View Full Version : First things first

Bob Noles
11-21-2005, 9:48 PM
After my thread the other day exploring turning equipment, it was recomended that a little education should come before purchase :eek:

After sleeping on it, I think that was some mighty fine advice, so I again turn to those who are wise on the subect of turning :D

Can you direct me to the best book and/or video to achieve some education :rolleyes:


Andy Hoyt
11-21-2005, 10:08 PM
Hey, Bob - I'm gonna throw ya a curve ball that will also satisfy some suggestions made in the other thread.

Go to the AAW site (http://www.woodturner.org/) and click on Local Chapter List. There are a mess of Georgia chapters. Contact a spokesman to the logical choice and finagle an invite to a meeting. They will likely encourage you to join. Do so. That will probably cost about $30 to $40 bucks (per year).

But then ------ the club will likely have a huge library of books, tapes, and DVDs that can be taken home for a month. I've heard some clubs do this for free while others (like mine) charge a couple of bucks.

So do the math and you'll see that it represents a big value. And you did say that the budget was tight.

Hope this helps.

Jim Ketron
11-21-2005, 10:09 PM
Plenty of good ones!
I can highly recommend the bowl turning DVD from Bill Grumbine he is a member of SMC, you can look him up on here to find his website to get it!

Dick Strauss
11-22-2005, 12:29 PM
I can't say enough good things about Bill G's video. I borrowed it from our local chapter and was mightily impressed. Bill covers everything from using your chainsaw to harvest wood to finishing your piece.

I am not affiliated with Bill at all. I agree with Jim...it is a great video!

Bob Noles
11-22-2005, 1:26 PM
Andy.... Thanks for the encouragement on joining a turner's chapter and I will most likely do that at a point shortly down the road. I want to do a little self educating first so I won't appear so totally stupid when I do go to a meeting :eek:

Jim and Dick, Thanks for pointing toward Bill Grumbine's video, I will see if I can locate it and make that my starting point for sure.

Thanks again guys.

Carole Valentine
11-22-2005, 1:36 PM
But then ------ the club will likely have a huge library of books, tapes, and DVDs that can be taken home for a month. I've heard some clubs do this for free while others (like mine) charge a couple of bucks.

Andy, I am just wondering if you know if any of that rental fee some clubs charge goes to the guy that made the video? I really don't know how these guys/gals can afford to produce any videos at all when turning clubs stock lending libraries. Instead of selling 100 videos, they sell one and 100 people use it. If I can afford to buy the videos, I do (I own all the ones I have seen so far) and I encourage others to do the same simply to support our fellow turners who have taken the time to share their expertise. At the very least the guy who made the video should get a portion of each rental fee.

Loy Hawes
11-22-2005, 2:03 PM
Here is Bill's site where the video can be purchased


Andy Hoyt
11-22-2005, 2:16 PM
Andy, I am just wondering if you know if any of that rental fee some clubs charge goes to the guy that made the video? I really don't know how these guys/gals can afford to produce any videos at all when turning clubs stock lending libraries. Instead of selling 100 videos, they sell one and 100 people use it. If I can afford to buy the videos, I do (I own all the ones I have seen so far) and I encourage others to do the same simply to support our fellow turners who have taken the time to share their expertise. At the very least the guy who made the video should get a portion of each rental fee.
Geez, I've never considered that and I suppose I should.

Next chance I get, I'll ask our club's librarian; yet I fully expect the answer to be, "Nope".

I wonder if this practice violates the rules of copyright stuff.

I also think that the "star" of the show should be getting royalties, but my guess is that the producer is the one who takes in the bulk of the profits.

I'll send Bill G. a message and ask him to chime in on this. Seems like he should know.

Blake McCully
11-22-2005, 6:26 PM
You might also want to go to Arizona Silohuettes (I wish Bill would change that name, I can never spell Sillhou,er Silohu, er SHADOWS:mad: ) and check out the pen turning video that Bill Baumbeck has. It has some very good information in it. If you want to turn pens, that's the video to get.

Bob Noles
11-22-2005, 7:43 PM
Thanks Blake..... I'll check that one out as well, however I have about decided to delay the pen aspect for now and try to wade into only the basics to get my feet wet. I figure I can climb up the ladder to pens once I conquer a lathe and simple turning itself. I still like to gather information for future use and appreciate your linking me to this site.

