View Full Version : 24 x 26 shop build

Scott Buehler
03-15-2018, 9:33 PM
I had the footings and foundation poured last year when my house was built, now time to build my wood shop/ playroom. 24 x 26 was about as big as I could go without taking out my scrub oak and making my wife angry, but I think that space will work out just fine. My contractor stubbed in electrical with a separate100 amp service, as well as a gas line ran to heat the shop. I'm doing10 foot walls along with 12" foundation for a total of 11 foot height. Building in Utah and got a nice break in the weather, so I decided to get going on it. Only doing one 4 x 4 window, 1man door and 12 foot garage door.

Scott Buehler
03-15-2018, 9:36 PM
Laying out base for the walls

Scott Buehler
03-15-2018, 9:38 PM
And got a few walls standing

Scott Buehler
03-15-2018, 9:43 PM
Sorry, it's not letting me post more than1picture at a time.

Bryan Lisowski
03-15-2018, 9:59 PM
Good luck with the build and keep the shots coming.

Scott Buehler
03-15-2018, 10:04 PM
Thank you, got a bit of bad weather the last few days, but will start the roof hopefully next week.

Scott Buehler
03-15-2018, 10:16 PM
Is there a trick to posting pictures, im having a really hard time even posting one pic at a time?

Tim M Tuttle
03-15-2018, 11:49 PM
This is my favorite type of post on this board. Love seeing shop progress! I'm jealous. Would love to build my own one day!

Thomas Crawford
03-16-2018, 10:11 AM
Is there a trick to posting pictures, im having a really hard time even posting one pic at a time?

I put mine on flickr and then share the link.

Jim Becker
03-16-2018, 12:28 PM
You can upload up to 8 photos per post. You just need to either do them one at a time within your post or use the manage attachments utility to bring in multiples to a post simultaneously. I use the former so I can embed them in the text at appropriate points. While you "can" link images in from external sources, those image are then at the mercy of the hosting provider (take not of the recent Photobucket debacle that decimated forums globally) and they are not tied to the massive SMC archive for insured future viewing. SMC recommends uploading to this site so images and comments are preserved together.

Forum Moderator

Scott Buehler
03-16-2018, 2:51 PM
Thanks Jim, I'm having trouble even uploading them one at a time, but I'm sure I'm doing something wrong on my end, or maybe it's my phone. I'll try from my computer and see if that helps

eugene thomas
03-16-2018, 8:55 PM
All the posts on new shop construction bring back good memoirs. ..... because never took any pictures as process went on in my build.

Scott Buehler
03-17-2018, 5:09 PM
Trusses all set, roof on Monday :)

Scott Buehler
03-24-2018, 9:31 PM
Made a little more progress.

Mike Heidrick
03-25-2018, 11:59 AM
Looking awesome. In mine now hacking away at my elephant.

Scott Buehler
03-25-2018, 5:41 PM
Thanks Mike, yeah I'm hoping to be up and running by the end of April...if only I had as much space as you!

Scott Buehler
04-10-2018, 7:35 PM
Got my roof all done, should be starting on exterior in the next day or so. Going to do a mix of hardie board and rock to match the house. And hopefully my friend is coming to start the electrical.

Von Bickley
04-10-2018, 8:45 PM
Looks like you are going to have a nice shop. Enjoy seeing the pictures.

Scott Buehler
04-11-2018, 12:09 AM
Thanks! I'll get some pics of the inside tomorrow

Jamie Buxton
04-11-2018, 12:40 AM
Scott, are you trying to upload full-resolution photos from your phone? That might be the issue. Most phone's default is to take multi-megapixel images, but SMC realizes that readers will only be seeing much lower resolution, and so limits the size of uploads. Depending on your phone, you may be able to tell it to take reduced-resolution pics. Aim for 100 kilobytes or less. Or if your phone doesn't let you do that directly, use a resizer app to post-process the pics.

Mark Blatter
04-13-2018, 12:34 AM
Scott, if you are like me, not much got done today. Started off with a good rain fall, which turned to some snow mid-day. Hoping things dry out tomorrow for us both so we can keep working.

Scott Buehler
04-13-2018, 9:23 AM
Yeah it down poured all day long, I may get some work done today...looks like clear skies so far. Mark where in Northern Utah are you from? Im in Willard.

Mark Blatter
04-13-2018, 11:53 AM
Yeah it down poured all day long, I may get some work done today...looks like clear skies so far. Mark where in Northern Utah are you from? Im in Willard.

