View Full Version : Winged Maple burl

Travis Stinson
11-24-2005, 12:06 AM
OK, with all the winged bowls and platters posted lately, I had to give one a shot. 18" Maple burl with the bowl dyed with Cherry Amber dye. Gel poly finish then buffed. I've had a tough time with the pic. When I resize it, the bowl part gets blurry, so I'm going to try linking it.

Loy Hawes
11-24-2005, 1:07 AM
Very nice Travis. I like the color of the dye and the finish looks great.
What gel poly finish are you using? How fast does it dry?

Dick Strauss
11-24-2005, 4:16 AM
that piece looks fantastic! How do you keep such a clean edge when you are using dye?

Chris Barton
11-24-2005, 6:57 AM
INCREDIBLE! What a nice piece!

Dick Parr
11-24-2005, 7:21 AM
Really nice Travis, you weren't happy with just a winged bowl, now you bumped up the standard for the rest of us little guys.:(

That is one beautiful turning Travis and as noted above the dye really sets off the inside and brings life to the burl. Simply beautiful.:D ;)

John Hart
11-24-2005, 8:17 AM
I have to agree with Dick...How are we to find true happiness if you keep raising the bar?? :o Seriously....A stunning piece Travis. I love the colors and the turning overall. Beautiful

Jim Ketron
11-24-2005, 8:29 AM
Thats Awesome Travis:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Love the dye job, you done Great! This one has a lot going on with it, the natural edge with all the curves, juts, coves, inclusions just sets it off even more. This one should do great at the show!:D

Bob Noles
11-24-2005, 8:29 AM

What a nice piece. I'm being pushed closer to the edge by the day :)

John Hart
11-24-2005, 8:32 AM

What a nice piece. I'm being pushed closer to the edge by the day :)

Bob...You're too funny....As you are falling endlessly into the abyss, you're screaming, "I'm almost over the edge! I'm almost over the edge!!" :D

Travis Stinson
11-24-2005, 8:41 AM
Thanks everyone. Loy, I got the gel poly from Packards. The directions on the can say to recoat in 4-6 hours. I gave it a couple days before buffing. The dye was applied in a couple light coats, verrrrryy carefully coming up to the rim from the bottom with a small wad of old t-shirt.

John Shuk
11-24-2005, 8:48 AM
Oh you just gave it the old college try huh? I think we got a ringer here folks.
Very nice work. Superb execution.

Andy Hoyt
11-24-2005, 9:12 AM
Beautiful piece of turning, Travis! Once again, you humble me.

Travis..... What a nice piece. I'm being pushed closer to the edge by the day :)

Hey Bob! That edge is getting closer and closer. Just over there!

Ernie Nyvall
11-24-2005, 10:06 AM
That's just beautiful Travis. I really like what you did with the dye.


Carole Valentine
11-24-2005, 10:22 AM
Wonderful piece Travis! I have yet to turn my first piece of burl anything, much less a winged beauty like that!

Bill Stevener
11-24-2005, 10:59 AM
Very impressive turning Travis, and nicely shown as well.

Michael Stafford
11-25-2005, 5:43 PM
As I said before, wonderful, just wonderful. A truly beautiful piece. I have really enjoyed your recent ventures at texturing, burning, dying and as always you turn a magnificent form. Great job!!!!:D

Glenn Hodges
11-25-2005, 6:14 PM
Travis, if that one does not catch their eye they must be blind. What a beautiful piece.

Mark Cothren
11-27-2005, 3:23 PM
Yep, it still looks good to me! But what do you turn out that doesn't look good? :cool: :D

Thanks for the pics!