View Full Version : Tall and Skinny Burl Vase

Bill Grumbine
11-14-2005, 8:34 PM
Greetings all

Over the past week I have been a turnin' fool, spending lots of time on the lathe in preparation for a show. Here is one of the show pieces, which I am happy to say I do not own anymore.

<img src="http://www.enter.net/~ultradad/mapleburlvase110501.jpg">

This was a tough one for me on a couple of different levels. It was bone dry, and so it cut hard with the tool wanting to vibrate the whole time. It is also very skinny, at least for me. Overall size is 11 1/4" high, and 6 1/4" wide at the top. The bottom is about 2" in diameter. It is so narrow that SWMBO had to do the final sanding of the finish for me on the inside bottom since my hand would not fit in. Wall thickness is about 3/16". It is finished with Bush Oil, which I was encouraged to buy by my friend Keith Tompkins and several others up at the Albany symposium. It is quite a bit thicker than the Watco I am used to using, and it seems to dry faster with less odor. I think I am really going to like using it, and may have to see about using up my supply of Watco on something else. As things go, I bought a brand new can of Watco just before leaving for the symposium, since I was very low. Oh well...

Buffed on a Beall wheel, with lots of trepidation.

Thanks for taking a look.


Jim Becker
11-14-2005, 8:36 PM
Ya know, Bill...you do tall and skinny very well! Very well. ;)

Chris Barton
11-14-2005, 8:38 PM
Hi Bill,

A always you have produced a work of art! I really like the form and color!

Ernie Nyvall
11-14-2005, 8:58 PM
That is really something Bill. So where do you get this Bush oil?


John Hart
11-14-2005, 9:12 PM
Nice looking piece Bill. What kind of wood is it? It looks a tad like Cherry

Bill Stevener
11-14-2005, 9:30 PM
A Bill,
One very, very showy turning. The new owner, I'm sure will cherish it forever.
If I had the chance to name it, I would call it, "Hows that grab ya.
Great piece,

Roy Wall
11-14-2005, 9:33 PM

That is a very impressive vase.....well done!!

John Miliunas
11-14-2005, 9:38 PM
As is the norm for you, Bill, very impressive! I can certainly understand why you no longer own it! I'll bet it's got a very prominent place in the new owner's home! Well done.:) :cool:

Jerry Clark
11-14-2005, 9:43 PM
WOW Bill, that is really nice-- love it!:D

Travis Stinson
11-14-2005, 9:57 PM
Very nice Bill! How much does the wife get for doing the hard part?:D
The Bush oil sounds interesting, keep us informed. I'm a big fan of Watco, and if this is as good or better, I might have to give it a shot.

Jim Ketron
11-14-2005, 10:03 PM
Nice Piece Bill!
Awesome grain pattern!:eek: :eek: the only time I have seen a tight wavy grain like that has been in root material. Cool Burl!

Andy Hoyt
11-14-2005, 10:19 PM
Works for me too, Bill. Sure is nice.

Bruce Shiverdecker
11-14-2005, 11:11 PM
Wonderful, Bill. Just like them long stemmed French Models. OOOH LA LA!

Hope you charged the "Mother Lode" for it. If not, I hope the new owner appreciates it!


Philip Duffy
11-15-2005, 4:36 AM
Beautiful burl vasee, Bill - - 2 e's make it expensive. Could you tell us about a source for Bush Oil? Does it also go on that tractor of yours? Had a nice visit with Pete last week. Phil

Karl Laustrup
11-15-2005, 6:32 AM
That is a beauty Bill. I'm sure the new owner is very happy.

If you've been a "turning fool" for the past week, are we to assume that more beautiful pieces will be posted? Hope so cause I really enjoy your turnings.


Bill Grumbine
11-15-2005, 8:20 AM
Thanks guys, for the kind words!

John, I never noticed until you mentioned it that I did not post the species! It is maple of some sort. It came to me as a cut block and with no more info than that, so I cannot say for sure what variety of maple it is.

Travis, if you asked her she would say nothing, but then she gets to be married to me, so what more could she wish for? :eek: I'll pay for that one later on. Seriously, I could not do this stuff without her. She handles all the books for the business, helps me with finishing when I am getting close to a deadline, goes to shows with me, etc etc etc. I guess it is a good thing that we really enjoy one another's company since we spend so much time together, but that is the way it goes around here, and has been for almost 22 years now.

Phil, Pete stopped by the shop this past Friday for a visit, and your name came up. We send each other work that we don't want to do. :p He is only about half a mile or so from me, and we stop in to visit one another from time to time in the shops. I do not have a source yet for Bush Oil other than it is in Albany somewhere. I bought mine at the symposium up there last month, but I will be researching it for resupply for when mine runs out, and I will be sure to report on what I discover.

Karl, I have a couple others to post, so I will try to get them up this morning.


Keith Burns
11-15-2005, 1:03 PM
OK I missed this first time thru...........I really like this one, don't see how it could be any better .

John Shuk
11-15-2005, 8:18 PM
Very nice piece Bill. And the diameter of the foot looks perfect to me.;)

Roger Los
11-17-2005, 3:31 PM
Just wanted to say that is a gorgeous piece. Very nice indeed.

Ed Scolforo
11-17-2005, 4:12 PM
Another beautiful vahse, Mr Grumbine!

Jack Savona
11-17-2005, 5:51 PM
Bill, I've been using Bush Oil for over a year now...and loving it!!! Doesn't it leave a beautiful surface! Coupled with Beall buffing, it's, by far, my finish of choice. Although I picked up a gallon at the Albany show, I can purchase all sizes from my local Woodcraft in Portsmouth, NH. (And dang it, with our turning club's 10% discount at Woodcraft and with no sales tax in NH, it would have actually been cheaper for me to buy it there.)

Perhaps some other local Woodcraft stores have it. It's too bad; Bush Oil apparently doesn't have a website. When I Google "Bush Oil" I get primarily political sites. (No, I'm not goin' there.)

...and a very impressive vase!!!


Gary DeWitt
11-17-2005, 6:37 PM
Bush Oil:
Took a while to find this, since the media associates Bush, our pres. and oil in millions of aritcles. Anyway, here's the link:
Anybody tries this stuff, or knows what it's made of, I'd be real interested to know.