View Full Version : download link

stan kern
08-11-2018, 7:54 PM
looking for a download link(English) to download RDWORKS ver 8.01.33
has anyone found one

stan kern
08-11-2018, 8:23 PM
I got it ok...https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/c0.9.32.32/p32x32/1900106_10152213103559757_1454597484_n.jpg?_nc_cat =0&oh=07522231fb919d065300ca774b55c873&oe=5BF9D632
http://www.rd-acs.com/.../078ad3c7c30c4d48ab84c16fe090f3a... (https://www.facebook.com/rogerio.conteiro?fref=gc&dti=900528680076062)

Doug Fisher
08-11-2018, 8:29 PM
It was just released on the Chinese language website. The English website doesn't provide nearly as many update versions, and when it does, a version number usually is not posted for many weeks or months after it is released on the Chinese website.