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View Full Version : Creeker's Past Week's Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
06-04-2018, 12:24 AM
4 Jun 2018

It's been a very busy past week at the day job as well as trying to get things done around the house. We had out of state company with us most of the week and while the visit was very nice, it made for an even busier time after work. Not complaining but there are times when I need to go to work at the day job so I can rest. :)
My hope is that this week, I'll get some shop stuff done that I've been needing to get done. I always make plans but stuff always seems to come up to disrupt those plans. Oh well, I'll keep trying and getting stuff done a little along seems to be par for the course for me these days. I have a large project coming up at the day job starting tomorrow and my hope and plan is for it to go well and smoothly. ;)

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.

Wayne Lomman
06-04-2018, 6:39 AM
I have gone nuts and decided to polish our timber floors. Our house is an ex power authority bungalow and is about 60 years old. It was moved here on a truck about 30 years ago. It has had a hard life. The floors are Tasmanian Oak. They have always been under lino or carpet but not any more. I'm doing it a couple of square metres a night so that we can still live inside. Finishing is with water borne polyurethane. Cheers

Jim Becker
06-04-2018, 10:34 AM
I sure hope you get some rest, Dennis...and at home, not at the "day job". LOL

The usual eclectic week for me...more paperwork in support of my mother for insurance proceeds and benefits, preparing to make my newer Macbook Pro r13 "primary" over my mid-2010 iMac as I really don't need two of them at this point, lawn mowing, some landscaping things including removal of the old wire fence around what was the veggie/herb garden in favor of it becoming just an herb/flower garden which the deer don't care about, cutting a few small signs on the CNC, refurbishing my older tack trunk for sale (it was the prototype for those that came after it for commission work), cleaning up and cataloging/photographing some equestrian tack and other items for sale and completing the renovation of our guest parking area, including installation and compaction of new stone as shown in this photo:


Last night's heavy rain cleaned off the pavement very nicely. :)

Mike Ontko
06-04-2018, 10:59 AM
Wayne, good luck with the flooring and please share a few pics when you get it finished.

The past three to five weeks have been a little chaotic -- visiting one stepson in Montreal for his Master's recital (he's graduated as a performing cellist), selling and now packing up our house, and then house hunting and purchasing our new place which we're moving to over the next two weeks. We're going to be without a home for six days, so everything that's not being packed onto the moving van will be either moved into a small storage facility or stuffed into our cars. Oh, and over the last week I also had my 2000 Expedition spring a coolant leak in its intake manifold. So, we decided to take the plunge with some of the proceeds from our recent house sale and purchase a new truck for towing the LOML's horse and carting around my stuff. Found a good deal on a 2014 F150 5.0L (pic below) that I'm pretty happy with.

So, graduation, house sale, house purchase, sold the old SUV, found and bought a new truck and have been busy packing in prep for this week's move out.


Did I mention chaos?

The garage in the new place is smaller than our last place and doesn't have the 220V outlets that I'll need for my jointer, bandsaw, and dust collector. The long term plan is to build a new 20' x 35' shop on the property, but for now I just need to add outlets in the garage and a sub panel that can eventually feed a new out building.

In the midst of everything, I'm still trying to squeeze in time to finish off my rustic barnwood bed project. After much debate I've decided to go ahead and complete the panels for the headboard and footboard by gluing (with contact cement) thin veneers of the same rough-sawn red oak onto a 1/4" plywood substrate. Each of these panels then will be screwed (the plywood substrate goes on first, then the veneer) onto a framework that I built into the headboard and footboard.

One of the finished sides of the headboard is shown below. I still have to make the rails and cross supports for the box spring and then mortise in the Rockler bed hardware that fits the whole thing together. Including finishing (I'm planning a matte finish poly on top of several layers of semi gloss), I should be able to finish before the last leaves of fall are picked up..with any luck.


Jay Larson
06-04-2018, 12:56 PM
'Resting' at work has been my MO for the last several weeks... And today is no exception. Although I shouldn't complain, I have been losing about 1-2 pounds every week. :D

Saturday was moving day for my fiance's daughter as she got a job in Milwaukee. I kept on teasing her that she should have gotten a boyfriend the month before. But she got all settled in and we went to the Lakefront Brewery to celebrate. Stand up girl, she even bought the first round. But we bought dinner.

Yesterday I pulled out my Wrangler to get started on some side rails. Got the brackets fitted to the frame, and now to cut the arms that will hold the rail outside of the body.

Also over the last week or so, I have been doing a bit of spring cleaning in both my woodworking shop and the Jeep garage area. Hence the need for the parts bin mentioned previously. Too many projects that I got started, then the clean up gets put on hold as there always seemed to be a more important project pressing. Put trailer parts, wheel bearings and seals, air tool fittings, along with other odds and ends all in separate bins. Even though, as per usual, it could have been bigger, there is still room for more items.

Aaron Rosenthal
06-04-2018, 9:43 PM
Wow, you folks are busy!
Lazed all afternoon@ Saturday (sabbath) but went into the garage (shop) to do some clean up. I even threw out some wood I couldn’t realistically find a project for.
Then did something I’ve been promising myself: signed on to university of you tube and made a few notes, went back out and started destroying wood learning how to hand cut dovetails.
LOTS of mistakes, little refresher review and do some more. By dinner (8 pm) i’d done 3, still need more practice but I’m getting the idea. Not spaced “properly” but let’s wait into I can cut straight and true. I don’t have a marker or guide, but I’ll make one soon.

Aaron Rosenthal
06-04-2018, 9:47 PM
Should have trad “on Sunday went out to the garage” .......

Derek Cohen
06-04-2018, 11:46 PM
For those following the build of the apothecary chest, the weekend's progress is here: http://www.inthewoodshop.com/Furniture/ApothecaryChestWeekend8.html

Up to this stage ...


The full build is on this index page (scan down to Apothecary Chest): http://www.inthewoodshop.com/Furniture/index.html

Regards from Perth


John Sanford
06-06-2018, 1:08 PM
Late replying here.

during the week I worked the work, and after work did a little bit on the chest of drawers for under my lathe. The chest is almost complete, all I've got left is removing the drawer faces, putting finish on them, and then reinstalling them.

It was a short week for me at work, as my son and I jumped on our motorcycles and headed south on Thursday, his first long trip. Had a vicious headwind all the way down to Vegas. We got to do an impromptu mini family reunion with all of my kids, as my daughter had flown into Vegas for the a family event. Overnited there in Las Vegas with a friend, then I continued alone to Irvine, CA on Friday. Because I got an early start, it wasn't too bad running across the Mojave. Temps didn't even break 90. Between The Mad Greek in Baker and the Holiday Inn in Irvine, I made a stop at the Rockler in Orange. I make a point of visiting Rockler when I go to SoCal, because we don't have one up here. I picked up some DC stuff while I was there, toodled the rest of the way to Irvine.

On Saturday, had a different family function, the purpose of my trip, then toodled about SoCal, finding my way to the Woodcraft in Fountain Valley. Got myself a purple Preppin' Weapon and a knife kit, chatted with the guys there, and drooled on some of the koa for sale. Sunday, well, Sunday was a bit of a challenge. I rolled out of the Holiday Inn at 7:01AM Pacific time, and rolled into my driveway at 8:33pm, Mountain Time. 680 miles, temp ranged from 61f when I left Irvine to 108f as I was crossing the Arizona Strip.