View Full Version : printing issue windows 10 corel

Craig Matheny
06-13-2018, 1:31 PM
Ok just upgraded from win 7 to 10 new machine 32 gigs ram, 8 gigs video, 2 500 gigs ssd and 1 terabit sata drive. Here the issue it stops printing part of our instruction sheets but not on all models just random some setting has to be off. If I save to pdf print outside of corel great open pdf in corel same issue. So if it is designed or imported into corel we have issues some of the time.

Any ideas?

Kev Williams
06-13-2018, 4:33 PM
just printing on paper? Probably a Corel memory issue. Almost every day I run into 'bitmap too large' or 'image exceeds 64,000 bytes' -- or 'a necessary resource was unavailable' or just plain 'Corel has stopped working'... How do people who draw cars and people in Corel that LOOK like cars and people, deal with this nonsense? I have Corel X4 on a 15 year old single 2gig hyperthreaded processor 32bit XP machine with 2 gigs of ram, and it does absolutely nothing different than the X4 on my Dell Precision T5400 2 processor-8 core 64bit win7 with 32gigs of ram... NOTHING! In fact the XP is usually faster since I have no other programs running on it.

--all this tells me it's a Corel problem-- which you figured out by having no problem printing your PDF outside of Corel ;)

Gary Hair
06-14-2018, 7:22 AM
All of those problems can be attributed to using a version of a program that is 4 major revisions old. X8 is current and I can assure you that I have never seen any of those errors with X8 on a current, high performance machine. There is something to be said for the older, simpler setups, but sometimes the updates actually solve problems, not just add fluff that you don't need.

just printing on paper? Probably a Corel memory issue. Almost every day I run into 'bitmap too large' or 'image exceeds 64,000 bytes' -- or 'a necessary resource was unavailable' or just plain 'Corel has stopped working'... How do people who draw cars and people in Corel that LOOK like cars and people, deal with this nonsense? I have Corel X4 on a 15 year old single 2gig hyperthreaded processor 32bit XP machine with 2 gigs of ram, and it does absolutely nothing different than the X4 on my Dell Precision T5400 2 processor-8 core 64bit win7 with 32gigs of ram... NOTHING! In fact the XP is usually faster since I have no other programs running on it.

--all this tells me it's a Corel problem-- which you figured out by having no problem printing your PDF outside of Corel ;)

Craig Matheny
06-14-2018, 3:28 PM
Gary I am running Corel 2017 so I am 3 months on this software 2018 just came out so your answer is not relevant to the original post. Any other ideas?

All of those problems can be attributed to using a version of a program that is 4 major revisions old. X8 is current and I can assure you that I have never seen any of those errors with X8 on a current, high performance machine. There is something to be said for the older, simpler setups, but sometimes the updates actually solve problems, not just add fluff that you don't need.

Gary Hair
06-14-2018, 5:08 PM
I'm talking about X8, not 2018 or 2017, maybe that's the difference?

Gary I am running Corel 2017 so I am 3 months on this software 2018 just came out so your answer is not relevant to the original post. Any other ideas?

Jeanette Brewer
06-19-2018, 6:13 PM
I'm talking about X8, not 2018 or 2017, maybe that's the difference?

X8 (v18) is two versions old. :)

X9 (v19) = "Corel 2017"
XX (v20) = "Corel 2018"

Craig Matheny
06-20-2018, 7:11 PM
So now that we all know the ages of Corel software any ideas on what is causing this issue?

Margaret Turco
06-22-2018, 5:00 PM
Could there be an invisible shape (like an empty text box, maybe) on top of the text that doesn't interfere on-screen, but does something when you print? I've had files sent to me and had a little un-engraved line which turned out to be a text box border that I didn't know was there until I selected everything on the page, and saw the handles.

Good luck!