View Full Version : My turn in the barrel

Carole Valentine
11-22-2005, 12:12 AM
Now that I have ridden poor John unmercifully, I am about to step on the coals myself.:D This is a piece of spalted ambrosia maple. I am having a problem with the shape. I keep fiddling with it in Photoshop, but can't get it right. I know the base needs to be smaller, but I am not sure what else. Are the shoulders too wide? Is the top too flat? And the finial is a discarded one from another project that I just plopped on to see how it looked. I think maybe it needs to be taller with a wider base. The base has no finish on it yet...I don't want the dark look of oil but I can't stand working with lacquer. Watch'all think? It's too late to change the base of this one but maybe if I can figure out what's wrong I can correct it on the next one. I have a spectacular piece of wood that Mike Toupin gave me that would be just right for this type of form but I don't want to mess it up!

Earl Eyre
11-22-2005, 12:35 AM
That is a beautiful piece of wood. I don't think anybody is going to argue with the shape you have created but if I had the chance to redo it I would actually move the widest part up to about where the flash bulb reflection is and narrow the base slightly. In other words the top of turning really needs to be flatter with more taper in the lower part of the turning. I'm thinking that it would look more like a tradtional oriental or even southwestern shape. Then the finial could actually be narrower and less prominent.

I'll be interested in what you come up with and what others have to say because what you have is really nice. So my idea is only what I would probably do and certainly not criticism of what you have done.


Ernie Kuhn
11-22-2005, 12:36 AM
To my untrained, untalented eye, it looks a tad squat? Or "sturdy" in the sense of a sumo wrestler? On the other hand, if it were shorter by 1/2 and had a very small opening in the top, it would remind me of a Native American seed pot? The pointed finial, to me, needs to be on the top of a tall, slender object? Sorry, just rambling thoughts, they're worth what they cost. I admire your work especially since I have so far to go, just to get half way there.

John Hart
11-22-2005, 12:55 AM
I kinda like it Carole! It does seem that there is a flat spot about half-way down though. Little hard to tell. It seems like the flat spot disappears the more I look. Weird. Maybe you should try the silhouette thing and take another look. Worked for me anyway. Hey I know.....You need an ugly stick!!!:D

Howie French
11-22-2005, 1:25 AM
I like it Carole, I would leave it alone and not bother chasing the "perfect"
shape. To my way of thinking pleasing lines are subjective, and I for one don't see an issue with flat spots that may appear or disappear the more one studies it.

just my thoughts..


Bruce Shiverdecker
11-22-2005, 5:38 AM
Evening (oops Morning, woke up and thought I'd look around and see what's happening.) Carole. Please keep in mind that I am FARRRRRRRRRRRR from an expert.

Looking at the piece.........discounting the finial, it reminds me of a hot air balloon. The sides seem to flair back out down at the base. This could be an optical illusion, but one thing I noticed is that the top flattens out. I believe that the look would flow more if it continued to curve (be more rounded). The finial seems a little overpowering, too.

All that said, I still like the piece. It's much better than most of my efforts.


Bill Pealer
11-22-2005, 7:31 AM
Carole, I don't post much here because I have not turned a lot of bowls or boxes & the ones that I have have major flaws. That said, just from an eye perspective, the shape reminded me of an apple. Try taking just the top part of the finial off leaving the bottom section of the finial.

I do however show up, lurk, almost everyday to see what everyone is doing.

John Hart
11-22-2005, 7:46 AM
Oh...I had to add something Carole...Nice Hat! There was a detail I noticed in Travis Stinson's turnings....Whenever he uses a collar or a finial, it seems to flow with the same curve of the top of the shoulder. I realize that this hat was for a different HF but I thought I'd say that anyway. I still like the piece as is! :)

Oh...and I started on a new scraper last night...big sucker. And it's a little prettier. :p

Michael Stafford
11-22-2005, 7:53 AM
I am with you Carole, reduce the size of the bottom and this one is good to go. As it is I would display it proudly. Beautiful little finial and a lovely piece of wood. Nice work!:D

John Nicholas
11-22-2005, 8:36 AM

I'm having trouble with the shape due to the somewhat down angle of the picture. I read through the comments and see what they are talking about. It does look squat, but how much of that is the camera perspective. That would also effect the possible reduction of the base.

I think you specifically kept your opinion quiet. But ultimately it is you throught that counts.

On the finial, think about one with the flame top reversed. Bill's comment on the finial got me thinking about that approach. I like the height of the finial.

