View Full Version : Happy Birthday Big Mike Stafford!!!

John Hart
11-17-2005, 7:24 AM
May your days be long and filled with happiness and wood shavings!!:)

Ken Fitzgerald
11-17-2005, 7:30 AM
Happy Birthday Big Mike!

Karl Laustrup
11-17-2005, 8:00 AM
Live long and prosper, Mike.

Happy Birthday.


Mark Cothren
11-17-2005, 8:51 AM
Happy Birthday, Big Mike! Hope you have a great one!

Kurt Aebi
11-17-2005, 11:22 AM
Congrat's on reaching another B-Day, Big Mike!

Hope it's a Great Event!

I've heard that the Secret to longevity is to keep having them - So Keep on Having Them!

Michael Stafford
11-17-2005, 11:26 AM
Thank you all very much. I too am glad to have reached another birthday. I am thankful that there are people who will take the time to wish me a good day. Thanks again!;)

Bill Stevener
11-17-2005, 11:36 AM
Hay Mike,
Happy Birthday, and may you have many more healthy ones.
Just some happy balloons for your day.

:D :D
:D :) :) :D
:) :D

Joe Tonich
11-17-2005, 12:32 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope ya have MANY more to come. :D :D


Jim Ketron
11-17-2005, 5:44 PM
Krista and I would like to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG MIKE :D !

Keith Burns
11-17-2005, 7:34 PM
Way to go BIG MIKE :) :) :) Hope you have a great day! (and get lots of nice turning tools, or wood, or chucks, or whatever):D :D :D