I am in Kaysville. And it is dry but cold and with the wind blowing I was only able to work for 30 minutes until my fingers were numb. Stopped and moved inside to work on a door I am building.

Scott Buehler
04-23-2018, 10:58 PM
Made a little progress the last few days.

Scott Buehler
04-23-2018, 11:01 PM
A couple shots from the inside. I only have one window besides the few I'm have in the top of the garage door, but at least the view will be nice.

John K Jordan
04-24-2018, 6:27 AM
A couple shots from the inside. I only have one window besides the few I'm have in the top of the garage door, but at least the view will be nice.

Windows are nice but to me the wall space in a shop is more valuable. My original plan for my 24x62 shop had 6 windows but as I put up the walls I decided to change that to three, and two of those are small and just for a little light, not for gazing.

I enjoy seeing your progress pictures - there's not much more exciting than a new building going up! Are you doing it all yourself? I did everything on mine from moving the dirt to wiring the lights, except for pouring the concrete, setting the trusses and muscling the roof panels. I tell people I built it with my bare hands but I lie, I used tools. :)


Jim Becker
04-24-2018, 10:01 AM
John, there's always the option to have both windows and wall space...windows can be mounted high on the wall to provide lots of natural light while not constraining as much continuous wall space in the arm-friendly area up to about 6'.

Scott Buehler
04-24-2018, 11:14 PM
Yeah John, I'd rather have more wall space, but did want some natural light coming in, between that window and having Windows in the top row of my garage door,,i think it will be plenty. Jim, it did cross my mind if putting Windows up higher, but I think I may try and do storage all the way up...we will see :)

Scott Buehler
04-24-2018, 11:17 PM
I have built everything myself and "by hand" except for the foundation and concrete. I do have a friend helping me with electrical, but am trying to do as much as I can with the minimal knowledge I have in electrical, haha

John K Jordan
04-24-2018, 11:30 PM
John, there's always the option to have both windows and wall space...windows can be mounted high on the wall to provide lots of natural light while not constraining as much continuous wall space in the arm-friendly area up to about 6'.

I didn't exercise that option - I use the walls all the way to the ceiling. Maybe I have too much stuff. Nah.

The clock in this picture is almost touching the 9' ceiling. My top shelves are long-reach-grabber-friendly and folding-stool-friendly for larger or heavier things. There is plenty of unnatural daylight-color light. (All the bright overheads are turned off in the photo - I use multiple smaller lights at the lathe to better judge curves and surface quality.)



Scott Buehler
06-05-2018, 10:46 PM
Been very busy last month or so, but started working on the shop again this weekend. Here are some progress shots.387223387224387225
Exterior paint is all done except for a little touch up here and there. Electrical is all ran. Im going down tomorrow to pick up insulation and sheetrock and will hopefully have walls up by next weekend.

Von Bickley
06-05-2018, 10:54 PM
Looking Good....

Randy Henry
06-05-2018, 11:36 PM
Very nice shop. They are a headache to build, but well worth the effort when completed. Your setting with the mountains in the background is incredible.

Scott Buehler
06-06-2018, 12:34 AM
Thank you Randy! Yes it will be nice when i can finally finish it up

Jim Becker
06-06-2018, 9:38 AM
It's nice when things start to actually look like what you envisioned the thing to be, isn't it? :) Lookin' good!

Tony Leonard
06-06-2018, 3:15 PM
Now, I don't know much about building and such, but aren't those studs supposed to run up and down?!?

Nice looking shop and view! I hope you have many years of enjoyment to come working in there. When I got mine, I had asked the builder to just pour the foundation with he intention of building the shop myself after we got over the shock of buying a new house. He asked me to sketch up what I wanted and let him quote on it. Well, when his quote came back within the margin of error of my estimate of my cost, we said "Go ahead!" He later confessed that he "cut his nose off" with that shop. I was thrilled to get my shop done. And, it matched the house, had plenty of juice, etc. They even made a mistake in the design and built the outside walls taller than planned -which was a happy accident (I think they just knew better than me and it was easier to build that way). Mine is much smaller - 16x20. That's all I thought I could afford at the time and also fit in the corner of our suburban lot. Thrilled to have it though! Felt cavernous at first - now I can barely walk in there.



Tony (wish I was in my shop right now!)

Van Huskey
06-06-2018, 6:28 PM
Now, I don't know much about building and such, but aren't those studs supposed to run up and down?!?

Not sure if you are being funny or serious but I am pretty sure his picture is just rotated. If not then there is a serious story about the picture on the previous page with the whole shop sideways that I wanna hear!

Looking good BTW!

