View Full Version : Wood ID

Jim Tobias
06-03-2018, 10:03 PM
Just bought a big lot of wood from someone's estate and I thought I knew a fair amount about wood until I went through this stash of wood. This gentleman had travelled about the world and collected blocks/ boards/burls from all over. I'm starting to go through some of it and came across this piece and do not recognize the name "sandalwood's sister ". It is extremely heavy.
Any info out there.


Andrew Hughes
06-03-2018, 11:52 PM
Looks like someone was planning on making sandals for their sister out of sandalwood.:)

Wayne Lomman
06-04-2018, 6:51 AM
Does it have the sandalwood aroma? There are several species of false sandalwoods from around the world. It may be one of these. Santalum is the genus for true sandalwoods. Cheers