View Full Version : It's Little Things

William C Rogers
06-27-2018, 1:23 PM
I had successful back surgery 5 weeks ago. First two weeks lift nothing more than a glass of water. Then graduated to 8lbs. I remembered seeing John Lucas's micro goblets and figured I could do that and be within my limits. I couldn't get near as small as John's, but did get small with a ring. The one one the left was my final one where i got a decent ring on and quit goblets.


Moving on thought I would try some segmented miniatures and small vases.

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Then wanted to do off center turning. This one is larger, but still within my limit


When you are addicted you just find ways.

Matt Schrum
06-27-2018, 2:34 PM
Is that one of those giant, novelty pennies? ;)

William C Rogers
06-27-2018, 2:38 PM
Is that one of those giant, novelty pennies? ;)

I wish I had one. That would have really got John Lucas in turmoil.

John K Jordan
06-27-2018, 3:04 PM
I wish I had one. That would have really got John Lucas in turmoil.

When you get a giant penny and take the picture be sure to simulate a macro photo with a tiny depth of field!

Very nice work on the miniatures. You sure put a lot of creativity and detail into them! My favorite one is the last one in the second picture, with the white lid and base. Holly?

Your pictures make me want to try some more small things. I made some long ago, not nearly as small as what Sir Lucas has done and not nearly as detailed as yours. I used ebony and cocobolo for the fine grain. (Someone asked me if I used a big penny too.) The problem with the things I made is they are not all to the same scale so they look kind of dumb when put together! The tops are too big and the wand is too short. The tops won't spin either, probably from not enough mass.
I'd like to try making some tiny Christmas ornaments and maybe hang them on a miniature tree and use the tree itself as an ornament.

I suspect you could sell every one you make to people with fancy doll houses. I'm sure they'd fetch a "pretty penny." :)


William C Rogers
06-27-2018, 4:58 PM
When you get a giant penny and take the picture be sure to simulate a macro photo with a tiny depth of field!

Very nice work on the miniatures. You sure put a lot of creativity and detail into them! My favorite one is the last one in the second picture, with the white lid and base. Holly?

Your pictures make me want to try some more small things. I made some long ago, not nearly as small as what Sir Lucas has done and not nearly as detailed as yours. I used ebony and cocobolo for the fine grain. (Someone asked me if I used a big penny too.) The problem with the things I made is they are not all to the same scale so they look kind of dumb when put together! The tops are too big and the wand is too short. The tops won't spin either, probably from not enough mass.
I'd like to try making some tiny Christmas ornaments and maybe hang them on a miniature tree and use the tree itself as an ornament.

I suspect you could sell every one you make to people with fancy doll houses. I'm sure they'd fetch a "pretty penny." :)


The one with the white lid was the first of these I did. White is holly, Cherry with maple.

Little thing are my limit for another week, but I have made some glue ups of larger items. I'll do some more miniatures as it doesn't tak much materials and catches and vibration are very mild.