View Full Version : Newest Apprentice **PICS**

Ken Salisbury
06-27-2003, 7:13 PM
My next door neighbor's daughter Brittney is visiting her Dad for a couple months and I have sort of adopted her as my newest apprentice. Here are some pics of Brittney working on a box she wanted to make.

Box is black walnut with a semi gloss laquer and wax finish.

The smile on her face says it all ! ! !
Click Thumbnails for large views <a href="http://www.kenswoodcentral.com/pics/brittney3.jpg">
<img border="2" src="http://www.kenswoodcentral.com/brittney3_small.jpg" xthumbnail-orig-image="http://www.kenswoodcentral.com/pics/brittney3.jpg" width="100" height="80"> <a href="http://www.kenswoodcentral.com/pics/brittney4.jpg">
<img border="2" src="http://www.kenswoodcentral.com/brittney4_small.jpg" xthumbnail-orig-image="http://www.kenswoodcentral.com/pics/brittney4.jpg" width="100" height="80"></a> <a href="http://www.kenswoodcentral.com/pics/brittney5.jpg">
<img border="2" src="http://www.kenswoodcentral.com/brittney5_small.jpg" xthumbnail-orig-image="http://www.kenswoodcentral.com/pics/brittney5.jpg" width="100" height="80"></a>

Jason Roehl
06-27-2003, 7:15 PM
Another one hooked!! We all need to be ready and willing to share our craft in such a way.

Keith Outten
06-27-2003, 7:57 PM
I see a wood lathe in the background, watch out Brittney you could get a fatal dose of turners disease :)

Noah Alkinburgh
06-27-2003, 8:22 PM
Stuck in a shop with a crazy man like you :)

Seeing her in that apron made me think though...I might be conviced to get a sawmillcreek apron if were availble....hmmmmmmm


Ron Meadows
06-27-2003, 8:30 PM

This post should be classified as a huge GLOAT!!! Everytime we, as woodworkers, get the chance should share and help propagate our hobby to as many young people as we can. Gone is the day when we could all take woodworking classes in public schools. I know in my school they disassembled the shop a couple years after I graduated. Sad, but I guess the lawyers have quite a bit to do with it.

Good on you Ken!! Keep up the good work


Jim Becker
06-27-2003, 8:56 PM
That's a wonderful way for her to spend some time while visiting. I'm hoping my brother will bring his youngest daughter down here for awhile...she's been asking me for a chair to go with the desk I built her last year and it would be a good opportunity to have "her" make it!

Bartee Lamar
06-27-2003, 9:11 PM
Something she will have forever. I have a letter holder that I made in camp 45 years ago. It is on my desk now.

She will always remember the nice man next door that was very patient and let her make her own box.

Her life will be in that box. Along with a little part of Ken's.

Giving back is what we put here to do...

Ken... thanks...

Kevin Gerstenecker
06-27-2003, 9:32 PM
I knew there was a soft spot in there somewhere! There is nothing better than sharing your knowledge of WoodWorking with a Young Lady. You are right, the smile on her face is priceless................there is no doubt that she is having the time of her life. That is a beautiful box she has there as well. Something she will remember for the rest of her life. Now, just take it easy on her............just because you let her build that fine box is no reason to make her clean your shop or fetch you Cold Ones! ;)

Great post and pictures Ken, thanks so much for the heartwarming.........it made my day! :D

06-28-2003, 5:29 PM
Oh Great. Now even 13 year old girls are making nicer things I can. ;)

Tom Sweeney
06-28-2003, 5:44 PM
I thought the same exact thing :D

Oh Great. Now even 13 year old girls are making nicer things I can. ;)

Neat stuff Ken -like others have said it's nice to turn yoots onto positive things to keep them busy & learning new things

David Blangger
06-28-2003, 7:35 PM
She is and should be very proud of her self. Just think when you work in the shop you don't have to work under the eyes of a noisy old codger :D

I am proud of you giving her a memory that will last a life time.


Bob Janka
06-29-2003, 1:47 PM
Oh Great. Now even 13 year old girls are making nicer things I can. ;)

Yes, young people can make beautiful things with their hands. Especially if they have someone with 50+ years experience guiding them along the path. :-)

Congratulations, Ken! You've helped Brittney discover a facet of her artistic talent. Her confidence and pride are wide open now!

- who still has his 2-drawer dresser valet from High School woodshop. :D