View Full Version : increasing dust collection on drum sander

cody michael
03-15-2018, 10:06 AM
I have a Grizzly dual drum sander. Everyone says that the dust collection is very bad.

I have a fan I am not using from a laser cutter I bought, do you think it would be possible to use this to boost dust collection. I was thinking of just running a duct out the back of my building, there is only a field back there.

https://www.sign-in-china.com/products/18983/exhaust_dust_and_smoke_blower_fan_for_laser_engrav ing_and_cutting_machine_550w_220v.html?ex=USD&utm_source=Googleshopping_us&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=googleshopping&gclid=CjwKCAjws6jVBRBZEiwAkIfZ2s8lUJCyntQbfi6a1TGz w0S_6tyBJZq-YbM0nzjun8NHlq41Dw7yiBoCYhcQAvD_BwE

Rick Alexander
03-15-2018, 10:57 AM
I've got the dual drum 24 inch from Grizzly and they are right - the dust collection is terrible. I run a 3 HP cyclone and 6 inch pipe to connect to the two 4 inch connection coming off it and it doesn't really get nearly all the dust. Also, it just plays heck on my filter every time I use it to flatten a bunch of doors or something. Running directly outside will be great to prevent the filter clogging but you'll still have dust on your piece. I just collect dust off my doors using a good vacuum cleaner as it comes out of the machine along with the cyclone and that works just fine. I have seen guys cut a big hole in the top to get away from the 2 4 inch connections and collect using a heat duct connected to a single 6 inch collection but I'm too chicken to try that. I don't use it that often so the vacuum cleaner deal works for my needs. Wish I had better - Timesaver would be nice - but it beats not having a drum sander at all I guess.

cody michael
03-16-2018, 11:53 AM
Thanks, I will use it more and see what I think.