View Full Version : Possibly the smallest shop on the banks of "The Creek".

Ken Shoemaker
11-24-2005, 7:13 PM
I've been wadin' in for while but never figured out this picture attachment process.

Anyway, I wanted to share the 14 X 11' shop I've made in my basement. The major tools are;
Delta 36-680 Contractors Saw
Delta 28-475X Band Saw w/ Timberwolf blades 1/4" 3/8" 1/2"
Delta 37-275X Jointer
Delta 22-580 13" Planer
Delta 50-850 Dust Collector connected to 4" s&d pipe from the Orange Borg.

Since SWMBO will no longer let me drink or chase women, this is the compromise we've come up with. I'm just about to put the last coat or Arm-R-Seal on my first project. I'd like your opinions and critques when it's done.
Thanx for looking.... Ken

John Renzetti
11-24-2005, 7:20 PM
Hi Ken, That's a right nice, compact well organized shop. I'd say you've done pretty good since you can't drink and chase women anymore. :)
Happy Thanksgiving,
take care,

Russ Massery
11-24-2005, 7:24 PM
Ken, Thanks for sharing, love those shop photos. No wonder Delta was willng to replace your bandsaw, your whole shop filled with Delta equipment.I remember those days I started in freinds basement with same about the amount of room, Finally he said I had too much stuff I needed to move it somewhere else.

Mike Cutler
11-24-2005, 7:25 PM
Nice shop, but how do you keep it so clean. Mine always looks like a bomb went off in it:eek:

It's not the size of the shop that counts, it's the size of the imagination. That's a real nice space you have there. ;)

Jerry Clark
11-24-2005, 7:25 PM
Ken, it is a compact shop, but everything is close at hand :) -- probably a lot cheaper than "Chasing Women and Drinking". :rolleyes:

Bob Noles
11-24-2005, 7:32 PM

You got me beat by only 75 SQ as having the smallest shop and a small shop will certainly make you stay neat and organized for sure.

You have done a great job on putting that together and will spend many enjoyable hours in there. I really like the coziness of a smaller workspace myself. Be sure you put EVERYTHING on wheels and you will never really have a space problem.

Thanks for sharing.

John Miliunas
11-24-2005, 7:46 PM
Hey Ken, look at it this way: You may have one of the smallest shops but, your Shop Tour is quick and easy!!!:D

Seriously, my previous shop wasn't too much larger, though I didn't have nearly the organizational skills you demonstrate! Nice job!:)

The "weird" part of it all is, although my current shop is a whole lot bigger than the one I started with, I used to have just as much fun in there!:) Now, go mess up your shop, wouldya'?:D :cool:

Frank Pellow
11-24-2005, 7:47 PM
Nice shop Ken, and a great ad for Delta.

But, it is not the smallest shop on the creek. In 2004, I compiled a list of member's shop characteristics and there were 6 shops smaller than yours recorded in the list:

__140 sq ft -Bob Hovde
__137 sq ft -Pat Monahan
__128 sq ft -Wade Samuelson
__120 sq ft -Ray Johnson
__100 sq ft -Ralph Morris
___13 sq ft -Keith Zimmerman

Bob Noles
11-24-2005, 8:06 PM
Frank..... Surely that last one is a typo? :)

Bart Leetch
11-24-2005, 8:59 PM
Great little shop Ken.:D Now you've pushed me into it I will be posting pictures of my little bigger shop in just a few moments.:eek:

lou sansone
11-24-2005, 9:05 PM
13 sq feet... what .... are you sure frank? :)


David LaRue
11-24-2005, 9:51 PM
Very nice shop! Mine is a tad smaller, ~7 x 19 (133 sqft) by 21 SQFT, but I 've managed to overflow into another other room with my jointer and planer. :eek:

Edit: Can't seem to figure out how to delete the image on the left.. oops ;-)

Bruce Page
11-24-2005, 10:13 PM
Neat shop Ken! I love the floor!

Frank Pellow
11-24-2005, 10:21 PM
Frank..... Surely that last one is a typo? :)
No, it isn't a typo. As I recall, Keith's "shop" consists of a lathe in a closet.

