View Full Version : Curly Maple Cone Box

Michael Stafford
11-15-2005, 7:26 AM
This is another turned box made from some curly maple I was able to get from my friend Rodger Barrow at East Wake Hardwoods. This box is 2 7/16" in diameter and 2 3/4" tall. I have trouble photographing woods with curl so these pictures are somewhat dark to show the curl better. Even at that these pictures do not begin to show the curl in this wood.

Kurt Aebi
11-15-2005, 7:31 AM
Another great piece, Mike! ooooopppppssssss! Mr. Box-Master, Sir!!!;)

Nice finish (as usual) great form (as usual) just a darn nice piece of work (as usual).

Are you getting ready for some kind of show or something with all these new boxes and other turnings showing up (or catching up on some important turning time)???

Michael Stafford
11-15-2005, 7:38 AM
Thank you Kurt, no, I am not getting ready for a show per se but in two weekends I am having an open house where I invite friends and customers to see the inventory that I have and give them a chance to do some Christmas shopping. I have been turning more of late because I have had less flat work to do this Fall than in the past. I hope to have a good sale as my inventory in the house is now over 70 pieces. My son's empty room now looks like a woodworker's flea market.

John Hart
11-15-2005, 7:54 AM
Another beauty Mr Stafford! Your trouble with photographing curl has brought something to my little mind. I wonder if a series of small mirrors, just off camera and tilted to allow the light to hit the wood at various angles, would show off the curl better? Just a thought...I may have to try it.

Keith Burns
11-15-2005, 8:11 AM
Hey there Mr. Boxmaster.....another winner for sure. They always amaze and impress me witth the precission.

John Miliunas
11-15-2005, 9:07 AM
Dang it, Mike...You keep crankin' out one beauty right after another!:) That's really sharp. I'll wager to say that your "open house" is usually a great draw and that your inventory gets depleted in a hurry!:D As always, great work!:) :cool: