View Full Version : Great Weekend

Ron Ainge
11-14-2005, 12:50 PM
I spent Friday and Saturday at the local Woodcraft teaching people to turn pens for the freedom pen network. I worked with the person that is responsable for teaching most of the things that I know about turning. I tell him that he has cost me a lot of money and that I have loved every penny I have spent. I only got to turn about a half dozen pens because both of us were so busy teaching others to turn them. We had people from 6 years old the 84 years old in there and everyone had a good time. We finished with about 200 new pens to send the service people.

I also thought that I would attach a couple of my recent turning with this note. The Hollow form is made of Ponderosa Ping that was killed by the bugs that caused the nice blue stain in it. The small box is or Oragan Myrtlle with Turquoies inlays in the lid.

Jim Becker
11-14-2005, 2:00 PM
Very nice work, Ron. I expecially like the Ponderosa Pine piece!

Bruce Shiverdecker
11-14-2005, 4:23 PM
Ron, those are VERY nice,. I, Like the turquoise inlay.


Charles E. Martin V
11-14-2005, 4:37 PM
The inlay is fantastic.:D

Ernie Nyvall
11-14-2005, 9:33 PM
Nice job getting the 200 pens out.

Very nice work on the hf and box.


John Hart
11-14-2005, 9:37 PM
Great pieces Ron! You did more pens than you think....by teaching! Nice Job!:)

Ron Ainge
11-15-2005, 10:57 AM
John, you are right. One of the guys that came in to help turn pens said that he had done the same thing a year ago and he had such a good time doing it that he bought a Jet Mini and has been turning since that time. I also had a young couple that I worked with on Saturday that wanted to try turning and when they both turned two pens they told me that at first they thought the lathe they were planning to buy was going to be for the husband but the wife said he may have to take his turn becasue she really liked making the pens and wanted to see what else she could do. I felt very good becasue I was the person that helped the first guy as well the the young couple. They all thanked me for sharing my interest in turning with them.