View Full Version : You have to set your phone to airplane mode before you can use the Bosch REaxx saw?

Simon MacGowen
05-23-2018, 7:49 PM

This info is new to me.

By the way, the image below the comparison shows the guy demonstrating how to cause a kickback on a saw! (Yeah, I know the saw was not turned on and the blade wasn't set to cut, but still!)


Keith Pitman
05-23-2018, 8:41 PM
Whatsa “you phone”?

Simon MacGowen
05-23-2018, 9:13 PM
haha. They don't allow to you edit headings. It's hard to be typo-free when your cell phone is small and your hands are oversized. ;)


Matt Day
05-23-2018, 9:55 PM
What am I missing? Are you simply promoting SS with that link because there’s nothing about airplane mode or the Bosch Reaxx.

Simon MacGowen
05-23-2018, 10:14 PM
What am I missing? Are you simply promoting SS with that link because there’s nothing about airplane mode or the Bosch Reaxx.

Oops. The link was working earlier, but it failed to come up now. Googleed again and found this mention of the airplane mode thing.


Frederick Skelly
05-24-2018, 7:26 AM
The wording seems funny in the article. I can read it to say that you have to put the phone in airplane mode, if you have the Bosch app on your phone. I don't know whether that's accurate. But if I'm right in that interpretation, the concern could be the app interacting with the saw at the wrong time - not the phone per se. See what you folks think though?


Bradley Gray
05-24-2018, 8:03 AM
Can we make cars that require phones to be in airplane mode?

Marshall Harrison
05-24-2018, 8:29 AM
Page is working now.

I think the main intention was to put your phone in airplane mode so you wouldn't be interrupted or startled by incoming calls while cutting. It would have been nice to have some explanation (maybe I missed it) of why.

But, it doesn't matter to me as I don't have either saw and I don't travel to job sites. My phone is never on me when working in the shop. I lay it somewhere else in the shop so that leaning over a saw or table etc won't break the screen.

Simon MacGowen
05-24-2018, 9:37 AM
Can we make cars that require phones to be in airplane mode?

The best technological suggestion I have heard in recent times!


Mark Bolton
05-24-2018, 12:50 PM
Can only imagine the lawyers that went to school and learned about the myriad of ridiculous reasons you can sue someone, or the lawyers on staff that have personally made money or money for their corporate employers, are taking CYA legal wording to the highest level in any attempt to protect themselves. "Dont use your phone while using a table saw" is the unfortunate new level of the graphic of an infant drowning in a 5 gallon bucket or suffocating playing with the bag that protected your computer monitor.

The sad fact is some idiot will use the phone while setting up the saw, cut themselves, and win a lawsuit.

This conversation happens almost daily in commercial shop environments when employees are walking around with phones and are far more preoccupied with an incoming text, FB message, tweet, email, or changing their pandora station, than they are to focus on their job, safety, and that of those around them. New world.

Carlos Alvarez
05-24-2018, 1:24 PM
The same advice is given for quadcopters that use a phone, and 3D printers run from a phone (we have both). They are mostly nebulous "interference" concerns, coupled with the fact that if the phone is busy processing something from the outside world, it could run the (quadcopter/printer/saw) with a delay. That would be catastrophic for a quadcopter or in the middle of a print job. Not sure what the saw does with the app, so I don't know what problems it could cause there.

A few months ago I was running one of my quads with the phone still connected to the world so that I could live-stream it. At around 230 feet AGL, the flight controller crashed, so you can imagine what the aircraft did (also crash). Was it related to the phone? The manufacturer says "probably not" but that it's possible and that's why they want the phone to be in airplane mode but with wifi on. They wanted it back to analyze the flight data and sent me a brand new one.

Steve Milito
05-24-2018, 3:27 PM
I can't figure out why you even need a phone app for a table saw, unless it dials 911 when it senses blood, but then again that function would be defeated by having to put your phone in airplane mode!

Carlos Alvarez
05-24-2018, 3:42 PM
Well since it uses an auto-brake like a Saw Stop, there should be no blood. The app simply provides diagnostic data from the saw.


Nick Decker
05-24-2018, 4:07 PM
Basically, if it's a thing, there's an app for that.


Michael Rector
05-24-2018, 7:30 PM
What I find interesting is the likelihood of someone putting their phone in airplane mode or completely shutting it off is directly related to perceived risk.

Phone in a movie theatre - eh
Phone in the shop - eh
Phone while driving - eh
Phone when doing precision blasting - better turn it off

Maybe if table saws, cars, and movie theatre seats had some kind of explosive in them, people would shut off their phone :)

Carlos Alvarez
05-25-2018, 1:46 PM
What I find interesting is the likelihood of someone putting their phone in airplane mode or completely shutting it off is directly related to perceived risk.

Phone in a movie theatre - eh
Phone in the shop - eh
Phone while driving - eh
Phone when doing precision blasting - better turn it off

Maybe if table saws, cars, and movie theatre seats had some kind of explosive in them, people would shut off their phone :)

If the average person walking around were doing blasting, we would have a lot less idiots left in the world. They'd be ON the phone while inserting the wires.