I like the simple straight forward shape. Thanks for posting.

John :)

Andy Hoyt
11-22-2005, 10:41 AM
I like it. But I'd like it more if I knew its dimensions. Why?

If this thing is small - such as apple size as its shape implies (and your thread title becomes more specific) - then, to me, the form is just peachy.

If this thing is bigger - six inches in height or more - then there are a few things that - were it mine to mess with - I'd like to try. Narrow the foot. Lose the "hat" altogether. Turn the top right back down on itself so that the opening is actually way below the topmost element of the form.

But then again, it's so nice just the way it is. Nice work, Carole.

Carole Valentine
11-22-2005, 11:09 AM
Andy, I'm not saying much because I am sitting back contemplating the suggestions and trying to sketch them. :) Anyway, the base is 4"x 3 1/4". It's funny you should mention turning the top back onto itself...I started to do that then decided I wanted a contrasting "something" (either collar or finial) so it has been turned to accomodate one of those. I am now leaning towards a collar to let the wood of the base have a little more "voice"
Bruce, must be an optical illusion because there is no flare at the bottom. Later today I will try to do a silhouette (sp?)

Bill Esposito
11-22-2005, 11:44 AM

Personally I really like the shape of the base, I just think that the finial needs to be a little more dainty.

As far as finish, Beall buffing is all that's needed.

Carole Valentine
11-22-2005, 4:04 PM
Tried a collar instead of the finial. Think I like a collar better, but I may make it a tad thinner in thickness at the base. If the bottom of the vase was the same size as the collar I think I might like it. I don't think I would like it with a wider collar though, if that makes any sense!:confused:

Andy Hoyt
11-22-2005, 4:38 PM
This will help compare


The collar seems much better, although it still might be it a bit too tall. And the foot still needs to lose weight - so stop feeding it those biscuits!

If I were forced - for whatever reason - to stick with a finial, I think I'd make it much much smaller. As to the shape of finial, just do what I do - let the skew decide for itself.

Bob Noles
11-22-2005, 5:10 PM

Very nice work and I think I like the collar best.

You keep showing these pictures and your gonna push me over the edge before I'm ready :)

Bill Esposito
11-22-2005, 5:31 PM
Tried a collar instead of the finial. Think I like a collar better, but I may make it a tad thinner in thickness at the base. If the bottom of the vase was the same size as the collar I think I might like it. I don't think I would like it with a wider collar though, if that makes any sense!:confused:
Yea, without a doubt the collar, and I still think the shape of the base is fine.

John Hart
11-22-2005, 5:34 PM

Very nice work and I think I like the collar best.

You keep showing these pictures and your gonna push me over the edge before I'm ready :)

Bob...You're already over the edge...You just don't know it yet!!:p

Carole....I very much like the collar. I like how it curves into the curve of the shoulder. A bit high? I dunno....maybe.. But then, shortening it might take away from that curve...maybe not. Nevertheless, I really like the entire form with the collar. It's a pretty piece...Very difficult to be critical.;)

Bob Noles
11-22-2005, 6:10 PM
Bob...You're already over the edge...You just don't know it yet!!:p

John.... I knew I was getting very near, but you may very well be right :eek:

Carole Valentine
11-22-2005, 8:46 PM
I think I have enough good comments to improve the next one. Now I just have to find one more decent piece of wood to practice on before I mount up that piece Mike gave me.:eek: Also want to get some African Blackwood for the collar for that piece...it deserves no less. Anyone have a good source? I'm jumpy about ordering wood that expensive online without being able to look at it first, but online is my only choice.

John Hart
11-22-2005, 9:06 PM
I'll cherry pick a piece of blackwood for you tomorrow if you'd like Carole. I have to go to Berea Hardwoods in the morning and they gots a bunch of it.

Jim Bell
11-23-2005, 2:18 AM
Nice job Carole,
I might try making the top a little flatter (shorter) by 7-10%. Thats my thoughts but I like it anyway. You do nice work.


Keith Burns
11-23-2005, 3:56 PM
Carole, I like it very much. The base could maybe be a bit smaller, but not by much if any. Like others have said it may be the photo angle. I would be proud to display it on my mantle.

Ernie Nyvall
11-24-2005, 9:16 AM
This is a little late, but I like the collar too. The top is a bit flat for that finial, and not sure if one could be made to continue the flow of the HF.

It is a very nice turning.
