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View Full Version : Air assists and exhaust blower

squire strahan
08-02-2018, 8:46 AM
Hey guys!

We just purchased a epilog mini 18 and super excited to get it installed and up and going! Since we are running this indoors in our home office I’m trying to find a good air assisted compresser that runs the recommended 30psi and an inline or floor blower that is not to loud. I wondering if y’all have a recommendations for these? Would you advise or would it be possible to also build a small sound proof box around this to be able to cut the noise down? Thanks for the help!

Trey Tull
08-02-2018, 9:47 AM
This is the compressor I use and it does great. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Kobalt-Quiet-Tech-4-3-Gallon-Portable-Electric-Twin-Stack-Quiet-Air-Compressor/1000125721?cm_mmc=SCE_PLA-_-ToolsAndHardware-_-CompressorsDiyAndStationary-_-1000125721:Kobalt&CAWELAID=&kpid=1000125721&CAGPSPN=pla&store_code=2442&k_clickID=d8250068-5259-442f-ab14-3a602e75bf4b&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3JyE4b_O3AIVCxBpCh1cCAg6EAYYASAB EgINc_D_BwE Its outside my shop under a cover and you can hardly hear it run. It does cycle a good amount due to the tank size and that causes it to get hot, so combat the heat issue, I pointed the exhaust blower hose at the compressor. It helps keep the heat down which will hopefully make it last longer.

For the exhaust blower, go to harbor freight and get one of their dust collectors. Put it outside next to the compressor and build a box around it. Then point your exhaust hose onto the compressor.

squire strahan
08-02-2018, 12:43 PM
Thanks Trey! Would you or anybody else reccomend an aircompresser that we could keep indoors that isn’t to loud? Maybe a reliable airbrush compresser? Or one that has a smaller foot print

Trey Tull
08-02-2018, 12:55 PM
I have tried 2 airbrush compressors w/o much success. I also forgot to mention that I have 2 air dryers inline on my system and I change the filters once a month.

Wojciech Szul
08-02-2018, 6:18 PM
I use Japanese Nitto MEDO LA-80B, really quite (can check with Android app how many dB). Maybe not the best, but looks like is a working better than Chinese aquarium pump ACO-005 which I previously had. By the specifications they looks similar, but they are different. Nitto is piston operated (spare parts available) and ACO is magnetic/membrane as fair I know.

Joe Pelonio
08-02-2018, 9:49 PM
USed a nice quiet top-end airbrush compressor for years, but eventually it did wear out, and barely made 30 lbs. now I cut a lot of 1/16” abs and need at least 40 to cut cleanly, so I have a noisier little 1 gallon Kobalt. It runs about one minute, then off two at 40. You could consider running a hard line in from another room. A box around a compressor is not good, they need air around them or can overheat. It doesn’t bother me much because I only run a weekend every few months now. For exhaust my Fantech from Grainger is quiet and has been going since 2005.

Chuck Phillips
08-03-2018, 8:17 AM
California Air Tools


Very quiet and reliable.

squire strahan
08-03-2018, 8:24 AM
Thanks you so much for the help! What size tank do you guys recommend or currently running?

John Noell
08-03-2018, 10:13 PM
The Gast compressor that Epilog sells to go with the Mini18 has been very good for us.