View Full Version : Rehab of a saw

steven c newman
05-01-2018, 9:36 PM
One of the saws I picked up at that auction Sataurday..
Seems to be a late model Atkins No. 59....might be worth the effort to clean up?
Removed the bolts. Nickle plated Brass, shined these up, set aside.
Used a wood mallet to remove the tight handle. Sanded down the rougher spots of the finish....was wiped down after this photo...which left this to clean up
Scratchy pad under a sander...got the worse off.. then 120 grit, 180 grit, and finally 220 grit..
Tried this on the etch side of the plate, then back to the sander..
Was seeing a very faint etch..Atkins Perfection logo...and a bunch of writing....tried the gun blue paste..
Barely raised the etch. Coat of shellac on the cleaned handle, and a line up pin to re-install the handle.
I even clocked the bolts..
Finally got things all looking spiffy..stay tuned for "Part 2"

steven c newman
05-01-2018, 9:42 PM
Spiffied up, and about ready to work..
Stamped as an 8 ppi. teeth feel well set, crosscut? Straight back. No bends nor kinks. No crack nor chips in the handle
Set up a Pine test board..
Seemed to do well..
For an 8 pointer saw.

Not sure what year this saw was made in. Might be a keeper.....Figured I spent $20 for 7 saws....less than $3 for this one....?

steven c newman
05-01-2018, 10:55 PM
A catalog search seems to show this as a No. 65 Straight back saw. I also have a #51 skew back in the till..7ppi.....and a late model 51 that someone cut down....it is a 5-1/2ppi rip saw..for a tool box.

Seem to be getting a bunch of Atkins saws lately even a couple Pheonix Warranted ones. Seem to be decent enough saws..

Mike Baker 2
05-02-2018, 8:14 AM
I thought that saw wood clean up well. Nice work! Looks great!

lowell holmes
05-02-2018, 10:38 AM
I have a D-12 Disston that was rusty with a broken handle, It is a 10 point crosscut.
I sanded the rust off, filed the tooth line off and re-toothed it and made a new curly maple handle for it.
I put after market saw nuts on it. It is a beautiful fast cutting handsaw that I treasure.

You might look for a rusty broken handle saw and restore it. It is a fun project.
If you are not familiar with it, the D-12 is considered to be the top line of Disston saws.


Stewie Simpson
05-02-2018, 6:56 PM
Lowell; when do we get to see a photo of that new curly maple saw handle.


Stewie Simpson
05-02-2018, 7:38 PM
For additional accuracy, the saw handle slot was 1st kerfed to a 1/2" depth using a router table mounted slitting blade, then sawn to full depth with a large tenon saw.

http://i1009.photobucket.com/albums/af219/swagman001/unidentified%20saw%20maker/DSC_0036_zps1sidnibm.jpg (http://s1009.photobucket.com/user/swagman001/media/unidentified%20saw%20maker/DSC_0036_zps1sidnibm.jpg.html)

http://i1009.photobucket.com/albums/af219/swagman001/unidentified%20saw%20maker/DSC_0034_zpswd47qidh.jpg (http://s1009.photobucket.com/user/swagman001/media/unidentified%20saw%20maker/DSC_0034_zpswd47qidh.jpg.html)

lowell holmes
05-02-2018, 11:25 PM
When I have made saw handles, I have cut it to pattern shape, and fit the saw nuts, then shape the handle. I split the handle with a back saw.

I may try your approach on the next one.

steven c newman
05-03-2018, 1:12 AM
Hmmm, next in line for a rehab..
Rather a late model clone......bolt pattern seems to be a "D-7" post WW2 era....medallion is a Warranted Superior.....will do some digging around, and see what I can find out about it..

Not sure about the "Craftsman" saw....
Mightbe a clone of a Disston D-23? It does have a Hanger Hole in the toe....may let this sit a while...

steven c newman
05-03-2018, 1:53 AM
An etch on a WS saw? Not a Disston WS medalion..Eagle is smaller. Etch proclaims as a WORTH ( inside a diamond shaped logo)Spring Steel, Warranted...Will try to bring out the rest of the etch..later today.

Handle's bolt pattern almost a match for Atkins "Perfection" handles... Bolts are brass, heads are the smaller style. 8ppi stamp, straight back....Might be "worth" the effort to clean up?

Jerry Olexa
05-03-2018, 12:39 PM
Steve great price and good work restoring!!! good eye and good work!

Jerry Olexa
05-03-2018, 12:40 PM
For additional accuracy, the saw handle slot was 1st kerfed to a 1/2" depth using a router table mounted slitting blade, then sawn to full depth with a large tenon saw.

http://i1009.photobucket.com/albums/af219/swagman001/unidentified%20saw%20maker/DSC_0036_zps1sidnibm.jpg (http://s1009.photobucket.com/user/swagman001/media/unidentified%20saw%20maker/DSC_0036_zps1sidnibm.jpg.html)

http://i1009.photobucket.com/albums/af219/swagman001/unidentified%20saw%20maker/DSC_0034_zpswd47qidh.jpg (http://s1009.photobucket.com/user/swagman001/media/unidentified%20saw%20maker/DSC_0034_zpswd47qidh.jpg.html)

Stewie, can you show us a pic of the completed handle? Nice work!!!

steven c newman
05-03-2018, 2:02 PM
Don't have any broken saws to fiddle with making new handles....
Worth handsaw is rehabbed..
Even managed to bring out the etch..
Cuts fast, and straight..
About 10 strokes to get this far.
8 ppi, 26" long. Brass hardware, WS medallion..with a very small Eagle. Handle was sanded to remove some flaking finish, then a coat of Amber Shellac was brushed on.
Might be a keeper?

