View Full Version : Black Cherry Vahhse

John Hart
11-14-2005, 7:10 AM
Howdy! A massive amount of the Black Cherry tree that I got a couple weeks ago ended up as firewood. Carpenter Ants, worms, rot, all played a part in it's general destruction....But while I was cutting firewood, this piece looked to be in fairly good shape except for some cracks. I figured that if it blew apart, I'd just burn it sooner. I like the grain and color, but it is a bit heavy. My tools were catching a crack on the inside and beating me to death so I only hollowed to about 1/2". Up around the rim, it's 1/8"-3/16" so it feels nice as you run your fingers around the inside....but deeper, it's thicker. It's 7.5" Diameter and 6" High...finished with BLO and Lacquer. Thanks for lookin'!!:)

Chris Barton
11-14-2005, 7:54 AM
Good Morning John,

The Vahhse looks great. However, I have a technical question, when does a vase become a vahse or a vahhse. Is there a correlation between the number of "h"s and how fancy the piece is?:p

John Hart
11-14-2005, 8:07 AM
Thank you sir! I'm not qualified to answer that question though Chris. Mikey Stafford makes those determinations.....I just took a guess!!:D

Keith Burns
11-14-2005, 8:10 AM
Another great looking "hollow form" John. Nice form and finish as usual. Glad you got your lathe back up and running. :)

John Miliunas
11-14-2005, 8:16 AM
Very, very nice John! I don't know vase from vahse, though I know what I like and that's beautiful!:) I'm assuming this is the piece you were referring to when we spoke yesterday? That said, you went from BLO to lacquer in one fell swoop??? If so, what flavor of lacquer do you use? Buff afterward or not?:rolleyes: If I'm sounding like a greenhorn, you're right! I'm still very much learing about the finer points of this spinny thing and this is the place to learn!:) Again, great piece and any additional info you can interject, would be awesome!:) :cool:

Andy Hoyt
11-14-2005, 8:22 AM
... when does a vase become a vahse or a vahhse. Is there a correlation between the number of "h"s and how fancy the piece is...

The answer depends upon the market you're trying to schlep it in. Vhasses typically earn 15 to 20% higher prices. :D

Nice work John. And I too would enjoy reading your "blo by blo" descrition of the finishing process you're using.

John Hart
11-14-2005, 8:44 AM
Oh...Well the Blo by Blo is pretty simple really. Methinks I must be doing something wrong but it seems to work. I sand down to 400 so I get a good smooth surface overall....then lay down some BLO...kinda heavy and let that sit for 15 minutes or so. Then I spin it up and friction-cure the oil with some polishing cloth that I found in the automotive section at WM. by this time, it looks pretty good. Then, with the lathe off, I do short bursts of spray lacquer while turning by hand, let dry for 15 minutes, then another, let dry for 15 minutes..etc. Takes about 4 coats for this finish. To prevent sagging, I'll stand there and rotate by hand for about 5 minutes if I get it on too heavy. Usually, it doesn't need any buffing but I like to sit in a chair and fondle it with a polishing cloth anyway.
The lacquer I'm using right now is HD's standard line- Rustoleum Specialty High Lustre spray.

Thanks everyone!

John Hart
11-14-2005, 8:46 AM
Oh...I almost forgot John...Yes, this is the one I spoke about on the phone. Hey...where's that burl???? You can't hide forever!:D

John Miliunas
11-14-2005, 8:54 AM
Oh...I almost forgot John...Yes, this is the one I spoke about on the phone. Hey...where's that burl???? You can't hide forever!:D

John, thanks for the quickie "how-to" on your finishing process. The good news is, my current routine isn't too far from what you're doing, except that I use Velvit Oil instead of the BLO.:) The bad news is, my work looks nowhere as nice as what you do or, what the rest of the turners here post!:o Hence, the lack of pics! It's just a matter of looking out for my fellow Creekers... I really don't want to be responsible for folks throwing up all over their keyboards!!!:D :cool:

Michael Stafford
11-14-2005, 9:08 AM
Yes, indeed that is a vahhse, a truly wonderful mahhvelous vahhse! Very nice, John. Your finishes are spectacular!:D

Carole Valentine
11-14-2005, 9:08 AM
Looks nice, John. I gave up on lacquer. Even in my drafty old workshop it takes too long for the fumes to get out of there and they really affect me. Dizzy, headache, etc. Nasty stuff! I think lacquer vapors are about the worst thing turners can deal with. I have not tried it since I got my North Respirator though. I got it mainly for exotic wood dust and finishing fumes. Velvit Oil also gets too me.

John Hart
11-14-2005, 9:26 AM
John M - I like to think that I'm responsible for my own vomit....Post away!!!;)

Carole - Yep...I have to agree that the lacquer is some pretty smelly stuff and I'm afraid that my ventillation is completely inadequate.....But, I just LOVE the results so I keep on keepin' on!

