy Hoyt
11-25-2005, 10:24 AM
Nice, Dick. Did you put it to good use yeaterday?

Bill Stevener
11-25-2005, 2:31 PM
Very nice turning Dick.
I have scoured all of my resources for that species of wood. The best I can come up with, it seems to be a Hawaiian term-word.
None the less, UWILA let us know what you find out. Did you ask Mike about this, I am sure he has an answer :D.

John Hart
11-25-2005, 3:06 PM
Here's an Hawaiian Hint

Kia‘i ia e ka Uwila noho i uka ~ Guarded by the Kauila tree living on land

Joe Horne
11-25-2005, 3:35 PM
According to a good friend and turning mentor, the correct name for the wood is Kwila. He says it is native to Malaysia, and most notably used for competition croquet mallet heads. I think I remember him having some while drooling over his collection of exotic hardwoods. Personally I have no idea, but I am sure he is correct.........he knows exotic wood well.

Dick Parr
11-25-2005, 4:41 PM
Thank you everyone for the nice comments. It was not a bad wood to turn.

Joe I think you have it, the marking on the wood more then likely was a "K". It was in chalk and looked like a big "U" with a little line off the right side which I thought might have been a "Q". I could see where this would be a great wood to use for mallet heads as like I said it is very dense and heavy. Thank you for clearing that up.;)

Now we all know, thanks again everyone.

Bill Stevener
11-25-2005, 4:56 PM
Hi Joe,
I took notice to your post, I turn a good verity of exotic wood so set off again to find this species. Wood pecking on the net. unbeknownst to me, you slipped in an edit to your post, as to the spelling. I did find Quila, however it's a climbing Bamboo, only found in Chile. Being quite confused, I pecked on with "Quinilla" I think it's the same or about the same as what we call IPE. quite hard and very inexpensive. I have turned the same.

Good reference page --- http://irokocana.ca/page/quinilla%20decking.htm

Back to wood pecking on the net, Found "Kwila" Now I think we have it.

Reference page -- http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/hardwoodsqld/8271.html

Looks like the page will not come up -- Google it "Kwila" first one on the page.
Got the ref. page to work--Bill.
Well all in all, was fun poking around, thanks for the info. Joe, this may be of interest to Dick and others.

Michael Stafford
11-25-2005, 5:38 PM
Dick, your Kwila platter looks great. I'm sorry my hurried writing of the word in chalk caused some confusion. Regardless of the kind of wood you turned a nice platter from it.:D

Jim Ketron
11-25-2005, 9:33 PM
Nice Platter Dick! Love the rim.

Bruce Shiverdecker
11-26-2005, 1:20 AM
Another Super job, dick.


Ernie Nyvall
11-26-2005, 7:53 AM
Nice work Dick. I tried a platter... didn't work out.


Glenn Hodges
11-26-2005, 8:06 AM
As I live thank goodness I am still learning, beautiful wood and job.

Mark Cothren
11-27-2005, 3:16 PM
Another good one, Dick! Glad you got Mike lined out on that wood...;)

Thanks for the pic!

Robert Watsek
11-27-2005, 11:17 PM
A great looking platter Dick! I have yet to turn one its on my list of things to do. Its a ever growing list.:rolleyes:

Glad Mike jumped in there and put a end to the mystery species, thanks big Mike.

