View Full Version : Spalted ???? Egg Box

Michael Stafford
11-18-2005, 6:21 AM
Okay, Dick Parr sent me some wood for my birthday. He sent an assortment of woods that were of the size that I use for turning boxes. I guess you could call it a collection of box kits.:D Thanks Dick!!!:D

One piece of the wood he sent me he salvaged from a pallet and was unsure what species it was. It is sort of yellow, has some spalting and is rather coarse in texture but hard and dense. Turned and sanded well.

I cut off a piece, Dick sent a piece large enough for me to get 3 or 4 boxes from and chucked it up. Inside I found an egg box. You never know what you will find in a piece of wood. But when I opened the egg there was nothing in it....:p

This is the first time I have ever attempted this shape and certainly the first time I have a turned a box this shape. The box is roughly 2 1/2" in diameter and 3 1/2" tall. I included two views as the spalting is only on one side of the piece.

I think this wood might be hackberry. I turned some a while back and it resembles what I turned if I remember correctly. I would welcome opinions as to what others think it is.

Mark Cothren
11-18-2005, 7:28 AM
Wow Mike, that is a neat little box for sure! Love the egg shape. You should do some more of these.

That first picture, especially, looks like some of the Hackberry that I've turned. I think you may be right.

Thanks for the picture!

John Hart
11-18-2005, 7:29 AM
Looks like Beech to me Mike. Cool little egg!!! You amaze me Mr Boxmaster Sir!!:) :)

Keith Burns
11-18-2005, 7:57 AM
Mr. Boxmaster, that is a great egg/box ! You hit the shape right on the button. Your work continues to impress me for sure.:)

Chris Barton
11-18-2005, 8:07 AM
The box looks great and your work has inspired me to give this a try as well.

Karl Laustrup
11-18-2005, 9:44 AM
No clue what kind of wood and it doesn't matter to me, as that is one fine piece of work. :)

It certainly is amazing what you may find in a piece of wood. :)


Bill Stevener
11-18-2005, 10:34 AM
Where's the chicken, Where's the chicken:eek:
Very nice looking box Mike, I mean egg. If I were to venture a guess, I would say Hack, we have a number of trees growing along the creek, the one behind the house :D , and don't cut them due to the extensive maintenance, well just plain damage to the chain saw. But it is a nice wood when you get it worked up right, and that you did.

Dick Parr
11-18-2005, 7:00 PM
That is why I sent that to you Mike, I knew that piece was in there waiting to come out. That's a great looking egg box.

Glad you are enjoying the wood.;)

Dennis Peacock
11-18-2005, 7:35 PM
Great Egg there Big Mike. Very nice box design if'en you ask me. :D

So....what's next? You goin' to turn a "hen" next? :rolleyes: :p :D

Ernie Nyvall
11-21-2005, 8:20 PM
Geez Mike, is there a box you can't make. That is a perfect looking egg.


Jim Ketron
11-21-2005, 9:31 PM
Looks eggstravagant Mike!
Nice Job!

John Nicholas
11-21-2005, 11:17 PM
I think this wood might be hackberry. I turned some a while back and it resembles what I turned if I remember correctly. I would welcome opinions as to what others think it is.

Michael, Looks like Hackberry to me. I like the egg box, very nice shape. I tried a solid egg, that is a tough shape.

How do you think the box will sit. On it's side? In a stand? Raffin in his book on boxes had some shapes without bases and suggests a basket to hold them.
Any ideas from another who has mastered boxes?

John :)

Carole Valentine
11-21-2005, 11:56 PM
Michael, you really did a great job on a form that is really hard to get just right! I can't get an egg right to save my life.:(
I agree with the hackberry theory...a friend sent me some pics of a lightly spalted hackberry bowl this morning and it looked just like that.

Michael Stafford
11-22-2005, 6:08 AM
Thanks everyone for the feedback, I appreciate it.

John. there is a tiny little recessed foot on the fat end that allows it to stand like it is pictured. I decided I wanted a way to display it in its upright position so I created a little foot. I didn't want to have to put all my eggs in one basket.....:p :D