Andrew Pitonyak
05-03-2018, 2:09 PM
I really like that you used a chisel to remove some of the rust! :D

Looks very nice, what a difference.

lowell holmes
05-03-2018, 4:28 PM
I will show them when I can figure out how to down load the picture from my cell phone. I may have to go to Verizon to find out. :confused:

lowell holmes
05-04-2018, 4:03 PM
Don't have any broken saws to fiddle with making new handles....
Worth handsaw is rehabbed..
Even managed to bring out the etch..
Cuts fast, and straight..
About 10 strokes to get this far.
8 ppi, 26" long. Brass hardware, WS medallion..with a very small Eagle. Handle was sanded to remove some flaking finish, then a coat of Amber Shellac was brushed on.
Might be a keeper?

Aren't they all keepers?:)

Stewie Simpson
05-04-2018, 7:04 PM
Stewie, can you show us a pic of the completed handle? Nice work!!!

Jerry; will do. The following shows some progress in shaping the new handle.

http://i1009.photobucket.com/albums/af219/swagman001/unidentified%20saw%20maker/DSC_0037_zpsr3tzg3xp.jpg (http://s1009.photobucket.com/user/swagman001/media/unidentified%20saw%20maker/DSC_0037_zpsr3tzg3xp.jpg.html)

lowell holmes
05-05-2018, 10:22 AM
Lowell; when do we get to see a photo of that new curly maple saw handle.


I will have to go and buy a new camera. My Power Shot is dead and Hurricane Harvey flooded my office and I do not have the capability to make pictures.

lowell holmes
05-05-2018, 1:22 PM
I was doing some remembering this morning. Old dogs do that you know.
I actually took my D12 to Circle Saw in Houston Texas and had them re-tooth and sharpen it.
I had made the handle before doing that. That is why the saw is sharp and cuts fast in a straight line.:)

steven c newman
05-06-2018, 12:41 PM
Ok, back to a bit of Rehab for a saw....last year, at the World's longest Yard Sale....I picked a "tool box" size saw....got home and cleaned up.....today, while doing a cleaning of the shop, decided to try a file on that saw..
Set up the Wentworth No. 1, and got out the toys..
Turned out, I only needed the file, with the red handle. This will be saw #4 for that file....I did have a spare, if needed..
Had an overhead light....
Stamped as a 5-1/2......so I filed it rip..
Not even sure who made this saw....never seen that bolt pattern before...it does have a bit of set to it, didn't see the need to work on that..
Apparently, long ago, someone had bent this saw...then decided to shorten it down.

lowell holmes
05-08-2018, 12:35 PM
Stewie you ask to see it. Here is my D12 Disston with the maple handle.
I don't think it compares with your handle.

Jerry Olexa
05-08-2018, 1:04 PM
Lowell, nice work on the D12!!! I think restoring/cleaning the blade on the vintage handsaws is one of my biggest challenges.....Good job!!!

Jerry Olexa
05-08-2018, 1:06 PM
Stewie, you also do very fine work!!!! Thanks sharing.

lowell holmes
05-08-2018, 4:35 PM
I was just in the shop and found a saw I had forgotten. It is a 26" 10 point crosscut
Disston with a curly maple handle and bright gold saw nuts. Old dogs tend to be forgetful,
and I had forgotten it.

I am an incredibly healthy old dog, but I know I will not last forever.
My younger wife should outlive me by 8-10 years and I hate to think how she would dispose
of them. I have three sons, maybe I should leave the tools to them. That will be done after
I'm gone though.:)

My saws are all restored old Disstons. Any suggestions?

Stewie Simpson
05-09-2018, 12:33 AM
Thanks Lowell;

lowell holmes
05-09-2018, 8:05 PM
I have two 10 tpi Disstons, one is the D-12 and the other a D-7. They both have curly maple handles.
I went through a period when I was resurrecting old Disston hand saws. As I mentioned before,
I have about 15 of them.

steven c newman
05-09-2018, 9:10 PM

these are the ones that don't fit into the Saw Til...
And the til is full..
4 panel saws hang on pegs on the side of the til...to Compass Saws hang on the back of the til...

Jeff Ranck
05-10-2018, 9:11 AM

This is very helpful to me as I need to make a new handle for a saw I have. The handle is broken and it is one of those things that I've been putting off since I wasn't sure how to go about it.


steven c newman
05-10-2018, 1:42 PM
A few years ago....this showed up at my door...
Scrounged a piece from another broken saw..
After a finish was used...
Took a bit..
To get it to blend in...

Stew Denton
05-10-2018, 8:59 PM
Steven, Lowell, and Stewie,

Nice work on the saws!