Chip Sutherland
11-22-2005, 10:51 PM
> Turning Wood with Richard Raffan
> Skew Chisel with Alan Lacer..The Dark Side, the Sweet Side
> Bill Grumbine's DVD.....well, I'm still waiting on it to arrive but you will see this one mentioned on this forum in every newbie question about bowl turning. (UPDATE...Mine arrived today....the LOML left the mail in the car all day....WooHoo!).
>Dick Sing does segments on WoodworkingAtHome which is a DVD magazine.

I only have one book and cannot remember the name. All these professionals make it look easy.

David Fried
11-22-2005, 11:06 PM
I started with Woodturning, A Foundation Course by Keith Rowley.
After I purchased it I found it was available through the public library.
I will admit I found some things covered in the book difficult to learn
from the book. Those things were much clearer watching someone in
a video.

Dave Fried

John Nicholas
11-23-2005, 12:38 AM
Andy.... Thanks for the encouragement on joining a turner's chapter and I will most likely do that at a point shortly down the road. I want to do a little self educating first so I won't appear so totally stupid when I do go to a meeting :eek:


Every club has a few expert turners, a few brand new turners, and a whole bunch in between. Don't wait. Go to the next meeting. After a couple of meetings of our turning club, I was no longer a brand new turner.

Best thing I did on turning. Our club has a mentorship program for new turners. My mentor took me under his wing and helped out. I was over there for an hour tonight. Questions on some forms, partial turnings, equipment and how the club meeting last Saturday went.


Earl Eyre
11-23-2005, 1:12 AM
Re clubs lending videos: there is no violation of copyright laws because the original one purchased is being loaned and still being used by one person at a time. It would be a big violation to make copies of the one purchased and loan those out.

My personal opinion is that clubs buying videos and loaning out ends up in no loss of income to the maker but in the long run actually increases sales. The vast majority of people who borrow those videos would never purchase the video. They borrow because it's available. It's just like libraries: the patrons of your local library go there precisely because they won't go buy the books they will borrow. So the club purchase is actually one more purchase than the owner would have otherwise. In fact, many distributors actually sell books to libraries at a discount because it gets more of the books into circulation and results in more sales in the long run.

I'll bet if you asked Bill Grumbine or any other great video producer of turning videos, they will jump up and down at as many sales to clubs as possible, even with no additonal revenues from those specific sales.

So, if you are still reading all of this (LOL) and if you want to learn, join a club, find a mentor (any club will have many willing to teach you how to turn) and borrow the videos by the arm load!


John Hart
11-23-2005, 8:23 AM
I'm going to say this...and I know y'all are going to yell at me...but I have to confess. I've never been to a club, or a class, or watched a video. I don't know why...I just haven't. I can tell you that 99% of my instruction has come from SMC. It has cost me however. I bet I've destroyed 300 tons of wood, broken a couple of chucks and various other equipment....but I keep doing it that way. I know it's the wrong way to do it...but I still think I've learned a lot.

Bob Noles
11-23-2005, 8:50 AM
I'm going to say this...and I know y'all are going to yell at me...but I have to confess. I've never been to a club, or a class, or watched a video. I don't know why...I just haven't. I can tell you that 99% of my instruction has come from SMC. It has cost me however. I bet I've destroyed 300 tons of wood, broken a couple of chucks and various other equipment....but I keep doing it that way. I know it's the wrong way to do it...but I still think I've learned a lot.

John.... Did you and I attend class together at hard knocks? :D :D :D

John Nicholas
11-23-2005, 9:03 AM
I've never been to a club,


Go try a club meeting. The club may need you! :)


Andy Hoyt
11-23-2005, 9:08 AM
North Coast Woodturners
Area Served: Cleveland & Northeast OH
Meeting City: Parma
Meeting State: OH
Meeting Place: Rockler's 7503 Brookpark Rd
Meeting Date: 1st Saturday
Number of Members: 145
Chapter Web Site: www.ncwt.org (http://www.ncwt.org/)
Rick Maier
1879 Caroline St
Norton, OH 44203

John Hart
11-23-2005, 9:28 AM
John.... Did you and I attend class together at hard knocks? :D :D :D

Yep...And I've got the bruises to prove it! :D

John - Oh..so you're turning the tables on me eh? I can just see it now...Me saying something like.."No no no...you're not doing it dangerous enough!!" All kidding aside...I probably will go visit the club that Andy is showing. They are nearby and it wouldn't hurt to see and hear some more input. Thanks Andy for the info.

