View Full Version : Millers Falls type 1

Tim Whitley
05-22-2018, 2:31 PM
Value of Miller Falls type 1 planes #9 #8 and #14 good condition? I had started collection but really have no desire to keep looking for old tools to collect rather work on projects and maintain fewer items.

Thank you in advance


Jim Koepke
05-22-2018, 6:23 PM
Hi Tim, the best place to get a fix on current prices is to look at completed listings on ebay.

What luck, it looks like the three sold close together:


Notice two of them had the original box.


Tim Whitley
05-22-2018, 9:50 PM
Thanks Jim I am asking about type 1 the first prodcution MF planes. I have not noticed any type 1 planes on ebay of late but will continue to check the listings.


J. Greg Jones
05-23-2018, 6:11 AM
If it helps, I bought a Type 1 #9 in very good to excellent condition off eBay last November. The seller was asking $125 buy it now or best offer, including shipping. We agreed on $100 shipped, so figuring shipping, PayPal, and eBay fees, I'd guess the seller pocketed $80 on the sale. I'm not a collector-I bought it to use but I admit I was looking for, and willing to pay a little more, for a Type 1. I'm happy with the purchase, thought the price was fair to both of us given the condition of the plane.

My admittedly un-expert opinion on the value of MF bench planes is to look what the Type 2 and Type 3 planes (red frog models) are selling for in the same condition as yours, and figure a Type 1 will fetch around a 50% bump for the collector value. The #8 is possibly going to be worth somewhat more than the 50% bump, just because there are more #9 and #14 planes out there.