View Full Version : Mesquite Desk

alex grams
04-05-2018, 11:19 PM
I had a set of book matched pieces of mesquite I started playing around with at Christmas (this is actually from the same log as the table I just finished). I figured I would make a desk. I didn't have much in mind so just winged it. The only things I knew I wanted was the front center panel of the desk to be removable/customizable.

I initially thought I would do raised panels, but didn't really feel like that worked too well with the idea, so I decided to veneer up a piece of mesquite in to 3/32" thick pieces, back it with some 1/4" ply and do the panels from that.

Resawing the veneers:

The desk mocked up without the front panel:

half blind dovetailed drawers.. because why not..
Hanging file folder drawer with lock. I didn't like how wide the drawers had to be to be symmetric and they took up too much space from the middle/knee room, so instead of drawer guides, I just did waxed runners and made the drawer run on those, that saved about 1" per side. Then I countersunk the aluminum bars in to the side of the file cabinet drawers, so that saved about another 1/2" per side and got me back to my preferred knee width in the middle.


The top: This is a quarter sawn grain, so has some neat curl and some slight Medullary Rays (similar to what you see a lot of in quarter sawn oak). I've never really seen the rays in mesquite, so that is a nice surprise in the character of the top.

The front:

I wanted something temporary for the front center panel so I just grabbed a cutoff from some lazy susans I did over christmas from an end grain cut of mesquite. It actually looks a lot better than just using some temporary scrap, and now I am afraid I won't want to change it. It gives a cool change in character and centers the front of the desk pretty well. I also mirrored all of the veneers on the panels on each side of the desk and picked two for the front that raise up towards the middle with the crack in them. I like how the shape/character naturally raises the eye to the center/front of the desk and the top.

andy bessette
04-06-2018, 12:00 AM
Fantastic look! I like it.

Pat Barry
04-06-2018, 12:35 AM
Spectacular figure and grain selection, gorgeous finish, ... really really nice work.

Mel Fulks
04-06-2018, 1:24 AM
Wildly exuberant, it might pace around the room at night! My favorite photo is that literal and figurative over the top
elevator door looking top.

Vince Shriver
04-06-2018, 2:07 AM
Beautiful work.

Steve Eure
04-06-2018, 4:30 AM
All I can say is "WOW"! Very well executed. Beautiful piece. I love all of it but your thought process on the front caught my eye, literally.

Frederick Skelly
04-06-2018, 6:40 AM
Gorgeous! I love the way you made the top, both the grain match and the live edge.
Congratulations on a big success!

Mike Null
04-06-2018, 7:11 AM
Don't even think about changing that center panel! What an incredibly beautiful piece. Your use of material and design is masterful.

I love mesquite. It's like my youngest grandson--unruly.

Charlie Jones
04-06-2018, 7:22 AM
Wow. That is eye poping. I love the figure and the way you did the file drawer. Very nice work.

David Utterback
04-06-2018, 7:48 AM
Superb in all respects. Very creative. Especially love the front.

Michael Roberts
04-06-2018, 9:13 AM
Beautifully done! I really like that center panel.

Jim Becker
04-06-2018, 9:27 AM
Wow...that is...STUNNING! I'm in awe...

Mike Null
04-06-2018, 11:18 AM
I've already posted once but that piece just stays with you.

The wood is the star of the show but your use of it is nothing less than woodworking genius.

Would you consider trading that for my car?:)

alex grams
04-06-2018, 11:39 AM
The bookmatch for the desk was actually only half of the total length of a bookmatch set. I used the other half to make a breakfast table that I actually think has a lot better character. This one is cool because I refer to it as the Rorschach table, because the lines on the top make people see different shapes/items.

A mesquite table:

The top is a bookmatched/quartersawn set of boards with some really cool curl/character. I've never really seen any curly mesquite before, so this piece is pretty slick.

Jim Becker
04-06-2018, 11:45 AM
I'm also doubling up...same comment on the table. Wow...

Jim Tobias
04-06-2018, 12:09 PM
Alex, Those are both beautiful beyond words! I like the wood, design and execution!


Ken Fitzgerald
04-06-2018, 12:15 PM
Alex.. Simply stunning wood! Your craftsmanship is great.....but the mesquite simply is the super star of the show! What character!

Mike Henderson
04-06-2018, 1:31 PM
That looks great. Mesquite is wildly expensive around here. Otherwise, I'd love to give it a try.


Phil Mueller
04-06-2018, 3:04 PM
Ditto on all the above. Needless to say, you did that tree proud!

Brian W Evans
04-06-2018, 3:41 PM
Yeah, that's the kind of end product I get whenever I "just wing it".:D

Seriously, though, that is an amazing piece. Congratulations.

Ron Citerone
04-08-2018, 5:10 PM
Some of the most amazing projects I've seen in a long time! WOW

Joe A Faulkner
04-08-2018, 6:13 PM
Both pieces are stunning. The use of the end grain in the desk panel is unique and adds a nice feature to the desk. I'd promote it to officially being "the permanent panel" for that piece - wouldn't even consider replacing it.

Thomas Canfield
04-08-2018, 8:17 PM
Yep. Incredible. Thanks. What more can one say.

Corey Pelton
04-09-2018, 12:33 AM
Beautiful work! Love the table top.

Steve Jenkins
04-09-2018, 6:11 AM
Very very nice

michael langman
04-10-2018, 5:16 PM
This is the ultimate in wood working. A most beautiful pair of tables indeed.

Mark Rainey
04-19-2018, 12:47 PM
Spectacular furniture! As good as it gets!