View Full Version : Powermatic Bandsaw Fence

Howard Henderson
06-19-2018, 12:04 AM
Hi All -

I’ve got a little bit older Powermatic 2013-1 bandsaw and I want to get a fence for it. It didn’t come with anything but the bare table.

I’m surprised to not really find a kit specifically for it.

Is that because bandsaw kits are fairly “universal”?

Does anyone have any recommendations for a good system?

Thanks for any advice,

Joseph Quattro
06-19-2018, 9:35 AM
I have a Jet 14” BS that came with the standard ‘clamp on the front rail’ style fence. I hated it, least wise because it was difficult to get it to stay parallel to any line when tightening. Just recently ditched it, and bought the Kreg system. I like the t-square style fences, so it works well for me, a lot like my Vega on the TS. The optional micro adjustment works well also, although I have read some people having issues with it. FWIW, my experience is limited to the Kreg, I’m sure there are others that work as well or better. The fence installed quickly without modification into the two holes on the edge of the table. If you google for the manual that goes with the Kreg fence, it describes the various options for installation. You could measure to see if it will fit your table.

Tom M King
06-19-2018, 6:07 PM
Believe it or not, the Grizzly fence and rail kit is pretty hard to beat.

Bill Dufour
06-19-2018, 7:54 PM
At least in the bigger saws delta has the blade slot on the side where it does not interfere with the fence. Most other makes the slot is to the front right through the rail. The shop teacher gave me the bandsaw fence rails because they stuck out past the table and the boys were using them for gymnastics and threatening to tip the saw over onto themselves.
Bil lD.

Tom Trees
06-19-2018, 10:45 PM
This system looks the simplest, cheapest to make, and most versatile IMO

Have fun with your newly acquired toy
Good luck

Howard Henderson
06-20-2018, 9:49 AM
Thanks for the info, Fellows. I ordered a Kreg with a resaw attachment, so I'm anxious to see how it handles!

Between my nephew and I, we have three bandsaws - none with fences - so it should be perfect for at least one of them. ha

We might try a Grizzly fence., too. I've been a fan of them for quite a few years.

I'm going to have to brush up on my German to truly understand what the fellow in the video was explaining!


Cary Falk
06-20-2018, 2:43 PM
Believe it or not, the Grizzly fence and rail kit is pretty hard to beat.

You can't put a Grizzly fence on a Powermatic. The world will implode.:eek: That being said I have the Grizzly resaw fence on my G0513X2 and am vey happy with it.

glenn bradley
06-21-2018, 10:17 AM
Believe it or not, the Grizzly fence and rail kit is pretty hard to beat.

i have test driven a few and I have to agree the Grizzly fence on their larger saws does a pretty fine job.