View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
07-16-2018, 9:05 AM
16 Jul 2018

Greetings Everyone,
It's been a hard week at the day job with a lot on my work plate taking so much time and effort. A storm blew through over a week ago and took down a huge oak tree near the end of our street blocking the entrance to the subdivision where I live. A neighbor got some firewood from it and I'm trying to make time to go up there and cut the rest for firewood for myself. I just haven't had time. I just came off oncall duty for the day job and I'm glad it's over for this week.
Tonight is my first class for Financial Peace University as The LOML and I along with a few friends are going to tackle the job of getting ourselves out of debt. Too bad I didn't know this stuff or have the financial discipline to do this stuff way before now. Nobody taught me about money when I was growing up and I was so busy working as a teen that all I knew is that I had to make my way in life. With "you'll never amount to anything" being held over my head as a child, I've fought all my life trying to prove to them (and myself) that I am much more than "nothing" to me, my family, and my community. Oh the things we wrestle with from our childhood days.
Well, it's off to work for me...I appreciate every one of you and thank you all for being a part of my life. Each of you add meaning to my life and help add more to my knowledge and skill of woodworking.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jim Becker
07-16-2018, 9:17 AM
Best wishes on the financial classes, Dennis. While Professor Dr. SWMBO and I have a good handle on such things, we're snuggling imparting the knowledge and good practices with our two daughters now before they get into trouble. And it really is a struggle!

The usual eclectic week for me doing this and that. I cut a few more marketing sample signs in preparation for bringing my business alive. I just need to beat my accountant into submission (or fire him at this point) and get my insurance finalized and I'm ready to go. The CNC learning continues...I cut the first iteration of a box idea I got from another 'Creeker and will be refining it for my own purposes as well as developing a larger version. It's really nice to learn something new every day!

Marshall Harrison
07-16-2018, 9:43 AM
Still not fully recovered from the back injury so not much shop time.

My oldest boy built a headboard for his bed. I ripped a 1x6 for him and that was the total of my shop work. I did watch him some while he worked on the headboard.

This week I want to get in the shop and at least choose the wood for a Missions style table I want to build. I'll pick out the legs and the spreaders but probably won't do any of the milling this week. I don't lift anything heavy or move anything heavy for fear of re-hurting my back.

My back is feeling better but it is still aggravating the sciatic nerve and I'm feeling it in my left leg. Chiro visits help but then a couple of days later its back to hurting. Got to strengthen my back I guess.

Jak Kelly
07-16-2018, 2:29 PM
I managed to get some new tool rests built for my lathe. But it is way to hot to be out in the garage right now!! At least I will have my tool rest for making bowls now, when the weather gets here!

Wayne Lomman
07-16-2018, 3:58 PM
Dennis, with me it was a case of do whatever work was available and the money would look after itself, right? Yeah, that's okay until I discovered aging is real and I can't actually just work longer hours to fix the shortfalls. My background was with a religious cult exported from USA that links giving all your money to the church with a better chance of going to paradise. 30 years later the effects of the brainwashing still take effort to overcome. At least I can recognise when it kicks in now. I am one of the lucky ones - all of the rest of my contemporaries without exception are victims of suicide.

I started a long overdue re organisation of my workshop. I have a series of projects for the house that need space. I have a 5 metre long wall to fill with bookshelves, a new kitchen, and 4 new timber windows to make. Macracarpa cypress is looking good for the work. Cheers

Brian Nguyen
07-16-2018, 9:12 PM
I built some polygon decorative shelving for the wife on Sunday to knock off a long overdue item from the Honey Do list. Maybe by next year, I can actually get to making something that I want to do!

Charles Mathews
07-16-2018, 10:13 PM
Being brand spanking new here I havent made a difference in anyone's life here but I figure I may be able to contribute something in the future.

Here is a little background.....God has blessed me with a think tank and a pair of hands that build things. At 57 yrs old, I am and always have been a DIY'r at heart. I have more time than money. Two years ago I made the decision to build a home and do as much of it by myself. I had the concrete slab and rough plumbing done but the rest is on me. It's been a huge undertaking to say the least but I am getting there. I am plumber, mason, welder, machinist, framer, sheet rocker, electrician, cabinet maker, trim carpenter etc. you name it.
When I am not working my day job I am working on the 3800 sq ft home. It's about an hour and fifteen minute drive to the ranch where I am building so logistics play a part too.

So long story short I work on this project, last week I was installing recessed light fixtures along with re-sawing some pecan and hickory logs.

Marshall Harrison
07-17-2018, 8:51 AM
16 Jul 2018

Greetings Everyone,
It's been a hard week at the day job with a lot on my work plate taking so much time and effort. A storm blew through over a week ago and took down a huge oak tree near the end of our street blocking the entrance to the subdivision where I live. A neighbor got some firewood from it and I'm trying to make time to go up there and cut the rest for firewood for myself. I just haven't had time. I just came off oncall duty for the day job and I'm glad it's over for this week.
Tonight is my first class for Financial Peace University as The LOML and I along with a few friends are going to tackle the job of getting ourselves out of debt. Too bad I didn't know this stuff or have the financial discipline to do this stuff way before now. Nobody taught me about money when I was growing up and I was so busy working as a teen that all I knew is that I had to make my way in life. With "you'll never amount to anything" being held over my head as a child, I've fought all my life trying to prove to them (and myself) that I am much more than "nothing" to me, my family, and my community. Oh the things we wrestle with from our childhood days.
Well, it's off to work for me...I appreciate every one of you and thank you all for being a part of my life. Each of you add meaning to my life and help add more to my knowledge and skill of woodworking.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Dennis, The Financial Peace University course will work for you if you follow it. The Crown Ministry course are good too. My wife and I have done both and our only debt now is for the house and about $8000 we put on a card to replace our AC unit during those 90 degree days we had last month.

Feel free to PM me if you need encouragement or just want to talk.

Jay Larson
07-17-2018, 12:55 PM
Charles just a word of warning, even when you think you are done with your house, you aren't. We finished our house three years ago, and we are still working on the landscaping. Well, I help. At least until the sun and humidity got my shirt and shorts soaked with sweat. Usually before noon this last week.

I took two days off last week to get caught up a bit at home. So it was landscaping in the morning, then what ever I wanted to work on in the afternoon. Thursday I rewired my military trailer. Friday it was working on a mount on the car hauler trailer for a box. After that, my fiance and I went out for some fish and shrimp. $1 for a walleye strip, and $1 for a grilled shrimp. Saturday it was cleaning up a bit in the woodworking shop. Where I 'discovered' the panels I made for a band saw blade cabinet. So Sunday, after the sun baked us out of the yard, I got the carcass dovetailed, and a shelf installed. When I looked at the panel I had glued up for the back, I decided that it looked too good for the back. So I went out and pulled a board to use for a frame and am moving it to the front for a door. (that wasn't planned)

Sunday late afternoon we packed up the kayaks and headed to the Chain of Lakes area in Waupaca. Found a nice boat landing that was in a little creek between two lakes. These were part of a series of five smaller lakes that were all 'no wake', so there was only one boat with a motor(trolling) on all the lakes. All the rest were kayaks, canoes, paddle boards, and even a couple of people floating around on the noodles... We saw three turtles and a couple of muskrats, along with a several species of fish. Mostly bluegills.

And back to work yesterday. I am almost caught up...