View Full Version : Small containers for remaining finish

Jack Frederick
03-24-2018, 1:36 PM
I've just received a couple qts of Daly's Sharkfin Tung Oil to freshen the finish on the cherry cabinets in the kitchen and DF window sills, etc around the place this week while my wife is at the kids house. We ran through a lot of this product while re-modeling and I have had pints of remaining oil, cook off while in storage. I expect to have some left over but would like to have it in smaller containers that will keep it in good shape. What do you recommend and where do you source them?

Jim Tobias
03-24-2018, 2:32 PM
Lee Valley -

They work very well.


Jack Frederick
03-27-2018, 3:19 PM
Thank you, Jim. I have ordered 4.

Ted Phillips
04-01-2018, 5:59 PM
Jim's got the right answer. These StopLoss bags are fantastic. Don't forget to buy a funnel that you can dedicate to loading the bags. That part can be messy if you aren't careful.

Matt Day
04-02-2018, 12:09 PM
How about simple mason jars? They come in a number of sizes.

Curt Harms
04-03-2018, 4:29 AM
How about simple mason jars? They come in a number of sizes.

And wrap the threads with teflon plumber's tape. A problem with screw-on lids is that finish gets in the threads and effectively glues the lid to the jar. Teflon tape prevents that. I wonder if wax would have the same effect, at least with finishes that wouldn't dissolve the wax.

Stan Calow
04-03-2018, 8:40 AM
I use one-liter cubitainers. These are collapsible plastic containers used by laboratories for collecting samples. They sit on flat bottom and excess air squeezed out. Find on Amazon.

Jack Frederick
06-14-2018, 11:24 AM
As a follow-up to this I did order the Stop-Loss bags from LV. I've used two and they are terrific. I can squeeze the air out and can easily control the amount I pour out. Again, thanks for the lead on these Jim!