View Full Version : Grizzly Shipping

Edward Weingarden
06-18-2018, 2:53 PM
I'm about to order a Grizzly G0800 lathe. Grizzly tells me that when it arrives at my home it will be off-loaded on the road at the bottom of my 200' driveway. That seems crazy! Has that been other peoples experience when ordering from Grizzly? Thanks.

Chris Irving
06-18-2018, 4:09 PM
What I've found is that if you pay for lift gate service they will push (or pull, or both) it up the driveway on a pallet jack. My driveway is 200' also with a steep hill. I make sure I'm home when they come to help

John Keeton
06-18-2018, 5:21 PM
We live in a rural area with a fairly steep 1/4 mile gravel drive. For all of my shop machines I have arranged to meet the truck in town and used the tailgate of the delivery truck to load the pallet/machine into my pickup. Then, I use a Harbor Freight shop crane to unload the machine into my shop onto furniture dollies so it can be moved around.

Edward Weingarden
06-18-2018, 6:31 PM
I knew there had to be options. Thanks.

Roger Chandler
06-18-2018, 8:08 PM
I decided to go to the UPS Freight terminal and pick my G0800 up with my trailer. [40 miles] They loaded it onto my trailer with the fork lift. I had a neighbor go with me, and he and my son helped me unload and assemble. Man, you’re gonna love that G0800!!!

Edward Weingarden
06-18-2018, 8:52 PM
Did Grizzly charge you the full freight fee even though it wasn't delivered to your home?

Dave Lehnert
06-18-2018, 10:16 PM
I'm about to order a Grizzly G0800 lathe. Grizzly tells me that when it arrives at my home it will be off-loaded on the road at the bottom of my 200' driveway. That seems crazy! Has that been other peoples experience when ordering from Grizzly? Thanks.

I don't think the driver is even required to off load it. Just get it to the tail end of the truck.
Having said that most drivers will help beyond what they have to do.
When dealing with freight companies one has to remember its not like dealing with the local hardware store and having a stove or dishwasher deviled where you get full service.

Roger Chandler
06-18-2018, 10:47 PM
Did Grizzly charge you the full freight fee even though it wasn't delivered to your home?I called UPS Freight when I was notified my G0800 shipped, and asked them to hold it and I would pick it up. That was my choice because of my own schedule, and doing it that way gave me more control of taking possession, and it not being delivered at a time when I had to be away from home. Only about 40 miles difference in the distance, so I was okay with paying full shipping. Grizzly had no idea I had the shipment held at the freight terminal.

Jay Mullins
06-18-2018, 10:50 PM
I did the same thing here in Greensboro. I called them and since I live on a dead end street, their Semi could not turn around. I thought it easier to go there and have them set it on my trailer with a fork lift. Once I got it home I used my Harbor Freight shop crane to off load it. I would do it that way again if needed as my drive way is about 200 feet and gravel.

Perry Hilbert Jr
06-19-2018, 6:09 AM
My next door neighbor drives for an express freight company making deliveries. He hates residential deliveries because folks expect him to deliver 500 lb items into their garage, or around the back to their shed. He can't back into most driveways without ruining the paving. Then the home owners want the company to pay for that damage. He has a lift gate and a pallet jack with small rollers that get screwed up if used on gravel. It is at the point that his company's local office calls the homeowner and warns them that delivery is only to the curb. He tells me that at least twice a month, an irate homeowner calls the company screaming about the fact that the package is blocking their driveway or wasn't delivered "down the back steps into the basement" A few years back, I ordered a farm implement that weighed 1400 lbs. The freight driver called me and I told him I had a loader to pick it off the trailer and set it on the ground. He parked on the road and I picked the item off the side of the trailer with the loader and a chain. The driver mentioned that he wished all his deliveries were that easy. Most home owners do not consider the logistics of the actual delivery when they order such items. They assume that the item will just magically float to their shop or garage. Their only experience with deliveries is appliances where the local appliance store has in home set up delivery.

Edward Weingarden
06-19-2018, 8:35 AM
I'm going to contact UPS Freight to make the same arrangements as Roger.