Bill Grumbine
11-23-2005, 3:32 PM
Howdy everyone

Andy alerted me to this thread and asked me if I would care to make a comment or two on the topic of loaning videos. Of course, since I have an opinion on everything, or at least so SWMBO says, I am glad to comment.

As has already been mentioned, there is nothing illegal about loaning out the DVD. It can even be rented under copyright laws. It just can't be duplicated, but we have no idea how many people are doing that.

I have no problems at all with clubs buying the DVD and then loaning it out (and it wouldn't matter if I did). It has generated some extra sales since some people want to have their own after watching the borrowed copy. As many have mentioned, there is a whole lot of stuff in it, and watching it once is not going to get it all. I've even had people write me to tell me they bought a cheap player to put in the shop so they could review it while turning! But the best so far is one man in our club who took it out of the club library (after waiting for it to come available) only to have his wife remind him that he bought one from me months ago! We got a good laugh out of that together.

I will say nothing about the producer/star relationship except to comment that I have a very good one - producer and relationship. I am sure that varies from person to person, but things could not be better for us. Since I am rambling on about this, I will mention that Part Deux is in the works, hopefully soon. We have been trying since May to get it filmed, but synchronizing schedules has been tough.


Joe Melton
11-23-2005, 3:42 PM
Bill, have you considered having your video close-captioned? I'm sure there are plenty of guys here with impaired hearing. While one can learn a lot from just watching, the captioning would be a great addition.

Carole Valentine
11-23-2005, 3:51 PM
Can't wait for the second video, Bill! You covered so much in the first that I can't imagine what the second would cover...hollow forms maybe? Hopefully?

Carole Valentine
11-23-2005, 3:56 PM
My personal opinion is that clubs buying videos and loaning out ends up in no loss of income to the maker but in the long run actually increases sales. The vast majority of people who borrow those videos would never purchase the video. They borrow because it's available. It's just like libraries: the patrons of your local library go there precisely because they won't go buy the books they will borrow. So the club purchase is actually one more purchase than the owner would have otherwise. In fact, many distributors actually sell books to libraries at a discount because it gets more of the books into circulation and results in more sales in the long run.

Maybe. But I borrow what my library has (which is precious little) and buy what I want that they don't have. On the other hand, I also sometimes buy books or videos that I have rented if I find them to be of value and know I will want to refer back to them.

Bill Grumbine
11-23-2005, 9:39 PM
Bill, have you considered having your video close-captioned? I'm sure there are plenty of guys here with impaired hearing. While one can learn a lot from just watching, the captioning would be a great addition.

Hi Joe

I don't remember if we discussed it or not with the first one, but it is always something to consider. Of course, with the way the first one has gone, we would also have to provide subtitles in Spanish, German, Danish, Flemish, French, Finnish, and Hebrew, as well as numerous variations on the King's English (a little stealth gloat here). ;) I know there are lots of hearing impaired people out there, and I am one of them. I get a lot of guys who come for lessons, and when I offer them hearing protection for the chainsaw they say, "Nah, it's not that loud." I reply, "There's a reason for that."


Bill Grumbine
11-23-2005, 9:40 PM
Can't wait for the second video, Bill! You covered so much in the first that I can't imagine what the second would cover...hollow forms maybe? Hopefully?

Thanks Carole. We are planning on natural edged and winged bowls, but the way you are going I might need to hire you on as a guest instructor!


Bill Esposito
11-23-2005, 10:13 PM
Howdy everyone

Andy alerted me to this thread and asked me if I would care to make a comment or two on the topic of loaning videos. Of course, since I have an opinion on everything, or at least so SWMBO says, I am glad to comment.

...much deleted
Bill, but is it ok to use a few of your jokes? ;)