Lee DeRaud
11-24-2005, 11:48 PM
No, it isn't a typo. As I recall, Keith's "shop" consists of a lathe in a closet.Hmm...doesn't he haul it out on the deck to use it? Or am I thinking of somebody else?

Vaughn McMillan
11-25-2005, 3:25 AM
Ken, that's a nice, well-rounded collection of tools, and it looks like you've got it well organized and set up so it's easy to use.

Seems to me I'm spending more on WW than I was on booze and fast women, but then again, I was a cheap date back in the day. ;)

- Vaughn

Dan Forman
11-25-2005, 5:00 AM
Nice, comfortable, exceptionally well organized shop. Let's see that project!


Frank Pellow
11-25-2005, 5:11 AM
Hmm...doesn't he haul it out on the deck to use it? Or am I thinking of somebody else?
As I recall, I asked Keith and he replied that he used in the closet (with the door open). But, you might be right.

tod evans
11-25-2005, 9:52 AM
nice shop ken! i believe you`ll find woodworking a tad more fulfilling than wild woman and whiskey. but not much cheaper! tod

Lee DeRaud
11-25-2005, 10:42 AM
As I recall, I asked Keith and he replied that he used in the closet (with the door open). But, you might be right.Nope, somebody else...took a little searching, but it turns out (no pun intended) to be Rich Stewart:
Depending on how you measure it, he may be in the running for the biggest shop on the banks of "The Creek".:eek:

Carl Hunsinger
11-25-2005, 7:18 PM
"Since SWMBO will no longer let me drink or chase women, this is the compromise..."

I've never heard of anybody drinking women.


Dennis Peacock
11-25-2005, 7:42 PM

Nice shop and very well organized. What a great place to spend on a cold winters day.!!!:D

Lee DeRaud
11-25-2005, 8:08 PM
"Since SWMBO will no longer let me drink or chase women, this is the compromise..."

I've never heard of anybody drinking women.You need to get out more.:p

Mike Wenzloff
11-25-2005, 8:59 PM
Hi Frank, and mine is 11.5 x 11.5 (132.25 sq/ft).

who's glad he has finally made a list <g>

John Bailey
11-25-2005, 9:24 PM
I don't drink or chase women now. Does that mean if I start up, then stop, my wife will reward me with new machines? This sounds like a winner!!


Lee DeRaud
11-25-2005, 9:26 PM
I don't drink or chase women now. Does that mean if I start up, then stop, my wife will reward me with new machines?It might work. But it might not be your current wife buying the new machines.

David Scarborough
11-25-2005, 10:04 PM
I may be able to approach the record regarding small shops. It depends on your definition of "shop". My shop consists of a workbench against a wall in a spare bedroom.
The bench is a variation of Norms (60"w x 24"d), and I have about 1 foot of space to the side to keep my toolbox and other tools. I've turned out bookcases, tool boxes, picture frames, clocks, TV stands, and even the guest platform bed that you can just see in the photo of my shop. I ballpark my shop at 12 square feet.
You just improvise, overcome, and adapt.

...now where can I put the treadle lathe I want to build?


Dave S

Frank Pellow
11-25-2005, 10:10 PM
Hi Frank, and mine is 11.5 x 11.5 (132.25 sq/ft).

who's glad he has finally made a list <g>
Sorry to have to disappoint you Mike, but I am no longer maintaining the list that you think you made.

Maybe, if there is enough interest, I will start it up again in the new year.

Frank Pellow
11-25-2005, 10:11 PM
I may be able to approach the record regarding small shops. It depends on your definition of "shop". My shop consists of a workbench against a wall in a spare bedroom.
The bench is a variation of Norms (60"w x 24"d), and I have about 1 foot of space to the side to keep my toolbox and other tools. I've turned out bookcases, tool boxes, picture frames, clocks, TV stands, and even the guest platform bed that you can just see in the photo of my shop. I ballpark my shop at 12 square feet.
You just improvise, overcome, and adapt.

...now where can I put the treadle lathe I want to build?


Dave S
Been there, done that. :)

Bob Oehler
11-25-2005, 10:43 PM
Nice shop and so clean and orginizied. My shop is 12 X 16 and it is so comfy cozy.
Nice tools. My next machine is a 15" or 13" planer, when I can find one used for a great price. :)

Take care
Bob Oehler