Roger Chandler
06-19-2018, 9:00 AM
I'm going to contact UPS Freight to make the same arrangements as Roger.
Smart move Ed. Also, doing it this way will allow you to get your trailer or pickup right back to your shop for unloading. I took mine in piece by piece, and assembled as I went. You will need some muscle to help you, unless you have a hoist or something. You will also need some items to clean the cosmoline protective grease off everything as well. I used blue shop towels, and mineral spirits. They clean well. I’ll say it again, you’re gonna love that 0800! It is built like a tank, and is precision machined, with advanced motor/inverter combo.

Edward Weingarden
06-19-2018, 10:40 AM
Thanks for all the feedback Roger and others.

Ken Fitzgerald
06-19-2018, 11:44 AM
It really depends on the local driver. My Grizzly jointer was off loaded on the street on a pallet jack. The driver pushed it into my shop some 80' down my gravel driveway, while a neighbor and I rotated sheets of 1/2' plywood for him to roll it on. When I tried to give him a $20 tip, he refused it. When my MM-16 delivered, same scenario but I finally convinced the driver to take the tip but it did require some effort on my part.

Alex Zeller
06-19-2018, 2:14 PM
I have a G0766 lathe on order and my plan was to pick it up at the depot as well. But I have several pieces of equipment here so unloading it isn't a problem.

Mark Maestas
06-22-2018, 12:49 AM
I live in a dead end street with a long driveway so I had the same concerns when I first ordered from Grizzly. I ordered a bandsaw and since Grizzly had said the delivery company couldn't turn around in the dead end street, I planned on picking it up at the freight terminal. When UPS called and said that the bandsaw was in, they said the truck had a liftgate and that I could meet the driver at a location close to me and I could just slide it off onto my truck. When the driver called me to meet me, he said he could just come to one block over from me so he wouldn't have to go down my one way street. So that's what we did. A few months later, I ordered a lathe and planned on doing the same thing but UPS didn't call me until the driver was coming down my street. The driver said the dead end street was no problem. He had a drop gate, unloaded the lathe on a pallet jack and pushed it up my 150 ft driveway and into my shop. I tipped him $20. Last month, I ordered a Grizzly table saw and the same driver did the same thing. Unloaded and pushed it right into my shop. Tipped him $20 again.

Jim Kemppainen
06-24-2018, 10:47 AM
I bought a whole garage full of Grizzly equipment. We live at the end of a dirt 1/2 mile road, up a hill through the woods and the box truck with lift gate delivered it to my garage door.

glenn bradley
06-24-2018, 1:22 PM
This it’s not grizzly’s idea, it’s the shippers. The driver is always been glad to haul the carton or pallet all the way into my shop for me and refused to take a tip. I have heard widely varying stories for different parts of the

Alex Zeller
06-24-2018, 8:01 PM
I haven't had too much luck meeting up with UPS/ FedEx drivers. Usually they are on a tight schedule. But that's not freight so maybe it's different. I assumed that I would just pick up my lathe at the depot and make life easier as I'm up a sort of steep driveway and while they can turn around at my house it's easier for them and me to either load it into the back of my truck at the depot or down the road from my house. When it arrives I'll talk to the driver and find out what works best.

Chris A Lawrence
06-27-2018, 5:24 PM
So for everyone that purchased from grizzly how long from when they charge your credit card does it take for them actually ship? I got a low credit alert email from my credit card company first time i was glad to see that but no notification from grizzly yet. Need to start working on the logistics of getting a day off work to receive it.

Alex Zeller
06-27-2018, 9:18 PM
I can't answer your question Chris but hopefully it's a good sign that Grizzly received a shipment. If you don't mind me asking did you order something made in China or Taiwan? How long ago did you place your order?

Chris A Lawrence
06-27-2018, 9:47 PM
ordered in April its a G0766 lathe from china so i beat the tariff deadline.

Keith Buxton
06-27-2018, 11:23 PM
copied this from grizzly's web site when you check availability. Order today to secure your spot in line and lock in this price. Your credit card will not be charged until we ship your product and you may cancel at any time. so I would think it went out today or tomorrow.

Chuck Ellis
06-28-2018, 9:37 AM
I don't think the driver is even required to off load it. Just get it to the tail end of the truck.
Having said that most drivers will help beyond what they have to do.
When dealing with freight companies one has to remember its not like dealing with the local hardware store and having a stove or dishwasher deviled where you get full service.

