View Full Version : Steel City 35951C Saw Cleaning

Eric Brabender
04-20-2018, 1:40 PM
I just picked up a new to me steel city 10” saw. The top is dirty and showing surface rust but no pitting. My plan of attack for tonight is using Mineral Spirits to clean up and dirt and grime first. Then after that I was going to use some Naval Jelly to clean it up really good. After that I was going to then coat it with some paste wax to help seal it and hopefully leave it in good condition going forward.
My question is does this sound like a good plan going forward? Any other suggestions?

Cary Falk
04-20-2018, 2:29 PM
Scrape the loose rust off with a razor/box cutter blade. Wire brush it with an angle grinder or drill. Buff it with a green scotchbrite on a ROS. Top with paste wax.

Bob Lang
04-21-2018, 11:33 AM
I would stay away from the Naval Jelly, it will turn the metal dark. My preferred procedure is to use the mineral spirits first, then soak the top with "Liquid Wrench". You can scour the loose rust while it is wet, might take a few repetitions. Last step is to get some talcum powder. Use that to soak up the "Liquid Wrench" and wipe off. The talc gets into the pours of the cast iron and leaves slick surface.
Bob Lang

Mike Heidrick
04-21-2018, 12:06 PM
If its light just start with wd40 and green scatch pads under a ros.