Mike - Thanks so much for your verification and kind words....Can't wait till I'm good enough to create a vahhhhhhhhhse!:p

Jerry Clark
11-14-2005, 11:08 AM
John, great form-- I like the contrast and the opening. The lacquer really make it.:D

Jason Christenson
11-14-2005, 11:40 AM
A very nice looking piece, John. What kind of polishing cloth are you referring to?

Jim Becker
11-14-2005, 11:51 AM
Vahhstly nice piece, John!!

John Hart
11-14-2005, 11:53 AM
Thanks again guys!

Jason - I went to Walmart looking for some carwax and ran into a couple of different bundles of polishing cloths.... One looked like white T-Shirt material at first glance but when you feel it, it has a much tighter weave and seems softer but more robust. The other was yellow and almost felt like a cross between Chamois and Felt (no grain to speak of). Anyways...I bought both of them to try out. The yellow on does not work in a friction environment with shellac or CA...it just wants to grab ahold....However, it works great with wax.

The white stuff works with everything, including the friction work, hand buffing, etc.

I'll get the name and the part numbers for you when I get home.

John Hart
11-14-2005, 11:54 AM
Vahhstly nice piece, John!!

Thhhhhhhhank you Mr Becker Suh!:D

Bill Stevener
11-14-2005, 1:00 PM
Great looking work, I will give your findings a-go.
A number of years ago, I was told a vase becomes a vahse, when it sells for over $15.00. But that was awhile back.

John Hart
11-14-2005, 1:06 PM
...A number of years ago, I was told a vase becomes a vahse, when it sells for over $15.00.....

Oh.... Well I have more experience with "I wouldn't give you a plug nickle for that piece of...." ...well...you know.

So, what do you call it then? A Container? :)

Bill Stevener
11-14-2005, 1:19 PM
Guess it just depends on the final sale price, and where it was sold:confused:

Gary DeWitt
11-14-2005, 2:55 PM
Nice piece, John. As another relative newbie, I'm curious about the orientation of that vahhs to the original log. Is that a knot I'm looking at, or the pith? The piece doesn't look end OR side grain, but rather tilted. I realize it may be hard to describe, but could you enlighten me?

John Hart
11-14-2005, 6:07 PM
Hi Gary,
Well, this was log that I cut down the middle through the center (along the long axis. Then cut a chunk out of that half-log. The round dark spots up on the shoulder are actually in the outer rings of the log and are the coloration of that part of the wood. The pith is at the base and running perpendicular to the axis. It was a crooked log so I got some pretty phenomenal swirl in the grain. I hope I described that right. :rolleyes:

Loy Hawes
11-14-2005, 6:27 PM
Nice shiny piece John! I like her "beauty marks" too!

John Hart
11-14-2005, 6:59 PM
I'll get the name and the part numbers for you when I get home.

I found the label for the white cloth. It just says "Finishing Cloth" 6 pack - made by Calderon Textiles. BarCode 51166 73006

I seem to have misplaced (lost in the abyss of my woodshop) the yellow label. If it resurfaces, I'll let you know. Anyway...they are both in the automotive section, near the carwax and cleaning stuff.

Ernie Nyvall
11-14-2005, 8:42 PM
If hat is a vahhse or vas, do we start calling you Jean LaHarte?

Nice piece Jean.


Gary DeWitt
11-14-2005, 8:50 PM
Makes sense to me, John. Now I can "see" how the grain runs from the original log. Thanks for the reply.

John Hart
11-14-2005, 9:02 PM
If hat is a vahhse or vas, do we start calling you Jean LaHarte?

Nice piece Jean.


Why Ernest! Where you been?


Ernie Nyvall
11-14-2005, 10:05 PM
Why Ernest! Where you been?

I've been working extra long hours... even on the weekends.:mad: Any spare time has been on clean up from the Rita wind. I got two black walnut trees and a box elder from it though. Looks like the box elder may have some flame in it and I got the roots and all from that. All three are 25" or more at the base. I thought I had the chain-saw I needed until these fell in my lap. Oh yea, there are also two wild plum trees in the batch... roots and all. I have most of the walnut pithed, but most of the BE is still in big chunks...all coated of course. I've been rearranging my shop to get what I can in there. I did turn one NE walnut bowl and gave it to the people who gave the wood. No pictures cause the camera was in LA. I'd heard that walnut looked better if it is not kiln dried and it certainly proved to be true in this case. That bowl had the regular walnut brown along with shades of purple and gold and pure black lines. I've gotta finish another bowl before this weekend for the other tree owner, but I took a break tonight.


John Hart
11-14-2005, 10:10 PM
Wow! Sounds like Rita was very very good to you! Sorta :rolleyes: Thats great news except for the work part. Hope to see some pictures soon. Oh...by the way...What color is the Plum wood?

John Hart
11-14-2005, 10:14 PM
Nice shiny piece John! I like her "beauty marks" too!

Geez Loy...I just saw your post. Thanks! Next stop is a natural edge turning out of this tree...Inspired by you of course! ;)

Ernie Nyvall
11-14-2005, 10:37 PM
Oh...by the way...What color is the Plum wood?
Well, it's about the color of the inside of a plum. Dark pink
