View Full Version : Looking for ideas

Robert Hayward
07-29-2018, 10:24 AM
What should I do with this blank? This is Florida Oak, what kind I do not know. The piece of wood came from a pallet makers scrap/firewood pile. This was part of a crotch. None of the crotch was punky, very spalted but all solid. got a number of smaller blanks out of it and this one larger piece. This one has developed two small cracks at one end, the larger of the two can be seen in the end grain picture. The smaller one does not show in the photo. The wood was dripping wet soggy from rain water when I picked it up. I let it dry a couple months before cutting into blanks on 2/13/2018. It feels like it is substantially dry.

I am going to put it in the air conditioning in the main shop for a couple to three months then make something out of it. I am thinking a hollow form like a vase.

Any suggestions ?


daryl moses
07-29-2018, 11:48 AM
The size looks to be ideal for a vase. Should be very interesting!

Don Jarvie
07-29-2018, 6:43 PM
I have found a lot of ideas on Pinterest. You really need the app to get the most out of the site.

Mark Greenbaum
07-29-2018, 9:58 PM
If it's oak, keep your grinder nearby. You'll be re-sharpening the tools a lot. Probably Live Oak if it's curved like that and from Florida.

John K Jordan
07-30-2018, 5:41 PM
...This one has developed two small cracks at one end, the larger of the two can be seen in the end grain picture. ...It feels like it is substantially dry.
I am going to put it in the air conditioning in the main shop for a couple to three months then make something out of it.

I didn't see if you mentioned it, but even if the wood feels "substantially dry" I would seal the end grain right away with AnchorSeal or something.

Would make nice lidded boxes.


Robert Hayward
07-30-2018, 9:13 PM
I agree, Pinterest is a good site for ideas. I know what our Florida oak does to cutting tools. Florida oak is my most turned wood. In my area the various Florida oaks are abundant. The wood from these trees is easily obtained for free most any time I want it. I have six or eight, do not remember, Blackjack Oak blanks drying now. This was a pretty big Blackjack for this area. My blanks are ~30" long and 2" X 2" up to 6" X 8". Really nice color showing on the outsides. I have not cut into any yet to see the interior. Some cracking on the ends even though Anchorsealed. This wood was cut last fall from a standing live tree.

John, I Anchorsealed the ends back in February when I cut the crotch into blanks. I think the wood was mostly dry before it got rain water soggy. Judging by the spalting most likley dead on the stump for a long time before being cut. I was pleasantly surprised that the blanks did not all split and crack beyond use. I looked at the blank from the lidded box angle back when I cut it. I have this Monster hollowing setup I got from a fellow Creeker several month ago and have turned only three pieces with it. I am itching to try another piece with the Monster and will most likely do a vase. I need a better steady rest though. I have one of the steady rests that make contact from one side only and am not happy with it.

Dane Riley
08-04-2018, 11:48 PM
Some of the prettiest of turnings come from the ugliest of logs. And that log is ugly.

This looks good for a tall hollowform.