View Full Version : Rust Hunt, a few "trophies"

steven c newman
06-17-2018, 9:31 PM
Nothing great, nor all that bad, either:rolleyes:

A town nearby was having a Village-wide Yard Sale event....so, off to the land of Airstream we went...

Stopped at one sale along the way, got a few packs of brass hinges...$1 a pack....
Got to the town of Jackson Center, Oh a tad late in the day, shopped around....one place had a 4x 24" backsaw...anda coping saw....$1.55 so far ....plus the $2 for the hinges..
Price of the coping saw had been reduced from $0.50 to a nickel....needs a blade. Saw was straight, and well sharpened....
Shopped some more...LOTS of clothes, nick-knacks..and
There was a mitre box, that would have fit the backsaw I just bought....but...guide posts were missing, everything looking like it had set outside all spring....too many parts missing..passed on it.

More places to shop...was kind of a hot day...stopped at this one place..well, two were side by side...Boss went to the one, and I shopped for clamps..
$4 each...BESSEY 1/2" pipe clamp, 36" pipe.....Hargrave 600, 3/4" pipe clamp, with 48" pipe...yet there was another item on that table..

Kept walking away from it..after the third try....asked for a price....fellow seemed stuck on that $$ mark....so, this thing came home with me..
Yeah, like I really needed another #4 sized plane....
It was missing the "V" line decal....everything else was there....Millers Falls No. 900.

Boss wanted to go to the big city...so...wound up getting the oil changed in the van while there spent more on the oil change, than I did rust hunting...

Have since added a blade to the coping saw. Have cleaned the iron...and found out it is thicker by 1/2 than the iron from the 1901 Sargent 408 I have...."Solid Tool Steel".

May get it rehabbed later...may find a use for the pipe clamps, too.

Not too bad of a day..:rolleyes:

Stew Denton
06-17-2018, 11:27 PM
Hey Steven,

If you hadn't gotten anything else but the clamps you did great, the rest was just icing on the cake.


steven c newman
06-27-2018, 8:25 PM
Turned out that the backsaw was a 22" long saw....have it cleaned up, and hanging in the til..for now. Coping saw is a Craftsman. Extra deep frame, at one time the handle apparently was Red?

Everyone seems to be selling their pipe clamps right now....have bought quite a few this year. Half of them are the 3/4" pipe kind. Keeps up...I just might have enough clamps...

Stew Denton
06-27-2018, 10:32 PM
Hey Steven,

I have heard it said, and read that "You can never have too many clamps," and my experience with C-clamps is that I don't have too many, and I have a lot of C-clamps. So I don't think you have anything to worry about, you can't have too many clamps, so on the other hand, the bad news is you can't get to the point you mentioned above: "I might just have enough clamps." (I don't think it is even possible.....just kidding...."


Kevin Perez
07-11-2018, 7:55 AM
I’m jealous of you easterners. Out west (Colorado) rust hunts are usually as successful as snipe hunts.

Jim Koepke
07-11-2018, 11:30 AM
I’m jealous of you easterners. Out west (Colorado) rust hunts are usually as successful as snipe hunts.

It is kind of like that here in Southwest Washington state. There were a lot of misses between finding an estate sale of a woodworker.

Sometimes one gets lucky and finds a yard sale where someone has a saw, brace, plane or a few chisels their grandpa bought long ago.


Stew Denton
07-11-2018, 10:10 PM
Hi Kevin,

Texas panhandle rust hunts are in the same success range (like snipe hunts) as you folks in Colorado. Agreed, the NE US folks, and Midwest folks don't know how good they have it.


steven c newman
07-12-2018, 8:45 AM
Save up your pennies.....World's Longest Yard Sale is the first weekend in August this year......might be worth the trip..