View Full Version : hanging tool cabinet location

Brandon Speaks
04-29-2018, 11:19 AM
I am toying with the idea of moving my work area into by garage from my basement. Along with a new bench I would also add a hanging tool cabinet, I plan on the bench being against a wall centered under a window, I was wondering if it would make sense to have the tool cabinet to the right or the left of bench. Right makes sense in some ways because I am right handed so less steps, I would also though likely spend more time at the left end of the bench near the shoulder vice.

Jim Koepke
04-29-2018, 11:37 AM
Maybe two tool cabinets are in order. One for the tools most used at the left end and one for the tools most used from the right end.


glenn bradley
04-29-2018, 11:38 AM
I am right handed which means my body is off to the right for right-handed thrusting operations like planing. My tool chest hangs on the wall to my left and this has worked well for me since that is the end of the bench where my front vise is. YMMV.

Andrew Seemann
04-29-2018, 1:25 PM
My bench is also under a window and the tool cabinet is on the right hand side and I am right handed, but that is a coincidence; the shop layout just worked out that way. That said, I do like it on the right side. It is convenient to lean over to the right and grab a tool. One thing on a Scandinavian bench like I have is that the shoulder vise sticks out a ways, so if the cabinet is on the left side, the vise is a little bit in the way. Not a reason necessarily to go right instead of left, but just something to keep in mind. My other tool cabinet is on a wall to the left of the bench, and it is only about two steps away.


Brandon Speaks
04-29-2018, 1:35 PM
On a side note Andrew can you remind me where you got your workbench plans, im considering something similar.

Andrew Seemann
04-29-2018, 1:41 PM
It's a mostly a standard Tage Frid bench with a couple modifications. I'll send you a PM on it.

Mike Baker 2
04-30-2018, 8:23 AM
I am left handed, but have my bench set up for right handed work, ie; the vise is located on the far left. I set it up this way because through the years everywhere I have worked things were always set up for a righty, and I have worked that way for so long that it is just natural for me at this point.
I do have a Workmate set up to the left of the bench which I use as a table to hold a few tools, but it gets overwhelmed/overloaded very quickly, and they end up mostly on the bench, anyway.