View Full Version : New member

Joe Johnson
11-17-2005, 1:00 AM
Hello Everyone
I just found this site a couple of days ago and I'm very impressed with it. I have participated on other sites but got tired of the sarcasm and general rudeness. Maybe the better manners on this site are because real names are used.

I retired 3 years ago and took up woodworking about 8 years ago.

I especially enjoyed reading the very long thread on the Grizzley G0586 8" Jointer. I recently bought one and just began using it. I think it's a great machine for the money.

Anyway this looks like it will be my new home. I tried to use the donate button but just read that it isn't working so I'll mail a check in to help support the site. I'm looking forward to learning a lot here.


Joe Johnson

Vaughn McMillan
11-17-2005, 2:14 AM
Welcome aboard, Joe. Always nice to have another new Creeker dive in. You're right about the civility of the group, and I do think the real-name aspect plays a big part. I was explaining SMC to another group recently, and said the general attitude here is if you wouldn't want someone's grandmother, mom or daughter to read it, don't post it. (Yes, it's sexist, but it works.)

As you saw in the Grizzly Jointer thread, discussions here can still be opinionated, but we tend to keep things friendly through it all.

You've probably already noticed, but in case you hadn't...the folks here like pictures. Share early and share often, or you'll have the Picture Police on you like you wouldn't believe. ;) You don't wanna get on their bad side.

- Vaughn

John Bailey
11-17-2005, 5:22 AM
Hey Joe,

Welcome to the civil waters of the "Creek." It is a home away from home for many of us. It's always a wealth of knowlege.


lou sansone
11-17-2005, 6:16 AM
hi joe
welcome to the creek... you are right about the civility on the forum. people here exercise a lot of self restraint at times when the topic is a controversial one. lot a of good info and encouragement from the members


Bob Noles
11-17-2005, 6:32 AM
Hi Joe,

Welcome to the creek and the best group of cyber friends around. Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee and join in on some great information swapping.

Karl Laustrup
11-17-2005, 6:33 AM
Another welcome from the frozen tundra, Joe. :D

This is a very fine place to learn, listen, and share. Hope you'll be doing a lot of the preceding.

Don't forget pictures. It would only be a figment of your imagination if it didn't include pictures.


Ken Fitzgerald
11-17-2005, 7:03 AM
Welcome to the Creek Joe! Wade right in the water's fine! Oh By The Way, did any one mention we like pictures?

John Hart
11-17-2005, 7:22 AM
Welcome Joe!!! It's kinda like a family of long ago...sittin' around the campfire...swapping stories about life, personal adventures and power tools!! :)

Tyler Howell
11-17-2005, 8:01 AM
Welcome Joe,
We are a good bunch of folks! Just ask any one of us, we'll tell you ;)

Jim Hager
11-17-2005, 8:27 AM
welcome a-board, you can come in too.:p Now let's get to work.:p

John Miliunas
11-17-2005, 8:29 AM
GREAT to have you at the Creek, Joe! If you've done some cruising around this forum, I don't have to tell you what a super place it is and, we also happen to have some of the friendliest group of folks on this side of the Web!:D Come often, stay long and don't forget about the pics!:) :cool:

tod evans
11-17-2005, 8:54 AM
welcome, hope you enjoy your stay. tod

Travis Porter
11-17-2005, 9:15 AM
[quote=Joe Johnson]Hello Everyone
I just found this site a couple of days ago and I'm very impressed with it. I have participated on other sites but got tired of the sarcasm and general rudeness. Maybe the better manners on this site are because real names are used.

I agree with that. Too much slamming and complaining and harassment on several of the other sites.

Jason Tuinstra
11-17-2005, 10:23 AM
Joe, welcome aboard here at SMC. It's a great site with tons of great people. Hope you come back often and participate as much as possible.

Dan Oliphant
11-17-2005, 10:44 AM
Welcome Joe, the others have summed up SMC very well, you should enjoy your stay here.

Bernie Weishapl
11-17-2005, 11:31 AM
Welcome Joe. This is a great place to be and learn.

Bob Oehler
11-17-2005, 11:32 AM
Welcome Joe:
As all have said this is a great groupe and you will love it here at the creek.

Take Care
Bob Oehler

Don Dean
11-17-2005, 11:59 AM
What can I say that has not been said already except my personal WELCOME. By the way, did someone mention we like pictures?