View Full Version : Weekend doin's?

Bob Lasley
06-27-2003, 11:38 AM
Good Friday morning all,

I for one am glad to see this Friday after working two all-nighters. No woodworking this weekend as we are headed for a mountain-top cabin in Arkansas for the weekend. Our two daughters and some friends are joining us, so should be a great weekend and just maybe, I can catch up on my sleep while there.

So what's going on in your world this weekend?

Hope you all have a great weekend,

David Blangger
06-27-2003, 11:49 AM
The rain has stopped. It is getting hot and my shortlist from the LOML is when I get through with the yardwork *WE* need to see what we can do about replacing the carpet in the den.

This translates to spending hard earned tool money on picking out the carpet of her choice and having it installed in an 19x28 room.

Yes! I have already suggested taking the carpet out and making a workshop out of the den :D :D

Personally I can't see getting rid of the carpet as it is only 13 years old.

Makes me wonder what old thing she is going to get rid of next :rolleyes: :confused:

Sorry about the long post.


Steve Clardy
06-27-2003, 12:01 PM
staircase. Heres a shot of the fluting box I designed a few years ago to flute with a router.
Then maybe start tearing down my 801 Ford tractor to replace the front axle bushing and pin and have the radiator repaired. Will be fun------

Ed Falis
06-27-2003, 12:58 PM
That's a sweet jig, Steve. I like how it handles tapers.

Jim Becker
06-27-2003, 1:20 PM
Now that I've finished (quite literally) the "FFF" insert cabinet (also installed) and the pantry cabinets, it's time to move on to the base cabinets and wall cabinets for the kitchen renovation. I also have a ton of poplar to mill from rough stock, both for use and to get it out of the way of my miter station.

Saturday morning I'm taking a local woodworker to my favorite wood supplier and introduce her (the woodworker) to the fine gentleman (the seller)...

Here is a pic of the completed "fabulous fake fireplace" insert cabinet:

And the pantry cabinet and associated shelving unit for on the wall above it:


John Miliunas
06-27-2003, 5:41 PM
We finally had some much needed rain this week. That, of course, means the grass has shifted back into "growing mode" and, in turn, that means yours truly shifts into "mowing mode". They're talking possible rain for the weekend, so that might happen in between raindrops. Might go to an auction with LOML tomorrow morning. Then, there's the great big Spring Green Art Fair this weekend. Uh-oh...Looks like it's shaping up to do a bunch of stuff *besides* WW! Heck, I might not even get a chance to try out my new Super-Nova. Bummed! :cool:

Dave Anderson NH
06-27-2003, 5:50 PM
I just loaded up the car with tools, raw material, and other junk. Tomorrow morning I'll drive up to the Canterbury NH Shaker Village for the 13th Wood Days Festival. I'm doing two days of demos making hand tools with hand tools and spending time talking with a bunch of my other woodworker friends. Tomorrow nite I'll have dinner with Garrett Hack and a bunch of other folks at the staff picnic. Sunday is more of the same. I look forward to this every year.

Steve Clardy
06-27-2003, 6:52 PM
That's a sweet jig, Steve. I like how it handles tapers.

This is actually the third box I've made. Had to make this one as the balisters are longer. Yes, the inside slide rails are adjustable for the taper. The first one I made had a plexiglass top on it with a groove cut out for the router bit to clear. Had a vac hose hooked to the box. Made it a lot more capable of picking up the wood chips. Got in a hurry on this one and didn't do the plexiglass thing. Had to also do some serious grinding on the bit to get the proper flute radius. This is just a H.S. steel bit with the guide end cut off. When I sent it to be sharpened the guy called me and said he was going to pitch it as it was broke. I had to explain to him what I had done and to just sharpen and send it back. He thought I was nuts, said nobody did their own reshaping of bits. Well--- I had to too get the job done. ;)

Jeff Cybulski
06-27-2003, 7:33 PM
Since we're moving it's time to get the "old" house ready. Gonna replace the side door tomorrow then paint the poles on the front porch.Not much shop time except to re-apply wax on all the cast surfaces. Started to see some rust on the tablesaw this week.

Have a safe one.


Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
06-27-2003, 9:36 PM
With the temps in the high ninties and the humdity way up there I've been moving mighty slow. I finished painting the trim and Hardiboard lon the shops west side and have started caulking the east side. Will begin painting the trim and hopefully the Hardibpoard on that side this week end. Then I will just have the gabled ends to do. I'll an extension ladder for that and SWMBO has been on my case about getting on a ladder at my age. I just tell her, "No problem, I'll just be part way to heaven up there" then duck. Heehee.

Kevin Gerstenecker
06-27-2003, 9:44 PM
I'm ITCHING to get back to the Shop, but first it needs a MAJOR cleaning. After the Living Room Remodel, which is complete, my shop is a disaster. I need to clean and reorganize, which will be done Saturday Morning. Grass needs mowing, weeds need spraying, I desperately need some swimming pool time as well. Going to St. Louis University with SWMBO and SWMBO-ette for an orientation Saturday late morning, then back to the yard and shop in the afternoon. Sunday will be 7:00 a.m. Mass, out to breakfast, then shop time and Golf. Ya know, when I stop and think about it, I really don't have time for a job! :D
At least the weather is good, after the Monsoon of 4 inches of Rain Wednesday Night! Have a great weekend everyone! ;)

Doug Jones
06-27-2003, 11:30 PM
My weekend is 14 days long. The factory I work at is on their two week inventory shut down. (the first of two shut downs through-out the year). So I really don't know what I'll do yet, other than stain and finish the hutch I built.
Maybe start on some Christmas gifts, clean out the garage (shop). Other than that , haven't given it much thought. Ya all be safe this weekend.

Byron Trantham
06-28-2003, 9:04 AM
Steve, you're the first person I've run into that has made legs this way. I made a sofa table for the LOML using a similar jig. I got the idea for from one of the wood magazines I read. This jig produced the flutes (8 sided) the taper and the beads by using different bits on the router. Here are a couple pics of the jig and templates.

Dan McGuire
06-28-2003, 9:11 AM
This weekend will be dedicated to chores around the house: Installed tile in the new bathroom that I am building in the basement now it is time for the grout. Get the garage cleaned out, plenty of stuff left over from the garage sale that needs to be loaded and taken to the donation center. Need to trim the shrubs around the house and get the grass cut as well. I have not had any time in the last couple of month to do much in the shop with trying to finish the basement and get ready for the arrival of number three which in now just three days away :)

Steve Clardy
06-28-2003, 10:15 AM
Steve, you're the first person I've run into that has made legs this way. I made a sofa table for the LOML using a similar jig. I got the idea for from one of the wood magazines I read. This jig produced the flutes (8 sided) the taper and the beads by using different bits on the router. Here are a couple pics of the jig and templates.

You are running the legs through the router, I am running the router through the balisters. Same effect, different strokes. Steve

Bob Wilkerson
06-28-2003, 11:49 AM
Looks like I'm going to be building a deck for my Father-in-law. Should have finished it 7 weeks ago but the rain has kept me away from it. If I get any spare time I'll make a stab a cleaning the shop up enough to be able to walk around without tripping.... :D


<p align="center"><img border="0" src="http://www.rgwjr.com/woodworking/ww%20images/shop%20shot%202.jpg" width="506" height="381"></p>

John Miliunas
06-28-2003, 5:51 PM
If I get any spare time I'll make a stab a cleaning the shop up enough to be able to walk around without tripping.... :D

Bob, you just don't know how much better you just made me feel! :D My own shop is a bit of a mess, but compared to yo....... Well, you know. :D :cool: