View Full Version : Thin Walnut Bowl

Bill Grumbine
11-15-2005, 9:24 AM
Okay, just one more and then I'll quit! I do turn some thin bowls from time to time, and people will buy them. Also, I see lots of people who say that they don't bother with walnut because they can't sell it, but I have never had a problem selling walnut bowls. People really seem to like that deep rich color in a nice piece of walnut.

<img src="http://www.enter.net/~ultradad/thinwalnutbowl01.jpg">

Now, this is what I call thin, at least for functional bowls. The rim is around 1/2" thick, and it tapers down to very thin in the side walls and bottom. Again, it is much lighter than it appears. Overall size is approximately 10" in diameter and 3" high. Finished with Bush Oil and buffed inside and out with a Beall wheel. And this will probably be it for a while, until I get some more finished anyway.

Thanks for looking.


Russell Svenningsen
11-15-2005, 9:34 AM
Beautiful Bill! As always, form and function executed flawlessly.

Keep 'em coming!


Kurt Aebi
11-15-2005, 9:48 AM

Great shape & Finish!

I like walnut and this sure does the beauty god gave it justice! Good Job!

Karl Laustrup
11-15-2005, 11:57 AM
I really like this bowl. And I don't see anything wrong with walnut. Especially this walnut.

Keep spinning Bill.


Keith Burns
11-15-2005, 1:00 PM
Another winner for sure. :)

Bruce Shiverdecker
11-16-2005, 12:21 AM
As always, a pleasure to see. Thanks,


Robert Watsek
11-16-2005, 12:50 AM
As always, a pleasure to see. Thanks,


Bruce puts it about as well as it can be put Bill.:)



Philip Duffy
11-16-2005, 4:55 AM
Bill, This is the second reference to Bush Oil I have seen in a couple days. What is it and why is is better than other products? Phil

Bill Grumbine
11-16-2005, 8:59 AM
Thanks guys! Phil, I was talked into buying a can of Bush Oil at the symposium, on the recommendation of some friends of mine. It turned out to be a good decision I think. It is thicker than Watco, it does not smell as much, it goes on easier since it does not have to be recoated except in very thirsty situations, and it does not seem to suffer from the bleedout that I get from Watco which means I do not have to spend time steel wooling the bowl to get all the bright shiny spots off. It also seems to cure faster than Watco does. I was able to buff it successfully within about 12 hours of using it. With Watco, I am still wiping off bleedout from the pores. I do not yet have a way to get a supply sent to me, but I am working on it. I suppose if I could locate my receipt, that would help. I know SWMBO is going to want to know where it is come tax time, or I will be in hot water.


Ernie Nyvall
11-16-2005, 5:57 PM
Nice bowl Bill. I like walnut and just got two whole rtees of it. I certainly hope it will sell if I decide to try that out. Well... if I get good enough to try selling.


Mark Cothren
11-17-2005, 10:22 PM
Looks smooth as silk! Also doesn't appear to be thin in the picture (to me). Just a great looking bowl! I really like the rim.

Thanks for the picture!

Ed Scolforo
11-18-2005, 3:00 PM
Bill: I'm pretty sure that the Bush Oil sold at the symposium was from the Curtis Lumber display, (down at one corner of the room) altho I can't seem to find it on their website.

Rich Stewart
11-18-2005, 3:36 PM
I tried to google bush oil and got about a million pages of Bush, Iraq, oil, War. Didnt see no wood oild though. Didnt have enough time to check all million pages though.

Roger Los
11-18-2005, 4:06 PM
Jeez, what a hard product to track down online. Anyway, a bit of searching turned up 1 (!) shop which has it, but doesn't give you a way to actually order it online:


Also, looks like these guys are planning on putting it online, but this is not very helpful for the moment:


Anyway. Sounds like interesting stuff. Hopefully it will be easier to get sometime soon.