View Full Version : Chisel Rack Build Part 5 (video)

Mike Baker 2
04-12-2018, 10:34 AM
Part 5 of my chisel rack build. It's coming along.


steven c newman
04-12-2018, 1:18 PM
Easier way to spread the glue...use the board you are going to glue, moosh it back & forth ( in your case, forward & backwards) until the parts "stick" ( and you will feel it stick).

Looking good, so far..

Mike Baker 2
04-12-2018, 6:59 PM
Thanks, Steven.
I know that, but my brain don't work when you stick a camera in front of me. Thanks for the reminder, I need them. They make me better next time.

John C Cox
04-12-2018, 7:10 PM
Another thing that works like a champ is an old expired credit/gift card of some flavor or another. I will file little nicks in one long edge and leave the other straight depending on how much glue you want....

This will help to not get so much glue squeeze out into the chisel pockets..

Mike Baker 2
04-12-2018, 7:45 PM
Sweet! I got a couple of them laying around.

Steve Kaminska
04-13-2018, 1:24 AM
Another thing that works like a champ is an old expired credit/gift card of some flavor or another. I will file little nicks in one long edge and leave the other straight depending on how much glue you want....

This will help to not get so much glue squeeze out into the chisel pockets..

I do this all the time. It works great, and its re-usable until you forget to clean the glue off the card... but then, the card was trash anyway, so just grab another one.

Phil Mueller
04-13-2018, 6:57 AM
I also use playing cards. From an old deck missing a few. A few together are stiff enough to spread glue, plus I’ll cut a sharper corner and use them to remove glue squeeze out from inside corners. They also make great shims.