I spent 40 years in transportation industry and it's not delivered until it's off the truck... unless it's a drop and hook, then the delivery is just the whole trailer... but as said, often drivers will assist... my son had a 600 lbs crate delivered to my place last week... the driver helped slide it off the lift gate unto his trailer and even assisted with the tie down...

Alex Zeller
06-28-2018, 1:02 PM
I just got an email saying my G0766 has shipped so Grizzly must have gotten their China shipment.

Roger Chandler
06-28-2018, 2:45 PM
I just got an email saying my G0766 has shipped so Grizzly must have gotten their China shipment.Congrats Alex! Feel free to check out the Grizzly Green Monster Group [GGMG] for all things Grizzly lathes. You will find some very VALUABLE information there, especially regarding the G0766. Since the introduction of this model, some changes have been made to refine them to the American market, but there is tons of information for owners.
Go to the community tab at the top of the page, then click groups, then you can join if you wish.

William Chain
06-28-2018, 3:40 PM
I had pretty much exactly this experience. The UPS freight driver was super helpful and refused to accept a tip. He brought the pallet on a pallet jack, and helped me by pushing my bandsaw up a steep driveway and dropping it in the shop. It was great.

It really depends on the local driver. My Grizzly jointer was off loaded on the street on a pallet jack. The driver pushed it into my shop some 80' down my gravel driveway, while a neighbor and I rotated sheets of 1/2' plywood for him to roll it on. When I tried to give him a $20 tip, he refused it. When my MM-16 delivered, same scenario but I finally convinced the driver to take the tip but it did require some effort on my part.

Chris A Lawrence
07-03-2018, 6:45 PM
That went fast new G0766 is sitting in my driveway in front of my garage door under a tarp. As soon as the storms pass and a friend comes over going to move it into my garage.

Alex Zeller
07-03-2018, 8:05 PM
Mine is set up and ready to go. I think the factory hires children to secure them in the crate as most of the bolts were loose or had fallen out. Nothing was damaged but I'm glad it didn't need to travel much further. Probably the biggest issue was the plate that the motor mounts to. Two of the flat head screws were loose and the other two had fallen out. The good news is that by removing the motor to reinstall/ tighten them up it made it a lot easier to install the head unit on the lathe as it weighed half as much.

Chris A Lawrence
07-03-2018, 8:32 PM
No help showed up so i had to break it down into pieces to get it in the garage. Didnt want to leave it sitting outside all night. After i dry off from all the sweat off to clean off the oil then figure out how to get the legs on.

Alex Zeller
07-03-2018, 10:44 PM
What I did, since it showed up days sooner than I expected, was to lay the legs on their side, put the feet on, mount the bed onto the legs and then stand it up. I had a couple shimming shingles to get things close enough to start the screws. Over all I would say it was pretty easy. I don't know if I could of gotten the head unit on by myself but since I had to remove the motor it was easy.

Randy Hogan
07-09-2018, 10:19 PM
I ordered a G0766 on July 2. With the TOTH10 discount and including shipping, my cost was $1650 . I was notified today by Grizzly that due to tariffs imposed on chinese imports by the US govt, my new cost for the lathe was $2010. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do at this point. That lathe for $1650 was a complete no-brainer for me. I was upgrading from a mini. Now I'm not so sure.

Chris A Lawrence
07-09-2018, 10:33 PM
Even at $2010 you will not be able to get a new lathe with equal features. I doubt you will be getting the lathe in less then a month i ordered the beginning of April and just got mine last Tuesday. Hopefully by the time your lathe is ready to ship this tariff thing will go away and the price will drop back down.

Alex Zeller
07-10-2018, 12:21 AM
I thought someone said October was the next shipping date. If so then you have time before committing to buy it.

Mike Wilkins
07-13-2018, 9:19 AM
Ken's idea of piggy-back sheets of plywood is a great method of moving heavy machinery over a typical lawn. I just moved a 800# pound jointer/planer machine from the driveway to the shop across the back yard-solo. Rent a pallet jack-the expense is worth every penny.