Scott Buehler
06-07-2018, 12:16 AM
Yeah, I couldn't figure out the rotation on my photo, lol! Yes Jim I can see the light at the end of the tunnel finally. Tony, it sounds like your contractor have you a great deal! I thought about having our contractor build it but it saved me quite a bit of money. And for the most part, I have enjoyed building it myself :)

Scott Buehler
06-25-2018, 7:46 PM
Insulation...check. Drywall/ OSB...check. Paint...check! Started finish electrical and moving my tools in, just need to install my LED lights that just arrived from Amazon today. Garage door should be in next week and then just need to finish a little rock on the outside. :)

Scott Buehler
06-28-2018, 10:24 PM
Got a couple items delivered yesterday.

joel cervera
07-27-2018, 11:22 PM
Nice Shop! Thanks for sharing...

Van Huskey
07-28-2018, 12:56 AM
Got a couple items delivered yesterday.

Seeing a heater when it was near 100 here today somes wrong! :)

Scott Buehler
07-28-2018, 9:09 PM
Yeah it was probably a little premature fur the heater pic, lol. But Lowe's had a sale on it for the cheapest I've seen it, so I figured I would get it ready for when it does cool down. I did get my garage door on today. Waiting for my duct work to be done so I can get dust collection ran to all my machines390534

Scott Buehler
07-28-2018, 9:17 PM
I've also been working on my(small) spray booth, I've sprayed a couple jobs with it and so far, I've been pretty impressed. Especially since I built it for under 300.00 :)390535

Jim Becker
07-29-2018, 10:47 AM
That spraying station is pretty interesting...great idea for anyone working on smaller things. A lazy Susan on the "table" surface gets access to "every angle" of whatever you're spraying!

Scott Buehler
07-29-2018, 11:51 PM
Yeah it works great for door and drawer fronts,etc..and yeah I have a lasy susan, just not pictured:)

Michael Stockdale
07-31-2018, 2:48 PM
The spray booth looks kike a GREAT idea! Is that just an attic fan? Explosion proof motor? Plans?


Scott Buehler
07-31-2018, 4:55 PM
Thanks Michael, it works great! Not as good as my industrial fan of course but it's for my home shop. Its a Canarm explosion proof fan, it claims 3600 cfm and think that is fairly accurate.

Scott Buehler
08-06-2018, 6:34 PM
Finally picked up my ducting order and will start running to each machine, It will be nice having the dc back up and running :)

Scott Buehler
08-14-2018, 1:18 PM
I finished running my duct this past weekend, except for about a4' section of 4" running to my miter saw, which I'm picking up tomorrow. I ran my main line 7" and reduced to6" to each drop, then to 4" running each machine. Each machine has its own blast gate. Im pretty happy with the performance and suction at each machine so far. Here are a few pics..

Van Huskey
08-18-2018, 8:36 PM
Yeah it was probably a little premature fur the heater pic, lol. But Lowe's had a sale on it for the cheapest I've seen it, so I figured I would get it ready for when it does cool down.

I suppose the best time to buy a heater is in August... kinda like winter coats.

I also really like your spray booth.

BTW I drove through Willard on I-15 last week, gorgeous country but last week the mountains were obscured by the smoke/haze from the Cali fires.

Scott Buehler
08-19-2018, 12:45 AM
Thanks Van, yeah not sure on how they work the price on heaters, but that makes sense, lol. Yes the haze from the wildfires had been crazy this last month!

Mark Blatter
09-08-2018, 10:53 AM
Scott, where did you get the ducting from? I have been debating the age old question of metal v pvc for ducting and have not made a decision. I am leaning towards metal so wanted to see what sort of prices you paid.

Also, your garage door, where did you pick it up from? I checked a place in Ogden and they were about $750 for a 10' x 10' insulated with all the parts/track etc. That is for a metal outside vinyl inside.


Scott Buehler
09-08-2018, 6:15 PM
Mark, I got all my ducting from Clifco, down in Slc. Very reasonable pricing. I got my garage door through a guy I work with. Its a 8 x 12 door, insulated with metal backing. It was about 1300.00 Installed.

Mark Blatter
09-08-2018, 8:58 PM
Mark, I got all my ducting from Clifco, down in Slc. Very reasonable pricing. I got my garage door through a guy I work with. Its a 8 x 12 door, insulated with metal backing. It was about 1300.00 Installed.

Thanks Scott. I will call Clifco and see what they can do. I do like your spray booth too. Might have to copy it.

Scott Buehler
09-08-2018, 11:10 PM
Spray booth works great, good luck!