View Full Version : Coring Laminations With OneWay

John Nordyke
08-02-2018, 6:04 PM
Anyone have any direct experience coring bowls from a glued-up blank? I'd like to try some large laminations with multiple species and then make nested bowls, but don't know how the Oneway does with dry rather than wet wood.

Tips? Problems?

Thanks in advance...


Reed Gray
08-03-2018, 2:16 AM
Shouldn't be any problem other than your feed rate will be slower than with green wood. I have cored dry wood with the McNaughton with no problems. There is a video some where of a turner coring an end grain piece that was laminated like a checker board. He had a home made coring rig. End grain is more of a pain than standard bowl grain...

robo hippy

John Nordyke
08-04-2018, 10:45 PM
Thanks Reed.

Reed Gray
08-05-2018, 12:57 PM
I tried to find that video, but it didn't turn up anywhere where I could find it. The turner was European, and he had his own coring rig. Pretty neat set up. The coring blade, rather than having a support finger like the Oneway, had a under bar the same radius as the coring blade that fixed near the tip down to the pivot point. It caught the core blank as it cane out. It would only work on dead center cuts I would think. Any one out there remember that video? Several years ago...

robo hippy

Dick Strauss
08-05-2018, 5:13 PM
How It's Made had a segment shot at the Holland MI Bowl Mill that used a coring tool like Reed describes. You'll see it in action about 2 minutes in...


Grant Wilkinson
08-06-2018, 8:21 PM
I've cored a large cherry glue up blank with my oneway and it went well. The tips dulled more quickly than on wet wood obviously and I fed it much slower, but other than that, I did nothing differently.