View Full Version : Bosch JS572 - Barrel-Grip Jig Saw - Hot grip?

Mike Berrevoets
07-05-2018, 12:24 PM
I bought a new Bosch JS572 (Barrel Grip) about 2 months or so ago and have been using it off an on over the last few weeks. This is the first barrel grip jigsaw I have owned and while it seems to cut fine it does get quite hot. The grip portion gets hot enough during use that I'd rather not hold on to it. Not so hot that I can't hold on to it, but it is uncomfortable.

The use isn't particularly taxing or of long duration. Cutting 3/4" plywood with a new blade for 10-20 linear feet. Notching some 2 by material for a few minutes. I've tried it with the light on and the light off and it doesn't seem to make much difference.

Does anyone else have one of these and does the handle/grip get uncomfortably hot? Maybe it is just the nature of the beast since the grip is where the motor is located?

Thanks - Mike

Lee Schierer
07-05-2018, 3:12 PM
What blade are you using?

Mike Berrevoets
07-05-2018, 5:15 PM
What blade are you using?

I’m using one of the wood blades that came with the saw. The cut is great compared to my old jigsaw and I don’t think I am pushing it too hard or fast.

Peter Christensen
07-05-2018, 5:16 PM
You got me curious so I tried running my Makita barrel grip that I've had for a few years that gets rare use. I put it on a moving blanket on it's base without a blade, maximum orbits and speed, switched it on and left it running for 20+ minutes while I washed some dishes. When I came back the motor portion was cool and the gearbox/grip area was warm to the touch. A pleasant warm and not the too hot you are getting. I suppose the Makita might be warmer if I was cutting the whole time but didn't feel like going that far to find out. I doubt a top grip would have a cooler gearbox. Maybe your Bosch is normal but I would call Bosch or one of their repair centres and ask them if the heat was normal or not.

Leo Graywacz
07-05-2018, 6:44 PM
I bought a new Bosch JS572 (Barrel Grip) about 2 months or so ago and have been using it off an on over the last few weeks. This is the first barrel grip jigsaw I have owned and while it seems to cut fine it does get quite hot. The grip portion gets hot enough during use that I'd rather not hold on to it. Not so hot that I can't hold on to it, but it is uncomfortable.

The use isn't particularly taxing or of long duration. Cutting 3/4" plywood with a new blade for 10-20 linear feet. Notching some 2 by material for a few minutes. I've tried it with the light on and the light off and it doesn't seem to make much difference.

Does anyone else have one of these and does the handle/grip get uncomfortably hot? Maybe it is just the nature of the beast since the grip is where the motor is located?

Thanks - Mike

I've got the same jigsaw and yes, it does get hot. And it gets hot quickly. I've learned to hold it back farther on the barrel. The area that gets hot is where the barrel rises up to the head of the jigsaw.

Lee Schierer
07-05-2018, 8:12 PM
I have an older Bosch 1584AVS Barrel Grip Jig saw and I have used it for long periods of time and the motor gets warm, but not uncomfortable. Try using a T234X blade you'll like the way it cuts.389127

Leo Graywacz
07-05-2018, 9:35 PM
Totally different machine. I owned 2 of those. 1st one disintegrated the gears after 15 years. The second one started to make the same noises so I bought the upgraded version JS572 jigsaw. The 1584AVS barely got warm after extended use. I keep the 1584AVS in the shop where I don't used it very often. The JS572 is in my field kit which gets used nearly every install.

Jon Nuckles
07-05-2018, 11:41 PM
I have that jigsaw and have never noticed the barrel getting warm, but I really haven't used it for any extended periods of time.

Mike Berrevoets
07-06-2018, 6:38 AM
Try using a T234X blade you'll like the way it cuts.

Thanks. It looks like the local Home Depot carries them so I’ll pick some up.

Mike Berrevoets
07-06-2018, 6:41 AM
I've got the same jigsaw and yes, it does get hot. And it gets hot quickly. I've learned to hold it back farther on the barrel. The area that gets hot is where the barrel rises up to the head of the jigsaw.

Mine gets hot in the same spot and I’ve been holding it back further too. Seems like a design issue but the saw works great otherwise so I don’t really want to return it and buy something else.

Rod Sheridan
07-08-2018, 2:08 PM
Hot to you, isn't hot to the machine.

Normal rise of 30C would make the saw very hot to hold.

Try wearing gloves, both to improve your grip and provide thermal insulation.............Regards, Rod.

Mike Berrevoets
07-14-2018, 5:45 PM
So I was using it again today and grabbed my infrared thermometer to check the temperature. After about 15 minutes of use the average temp around the grab area was about 130 degrees (F) with some areas up to 142 degrees.

I wear some gloves while using it but this still seems a little too hot. I also smell some “hot electric” smell. Not really burning but it does smell a little odd. Other than that it works great.

Larry Frank
07-14-2018, 6:43 PM
Have you contacted Bosch about the problem?

Mike Berrevoets
07-15-2018, 7:54 AM
Have you contacted Bosch about the problem?

No. Right now I’m trying to figure out if there is a problem or it is normal. Other responses above seem to suggest this is normal for this saw. I don’t want to waste Bosch’s time/money or go through the cost and hassle of returning the saw if this is normal and Bosch just swaps this out for a different saw that does that same thing.

If it doesn’t seem normal to other users then I will pursue it with the manufacturer.

Leo Graywacz
07-15-2018, 9:21 AM
130ºF is hot, not warm..hot. I don't have a non contact thermometer so I can't really find out what mine is. I figured it was about 105ºF.