View Full Version : Live Center for Tailstock (#0 Morse taper?)

Carl Eyman
11-14-2005, 6:21 PM
My friend Lynn Sonier showed up at the shop this AM on the horns of a dilema. He had lost the center point for the center of his tailstock center and was in the midst of a big job for a local church. One of his high pay commissions - NOT. Luckily I was able to cobble something together so he is back in business and can make him a replacement piece on my metal working lathe. But he wants a live center. This lathe was already old before I was in knee pants - and that is old! I believe the center is #0 Morse. I think I remember hearing there is or was such a size. McMaster Carr shows no #0; can anyone confirm there is such a thing? If so, does anyone know where they might be available? I want to find it before he does; so I'll show him how smart I am.

Randy Meijer
11-14-2005, 11:34 PM
The JET Pen Lathe uses a #0 MT. JET just recently discontinued this lathe so I don't know if they still sell replacement parts?? Try contacting their customer service people. You can get phone numbers and email addresses at their web site: www.jettools.com (http://www.jettools.com) .

Steve Stube
11-15-2005, 12:22 AM
Find a DEAD CENTER on page 47 (lower left corner)

Campbell Tools Company
Springfield, OH 45504

USA Telephone: 937-882-6716
Fax: 937-882-6648
e-mail address: campbell@campbelltools.com (campbell@campbelltools.com)