View Full Version : Weekend Learning (Educational Gloat)

Mike Waddell
11-21-2005, 4:51 PM
Hello all -

I need to get a little gloat in here, and then a big thank you. My father and I spent two days working and learning with/from Sam Blasco, a fellow Creeker, this past weekend. It was a great experience on many levels.

To begin, Sam opened his shop to good ol' Dad and I and spent almost his entire weekend working with us. He went through machine setup, some finer points of using the machines we have, and then helped us build a wall-mount shelving unit for my mother.

Sam was patient, easy-going, open to new agenda items, and thorough in his explanations and instructions. I am not a skilled woodworker, and Dad is new to the hobby though he is a pretty knowledgeable craftsman, so Sam had his work cut out for him.

At the same time, Sam understood that this was Father/Son time for Dad and I, and he was respectful of our time together. Though we spent almost sixteen hours together, it never seemed like too much and Dad now has the confidence to begin working on projects heretofore he approached with some trepidation.

I could not have asked for a better weekend, or more skilled instruction. In addition to my little educational gloat (I will catch up, skill-wise, to some of you if I can!), I just thought you should know what a great guy one of your fellow Creeker's really is.


All the best,


tod evans
11-21-2005, 5:17 PM
mike, i have heard nothing but good about sam. i`m glad you and your father had a good and inspiring time. tod